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Everything posted by County-line

  1. NC Images from my parents backyard.
  2. County-line

    County Lines NC pictures

    Pictures taken around my parents NC home.
  3. County-line

    Water Lab

    From the album: County Lines NC pictures

    Sluce-way at the water lab with my girls modeling.
  4. County-line

    Coweeta Lab

    From the album: County Lines NC pictures

    This water lab is a USFS research lab down the road from the house.
  5. From the album: County Lines NC pictures

    My Father and my kids after we made the hike up. We could the see my dad's place from up here. It was about 4 miles away.
  6. From the album: County Lines NC pictures

    This was taken in Nov from the back porch. It's awsome in the early morning.
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