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Arthur C. Rogers

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Everything posted by Arthur C. Rogers

  1. Well, when a federal building in Atlanta gets bombed, remember this guy's name. is that referring to me? in what way have i sounded so extreme that i would kill those i claim to serve? honestly i bothered that you would say that.
  2. contact info perhaps? we could possibly benefit one another
  3. perhaps you could help me arrange a meeting. if they still exist i will stop using the name i wouldn't want any of my view chasing people away from them.
  4. indeed but my feet are part shovel, and i will not be so easily put down my friend. clearly im approaching this the wrong way for may people seem bothered. so i will mend my strategy.
  5. your sarcasm is not lost on me and moral reform is my plan.
  6. mom of three the compound is going to be on the moon. just kidding and i ask not of you to follow me i only ask that your eyes see. thank you for stating your opinion and im sorry that my miss use of gramer up set you
  7. nc-17 i run for no position i have a plan (wich will not be disclosed on any website) the morale reform is not the main part of the plan and is still in the planning process. in fact the whole reason i am here is to find people to partake in a council of sorts in which we will discuss my plans and see how (people of all beliefs both political and religious who are intelligent and willing to discuss ideas) people feel about many of my ideals(several of these stem from my religious belief, but don't let tat dissuade your for this is for the people by the people and my capabilities shall not be
  8. the group to my knowledge has stopped meeting as i could get in touch with none of its members and they have not been at meeting spots for months. so i am attempting to rebuild it. do you have contact with them?
  9. your takeing my words out of context partially because im not conveying what i mean to say efficiently. we are not some dictator wanna-bees we only wish to help the people help them selves but i realize now nc-17 that nothing i say will change your opinion of me but i don't care. i dont need you there are hundreds of thousands more people who think as i do and are worried. and captain i agree about the propaganda but i dont see gloom i see a ray of light. and i think i will go for that walk honestly i was not pleased about the election but he is my president and i wish him only the best a
  10. good point and this is why i am gaining support because i can possibly see from every angle to handle all the different. but with people who do as you do i see more and more everyday
  11. like stealing, lies, cheating, using people, making things cheaply just because you want to save money, selling out your company to people who kill babies (al gore, but he has the right to do so) and just an idea but what if tv and video games promoted positive morales? and schools taught morality and positive life lessons and parents supported these by teaching them in there homes i know i cannot control any of these things but i dream of a time when i do not need to. we are the best country on the planet and we should lead by a shinning example like we currently claim to do.
  12. fair enough i mis spoke. i do not mean that im going to impose my beliefs on any person but by starting reform amongst imorality one could ultimately heal society
  13. Ladies and gentle men America is in a dangerous position. Our people are divided and ignorant(which is now mass produced in public schools). People vote based on a letter next to a name (if u don't know what im talking about then im probably talking about you) or by the color of a mans skin not the issues he stands for. Our government refuses to work together for the mutual betterment of the country. Those who make the laws and taxes don't live by them (or promise tax increaces to the rich and tax everyone but those who supported you the most) and live in high society. Yet everyday the people
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