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Posts posted by motherstork00

  1. This is for a friend....please if you, or someone you know could help lead him to a job - it would be wonderful.


    He is a hardworking & experienced Industrial(Pipeline & Utilities experience)Foreman/Crew Leader who has just relocated back to GA to be reunited with his children. He is desperately seeking a good job with a solid company - with the only request that there be limited out-of-town travel required. It is vital that he find a job asap, so he can get established here again and enjoy being with his children.


    This would truly be a blessing for him, as well as his 3 children.


    Please PM me and I will be happy to forward you his resume.


    Thanks and prayers would be appreciated. We are having faith it will happen for him.

  2. Going through it currently.....and from the looks of it......he only shows concern for the oldest (and mind you, the one that knows what he's been doing) only when it's good for him.


    I can tell you this - and I speak from current experience - today's justice system sucks major.


    I have pics of him with another woman, hugging, kissing, etc. The mediator said, and I quote "Well, 10 years ago with these pics...I could have got you life-time alimony, but nowadays....the opinion is "well...everybody does it".


    Makes me sick to my stomach.






  3. HUMONGOUS "Divorce" Yard Sale!


    Thu-Fri-Sat. 67 W. Chestnut Way. Chestnut Grove Sub.


    In New Hope...off of Old Cartersville Rd.


    TONS of stuff in the basement and it MUST GO!


    Baby stuff, pictures, furniture, ceiling fans, tools, ladders, plus tons more.







  4. It seems I have seen several here lately - especially around the New Hope area.


    I was in need of a rental house almost a year ago and went & looked at some and it scared me! So many properties in "builder abandoned" neighborhoods. A few in what looked to be "questionable" areas....and all asking quite a bit in rent. Happened to luck up and found a great house in a great area...but just be careful. I would maybe seek an agent to help....I ended up using one and she was wonderful. No cost to the renter...she reps the homeowner.


    PM me if you want her name & number.


    Good luck! :)

  5. Got the goods "free", I think. Check this out.....Paulding.com -> Got the goods unpaid you can NOT see the page, once you post your items but, the "paid" members can see it and then they will send you a pm!!


    Oooops, you may not even be able to see that, this is what it reads.

    (once your post has been made) Hope this helped you???




    You are in the Paulding.com Unpaid Got the Goods forum. Tis means you are a paid supporter of the site.


    The person who placed the ad cannot read it or see it here. As an unpaid member, they cannot come into this forum. If they were a paid supporter, their ad would appear in the GOT THE GOODS forum so everyone could see it, not just paid members.


    If you are interested in an item, you should PM the seller with questions or your interest as they will not be able to respond to your post.


    yea. i can't post there. am i doing something wrong??


  6. (9) 31" x 64" - 2 inch faux wood blinds from Lowes. White. Paid $50 a piece. Asking $20 each.

    (1) 36" x 71" - 2 inch faux wood blind from Lowes. White. Paid $60. Asking $25.


    All Hunter ceiling fans.

    18" 5-blade - Paid $120. Asking $50.

    (2) 19" 5-blade - Paid $120. Asking $50.

    20" 5-blade - Paid $190. Asking $95.

    23" 5-blade - Paid $230. Asking $110.


    I have pics of the ceiling fans. PM with your email addy and I will send.





  7. I need a rental house.


    Preferably in the North Paulding H.S. district. 3-4 bedrooms a must. Good neighborhood a must also. Since it will be "just us". ugh.....divorce is soooo ugly.


    Please PM me with what you got.






  8. P.B. Ritch's fall festival will be Oct. 5 (Friday night from 5-8) anyone interested in setting up table for FREE, please pm me!


    Yes it's FREE to set up a table!!! ** They just ask that you raffle away one small something at your table **


    Just pm me so I can get your name/number so I can let PTA know who and how many to expect!


    also we just ask you bring you own table/set up!






    I am interested. I do stitcheries. Please PM me with details.

  9. Nope none of those things...sorry. We have stuff here and in storage, so I plan on taking pics and trying to just sell on here. I just don't think I'm up for an actual yard sale here.


    I would much rather "keep up with the threads"...so how much is it to join?


    Right off hand...I know I have a HUGE barbie doll play house (like 3.5 feet tall) with tons of barbie stuff to go with it. I have two very, very nice (retail $400 each) baby beds that convert to day beds (mattresses too), couple of decent high chairs, and lord knows what else.


    Please let me know what it costs to "join" so I can see if it's worth my while.




    Oh...no shelves that I know of. But really, who knows what I may find. :)




    I need to know how much it is to join so I can post this stuff....Thanks!

  10. You can list it in the Got the Goods free section here on p.com but you cant see the ad people will have to contact you by PM




    You can JOIN :D and become one of us and post it in the Got the Goods public section and you can keep up with your thread.

    Do you have a toy box, wagon or sand/water table?? ;)


    Nope none of those things...sorry. We have stuff here and in storage, so I plan on taking pics and trying to just sell on here. I just don't think I'm up for an actual yard sale here.


    I would much rather "keep up with the threads"...so how much is it to join?


    Right off hand...I know I have a HUGE barbie doll play house (like 3.5 feet tall) with tons of barbie stuff to go with it. I have two very, very nice (retail $400 each) baby beds that convert to day beds (mattresses too), couple of decent high chairs, and lord knows what else.


    Please let me know what it costs to "join" so I can see if it's worth my while.




    Oh...no shelves that I know of. But really, who knows what I may find. :)

  11. I will be soon cleaning out and getting rid of some things.


    I am interested in an online yard sale with pictures.


    Can someone tell me what I have to do to do this...I'm thinking I have to pay or something? If so, to who, how & how much?


    Thanks much!


  12. What exactly are you needing done to it?Sending you a pm.



    I bought a tankini and a I want it "hemmed up" to more of a bandeau top. The trick is....at least I think...that in order to do it...a "stretchy thread" is needed. Otherwise, everytime I pull it over my head, it will begin to break.


    At the Lost Mtn place...she said "yeah, you are prob right, but I only use regular thread. you decide." I left.


    I know they sell "stretchy thread" and I have no prob buying it. I just need someone to do it for me.



  13. Hello!


    Seamstress needed...someone who knows what the heck they are doing. I went to the Lost Mtn. place earlier and the lady was rude.


    I have a bathing suit that needs to be altered.


    Please PM me and I will PM you back.



  14. I have the following for sale....it did not sell on Ebay. I will take $30 for the LOT. The Jacket alone is worth that...considering she didn't wear it but once....errrrr.


    See the ebay link for pic.




    I will take $20 for the Columbia Jacket. It is a great winter coat. She wore it only once or twice. First PM gets it. Thanks!







    I prefer paypal, but will take cash. First one to PM me will get. Thanks!

  15. While at Target last night for an "emergency" eyeliner run for my daughter :ph34r: , my lil one (6) wanted a toy. Well, I am not one of those parents that buy toys all the time, if they want something, they usually get a book or nothing. We were looking at toys and found one of those huge hoppy balls you sit on that has handles. It is about $17, has handles and can hold up to 300lbs! I bought it, came home and blew it up myself with this lil straw that came with it :wacko: and let them loose. My 14 year old was even hopping all over the front yard. The neighbor kid came over and hopped, I hopped (not recommended for big boobs :blink: ) and by the end of the hour we were all exhausted. I had one when I was little and loved it. A great buy and the kids (and adults) love it!

    *I left the T off greatest... d'oh



    Sounds great! Can you tell me exactly what it's called?



  16. anything in the medical/nursing field.



    Yeah...I just need something that doesn't require another 4 years of college....been there...done that. I am middle-aged (yikes*) and can't seeing doing that all over again.


    Getting old ...and considering a career change...sucks.

  17. teaching is hot :ninja:



    Actually thought about that...


    I have a college degree in business...I have heard of the TAPP program.


    I wonder...does anyone know the steps to take to get certified to teach when you already have a college degree in another subject? I wonder what the start up pay is?


    I understand it would be middle or high school ... which would be fine.


    I just need a major change.



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