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Posts posted by imascottsgirly

  1. My plans got canceled. Not because of the weather. We were supposed to go to our church picnic, but Hubby is really sick. Oh well. Other picnics, and other get togethers. I am a socialite though, so even though I haven't been well either, I sure could use the social time! :)

  2. This response is too late, but maybe it will be helpful to someone. I am a preschool teacher and we received great gifts from our class this year! Some of those include: rose bush, movie gift card, (and I really like this) manicure and pedicure! You know a massage would be a nice gift for a teacher too! Hope these ideas help someone. ;)

  3. My youngest son is graduating Saturday from EPHS also. We had a very tough year. It was so close on whether he would graduate or not that we didn't know for sure until 1:30 pm on Tuesday (after finals). Whew! He made it! I am so proud of him!! I love him so much and look forward to seeing him get his diploma. :)

  4. Wanted to add my account...I have a friend who lives across the street from where this happened and here's what she says occurred..


    The woman was home alone, car in the garage so the man didn't think anyone was home.  Apparently he and a female accomplice had been casing the neighborhood and decided on this house to break in.  The lady heard him come in and ran to her bedroom, grabbed her gun and hid in her bathroom hoping he would go away so she wouldn't have to hurt him.  He ended up coming into her bedroom so she came out and shot him twice in the chest.  He started screaming 'don't shoot me!' and ran down the hall, she shot again and missed him and he ran out of the house.  He was captured but the female accomplice was, at the time I heard this, still on the loose.


    I was driving home when this happened, along 92, and saw all the commotion.  The life flight landed at the Winn Dixie that is closed on the corner of 92 and 120.  The life flight said Emory on the side but I heard they ended up taking him somewhere else.


    I feel a little better knowing he didn't knowingly break in to an occupied house, he thought no one was home.  Our sleepy little town is growing a little too much for my liking.  That said, I would have shot hime before he made it to my bedroom, he would have been met at the door with a 357.


    Still waiting to hear more on the news about this, apparently Paulding doesn't rate very high on the news front.




    When I was at church tonight my friend told me that her sister lives just one house down from where this happened. She said that he opened her door and called out a woman's name. She went back to hide and get her gun and she heard him going through the drawers in her bedroom. She started to go out and he lunged at her, that's when she shot him. Apparently she had forgotten to lock her door. (That's what I heard). The story I heard is pretty close to the story that rdstans told. If I were the homeowner I would be scared too! I could imagine after all of that happening possibly running outside of my house. Who knows what we would do if we found ourselves in that situation. Best thing for sure is to keep our door locked! It's sad that you can't trust people today. :(

  5. I don't know how old your kids are. That makes a difference too. My son is 17 and he hangs out at the pool hall. I guess that is considered "uptown" by Squeaker. :) I have checked out the pool hall myself. The owner actually plays pool with the kids and his wife has worked with kids (don't remember exactly what). My son knows the owner and his wife by name though. Also alot of kids hang out at the mall. I agree about hanging out at each other's houses though. I like that idea. My son and his girlfriend are hanging out on my couch right now. Hope some of this info helps Luke.

  6. Bravo21 you are absolutely right. I live in a neighborhood that has called and called law enforcement because of drug activity. The house that is doing the "cooking" automatically moves it to the house next door before the bust. Makes you go "hmmm...."

  7. I was a substitute teacher in the county highschool for 6 years. It is unbelievable the clothing that the kids get away with wearing! It is absolutely fine to wear a Christian shirt. I believe that we have to stand up for Who we believe in. We can't stand by and let the minority take away our rights. Wear your shirt and stand your ground. God bless you.

  8. Jesus is truly the reason for Christmas! I want to thank You too Jesus. I want to thank You for salvation, for life, for love, for family, for Your providing, Your counseling, Your patience, and Your goodness. Thank you Jesus for loving me and accepting me just as I was, but not letting me stay that way!


    Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope that you experience the love of Jesus this Christmas.


    Thank you newtothis for your post. God bless you and your family!

  9. I know a couple of teenagers from our church that might do that for you. I was just talking to one the other night and she was saying how she loves to wrap presents! Let me know. I'm still up. Obviously LOL 404-578-8104

  10. JMW1


    Christmas is all about love. God loved us so much that He gave His Son. I pray that you will know the TRUE reason for Christmas and that He will bring peace to your heart. God bless you. Jesus loves you JMW1.

  11. Storylady, that would be fun to have a field trip to Hiram (sounds funny). Let me know if you put one together. I think we should put together a return adult trip to New York. That would be awesome! I enjoyed it so much, but I didn't have enough time there. I can't remember if I slept or not during the Museum of Natural History. I remember that I was so totally exhausted that I literally felt sick! It was fun though. I wouldn't trade that experience! My son was just 16 durning that trip. I asked him what his favorite part of New York was and he said "Phantom of the Opera"! It really surprised me. It was such an awesome play!

  12. My friend (known as Auntie Ruth) is a missionary and just had this family over at her house the day of the accident. She went to the funeral home tonight. The Kuemmel family attend Westside Baptist Church on Floyd Road in Mableton, GA. She said that the Kuemmel family donated his heart, lungs, and one kidney (the other one was too beaten up). The service is tomorrow (12-23) at Davis Struempf Chapel on the East West Connecter at 2pm. The concluding service is at Powder Springs Memorial Gardens. AJ has a broken shoulder. Please pray for this family. This poem was on the brochure for him at the funeral home:


    "I am Free"

    Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free

    I am following the path God laid for me

    I took His hand when I heard Him call

    I turned my back and left it all


    I could not stay another day

    to laugh, to love, to work, or play

    Tasks left undone must stay that way

    I found that peace at the close of the day


    If my parting has left a void

    then fill it with remembered joy

    A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss

    Ah, these things I, too will miss


    Be not burdened with time of sorrow

    I wish for you the sunshine of tomorrow

    My life's been full, I severed much

    Good friends, good times


    A loved one touched


    Perhaps my time seemed all too brief

    don't lengthen it now with undue grief

    Lift up your heart and share with me

    God wanted me now. He set me free.


    Author Unknown

  13. Shortergurl, where did you go to school? I went to NY with EPHS band and fell in love with Phantom of the Opera too! I didn't want to see the movie because I didn't figure it would do it justice. Please let us know how it is in comparison! Thanks!

  14. I truly feel for you. I heard about that this morning and cried. My son is on the Harry S. Truman over there. I got out my map to see how close he might be. He is not on the ground though. I know that the Lord must be the only way you got through today until you heard from your son. I will pray for you and all the families too. God bless you and please tell your son thank you for his service!

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