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Posts posted by katcol

  1. Have you read any Anne Rice books? Historical paranormal. I read The Witching Hour, Lasher, and Taltos...in that order. They are chronological. A lot of detail to remember during the book but the story is interesting.


    Recently read the 10 books by James Patterson of the Women's Mystery Murder Club. Chronological as well. Murder mystery..duh. :D

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  2. Agreed, 6:00 is still hot but thank God they acknowledged the danger in some way. Didn't catch the details but I just saw on the news (was it yesterday?) that yet another teen had died due to heat stroke after slipping into a coma for a week. SO NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I abhore lawsuits but I hope the family sues the pants off of the establishment that forced this type of training...if it was done with the same carelessness that is typical of the sport. Maybe the pocketbook would make a difference since precious lives don't seem to.


    Our son needs exercise but we were very relieved that he chose not to play football. That seems to be the sport that has the least concern for the safety of the kids in regards to heat. Pile them down with all that crap in the middle of summer training then send them out in the stifling heat and humidity and tell them to suck it up if they want to be part of the team. Just asking for serious trouble.


    Sorry. I tend to rant over disregard for childrens' lives.


    P.S. So many reasons to start after Labor Day. This being another one. We've had concerns about the heat on the bus in the afternoons. Last year we were told the kids could not even open the windows on busses that have no a/c! Bus broke down twice in the hottest part of this "newer" school year. The neighbor and dh went and picked up as many kids as they could. The rest looked like they were ready to pass out. A/C cost in the buildings has to be unreal, too. And don't whine to me about the heat cost would be just as much. They go in the winter either way. Who was it on here that loved the idea of starting back in summer?

  3. Don't have mine yet .


    But I got an income tax return , and I went to the court house to see if I could pay towards my house taxes. I had atleast half .

    I was told I couldn't . I have to wait until November .


    I'm so worried I'll spend that money before then


    Try putting it in a super secret savings account. I used to put stuff like that in the credit union so that I'd be very inconvenienced to get it out. Now we have brances out here, though. :ninja:

  4. Actually, no, I am not married, but I am female!!! Dad was "Charlie", and I'm his only child. After moving south, I found that Charli was a perfectly acceptable name ( I use Charli-ann sometimes so that there is no gender confusion) Would love to find a good man who loves fishing, camping, canoeing, hiking, scouts, shooting guns, riding horses, and farm life, but there are none left it seems.You'd think being loads of fun, not to hard to look at, and the worlds most incredible cook would help, but no luck.


    :rofl: NOW it all makes sense! :lol: :lol: I've always hated the name Charlie for a guy (my dad's name is Charlie, too :ninja: ) but LOVE the name Charli for a girl. Seems like a strong, sassy female name.


    Hey, with those credentials, maybe I'm still interested! :rofl: My guess is that most guys feel intimidated by you. May need to "up" your standards...lol.


    We're planning something new this summer. Stepping into the dreaded cheerleading and football arena. Should be interesting. Wonder how long we'll last. :ninja: Never done well with nasty parents. Meditating and chanting..."going in positive"...."parents are people,too"....

  5. I'm raising a grandson, and construction hasn't been that good for the past few years ( my profession). So, we're doing the "natural thing-mostly. As a Cub scout leader, we are going to Cub Scout day camp, the week after school lets out. I'm working there so it won't cost to much., and it will be loads of fun-bee-bee's, archery, outdoor cooking, crafts, building, knots, macrame, and scouting skills, including flag ettiquite.If anyone is interested, call John Volk at 770-714-8432-he's the director this year. Then, a week off and the following week off to encampment-6 days of nothing but camping out and boy type fun. In between times, we're going to go to High Shoals falls (off 61) a cool place to go with a waterfall and stream, down in the woods. My grandson and I were Baptized there last year and it holds a lot of good memories for us both. Probably will hit Coots Lake a few times, and go back to the Villa Rica Gold mine for panning and hiking. There's a place in GA where you can go amethyst mining for not to much money-so, we're going to try that. Lots of lakes for fishing, swimming, and picnics. Hoped to visit my daughter in Florida, but won't be able to if work doesn't pick up. Have a friend in North Carolina on the beach, and we'll spend a weekend with her-more swimming and surf fishing! Got a pool in the back yard, and will get as much use out of that as possible (along with a lot of the kids in the neighborhood) Going to keep up the "Back-Pack" program for our school (providing food for kids from the school who need it), and teaching at the Sunday school on Sundays (funny how that works out!) At $5.oo a ticket, we will catch a few more Rome Braves games, and tail-gate our dinner in their parking lot. That's an absolute HOOT-much better than going into downtown Atlanta.Maybe go up into the mountains once or twice for tubing in the streams-cold, cold water-great to cool off in ( to say the least) Other than that, tending to my garden ( want those home grown veggies ), getting the grass to grow, starting a multi-family chicken co-op for eggs, listening to the crickets at night with some fire-fly catching, the birds chirping in the morning, and if we're lucky, listening to the rain on the roof once in a while. I also like to hear the wind blowing through the pines when I can-magical sound. Finally, want to try camping at the Veterans camp on 101, and Tanner Park again-love camping. Well, that's it. WHAT DO YOU THINK!!!


    Wow.....Are you married? :lol: J/K! Sounds like a fabulous plan. Have a wonderful summer!

  6. Scentsy has the great ABC warmer that makes a very nice end of the year gift for that special teacher. My last day to order these to guarantee delivery for the end of the school year is Wednesday 5/18.


    Thanks for thinking for me. What are these and how much? I mean, are they candles or something different? Oh, it says warmer...does it require a tea candle?

  7. I'm confused. So, when Miley Cirus pays $5,000 a night for a hotel room, she will not be taxed on that? Etc, etc.


    Also, this will allow all the fine upstanding drug dealers to pay into the system.


    I think everyone resists change. That may be what this boils down to. If a family is making $10,000/year, can they really spend more than that to rack up such high taxes? My insurance, house payment, car, groceries, etc, etc, is less than any rich person. Why do we so begrudge anyone who betters themselves, think that we are entitled to their extra earnings?


    We didn't always have a sales tax. There was an adjustment there as well. Personally, I think that we could cut at least half of the government spending and therefore our tax rate but...what do I know?

  8. The big deal, Whitey, is that the hard-core Republicans want to go more toward a sales or consumption tax and to make that work means that groceries as well as services and even direct sales by individuals like cars are included.


    They want to do this because this kind of change in the tax base takes more of the burden off the wealthy and places it on the middle class and poor.


    from the article:




    When the burden shifts to the lower income folks, the wealthy rejoice in another victory in their quest to let the rest of us fund government and give them a free ride.




    Not sure how a consumption tax takes the burden off the wealthy. They would no longer get to use all those loopholes and deductions. Also, they consume on a higher scale than the rest of us so they would still pay more, unless my math is wrong.

  9. We now have to wait while the opposition has 10 days to provide cited cases to support their position of why our attorney's fees are out of line, and then somewhere between 1 and 8 months, based on previous rulings, before we get a new ruling, based on the ruling we got November 18th from the oral arguments presented on March 17th 2010.


    And the Good Old Boys of Paulding County continue to get their way.


    Yeah, I am disgusted. Can you blame me ?


    So, who reviews the work of their attorneys to see how many of their fees are out of line?

  10. I had the same question at first but after re-reading it, I believe it was a matter of potentially redistricting those 300 houses. Not building 300 more.


    Yes: Abbington, Canterbury Lane, Spencer Place and part of Carrington Lakes was set to be redistricted to Hutchins. If you have any clue how many car riders there are at Dugan, you know what a nightmare that would've been. My bet is it wouldn't have taken too long to have some horrific accidents there. After so long, people get frustrated and make turns they don't have time to make.


    Thank GOD the BOE reconsidered!!

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