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Everything posted by softballmom

  1. There are over 25 homes participating as of right now. But I am continuing to get last minute sign ups so could get to over 30!! Make sure to drive completely through the community in the past people had stopped at the first two streets and didn't go further down! There should be appropriate signs directing everyone through!
  2. Dont forget its this weekend!!! Hope the weather is nice for it..... But rain or shine - COME CHECK IT OUT!!!
  3. The Georgian Sale is 8am to 2pm! Hope to see everyone out nect weekend!!
  4. Hi there, The Georgian is having their Spring Community-Wide Garage Sale Saturday April 18th - 8am to 2pm*** I have almost 40 homes participating! Its gonna be the biggest one yet!!*** Mark your calenders and make sure to come out!! Be on the lookout for additional details from me as the date gets closer. I will have the number of homes participating. Directions: Turn onto The Georgian Parkway off Hwy 61 South. Stay straight and you will run right into is. Follow the signs - there are many sections with homes. Just follow our nice new signs!! If you need further direction
  5. I am going to go with my hubby's Birthday - Nov. 29th @ 6:14:28 pm. Would be a nice B-day present!!
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