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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Posts posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. I just got back home from spending Thanksgiving with my parents, extended family and my two beautiful and loving daughters. It has been a bittersweet day for me, understandably, but it also took on a whole new meaning for me too. It really means a lot and helped me out to log in to pcom and read all the kind words you fine folks have left here. Rainy has been looming on the edge for almost three weeks before she finally passed on. I didn't want to post anything one way or the other since none of us knew what the outcome would be.


    I do take comfort knowing she was at peace when she finally left this world, and knowing that her suffering is over. It'll take me some time to get over missing her as much as I do. But I still feel very blessed to have my family and great friends like you folks. Your comments have also been a blessed comfort to me, and for that I thank you all.

    Subby, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I was shocked. I read this early today and have been thinking on it all day long. Me and Will have talked about you both all day. You know, when I lost my precious Mother, a few people said, "I dont know what to say". I realized that it may have seemed general and generic before but when I was in deep grief, not even knowing fully how I felt, that meant a lot. It showed me their genuine "want" to say something- ANYTHING to help in my pain but had no idea what that "thing" was. And they certainly didnt want to stumble through words that would hurt, unknowingly.

    I hope you understand my point. I think you will- you a sharp good ol Boy. I DONT know what to say but I do value our friendship, I DO love you, I DO think VERY highly of you and trust in you. I am hurting for you and in part, with you.


    You will meet again. You have a deep understanding of those things, I know you. But, death still stings and we still feel the bite of it in this life. Praying for you and thinking of you.

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  2. Hey sweety! I think "it's" tearing "me" up!! :lol: YES, I am still building computers, even more so with the down season on mowers. I would love to take the stuff. Even if some of the machines are slow compared to today's standards, I can usually get them running fast enough (adding RAM, etc.) for novices who just want basic internet and don't have much money to spend. I was just thinking the other day about just how old my main server computer is- it was custom built for me before I got laid off like SIX or SEVEN years ago. It's a dual core Intel 4 processor, but it still seems to keep up just fine with my newer and faster processors. ;) Just give me a call around that time and we can hook up. Thank you so much! :wub:




    Thank yall for reminding me why I gave up the news!! Still don't know the guy, but I get the point. :lol:

    Will do! I hope you can make use of them. They are yours.
  3. Hey Love(Subby):pardon: ,


    I dont have any of those but Will came home yesterday and told me that he has a "truckbed FULL" of used computer stuff(monitors, towers, etc.)from his shop and remembered me saying that you were into repairing that sort of thing. Dont know if you still are and it is TOTALLY fine if not. But, my Dad can bring a carload to you after Thanksgiving when he visits us(he lives in New Hope). Absolutely free. I dont know enough about that stuff to even know if its pure trash or "useable" to someone.


    Hope you are tearing it up!:drinks:

  4. I have a really great person that does very professional resumes and is a professional writer. He is in Douglasville and reasonable, especially since you are in a tight spot right now. Let me know if you'd like his contact info. I think its hard enough to compete in the job market now and a resume usually helps a LOT, even for jobs that do not request them- it's impressive.


    Good luck...:) . I'm a Mother, too, and I cannot imagine the pressure you must feel.

  5. Firstly, I am so sorry you and the baby are having to go through this. Difficult for all involved. That said, if you were in PC, I can assure you this Judge doesn't feel that way. In fact, this county has some of the best DFACS and GAL's and the Judge is for the child. Move back to PC and get it taken care of.

    Thank you and that really IS encouraging. You all would be astounded if you had heard and seen the way he spoke to us at the last hearing. We are not perfect but I KNOW that we HAVE to be some of the VERY best foster/adoptive parents that this countys DFACS has had.


    This Judge was well known for not giving kids to family members. We could not be any more polar opposite than her "parents" and do not allow them in our presence EVER. But, he didnt give us a chance even after we were cleared by DFACS itself(background check, home inspection, financial records, etc).


    I just pray this young man gets the help and the rehab he will need to function as a healthy person and contribute to society.

  6. Let me just add this:


    as Will and I have been jumping through hoops trying to adopt this little baby(cracked skull by her parents, if you can call them that....and SECOND child taken into State care), I have seen the nasty side of this sort of case. I was sooooo hoping we would be ENCOURAGED by the process as I have always had a VERY negative view of the State and DFACS. No such luck. Our view is only worse and THIS time, it is firsthand.


    Let me just tell you all, the State puts THEIR wants and desires over children. MANY Judges feel they are God and have no one to answer to and their "subjects" are too afraid of them to expose them. I could type 5 pages on this. Our story could be a Dateline or 20/20 story, no kidding.

  7. WOW!!! I hope you get your things back- especially the sentimental ones. I can sympathize. Our house was broken into and robbed last year. Thankfully, they werent interested in anything that was my Mothers- only things you can "plug into a wall".

    I sooooooooooooooo hope you bust these sorry a$$es. I'm sorry someone violated you this way.


    How much does Pcom rock?!?!?!:wub: ^_^ 8)


    Sending good thoughts your way...:) .

  8. I'm R-E-A-L-L-Y sorry, but I have NO SYMPATHY for the BIOTCH who hit these people and fled. They need to find her and choot her. Prayers to the victims.


    My son-in-law saw this accident and was very concerned when he came home.

    Same here! Why do people drink and drive???? I dont get it. Plan ahead a little or call a cab or a friend. So sad.

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