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Everything posted by AmyDennisWehrle

  1. Life gets a little crazy sometimes. I lost touch with P.com for a little while because of everything going on. Please allow me to catch up anyone who is interested... My son joined the Marine Corps in November of 2009, 6 months after graduating from high school. (proud) He graduated from Boot Camp in January of 2010. (so proud and happy after 3 months of not seeing him or hearing his voice) He was sent to Camp Pendleton in California, where he earned the title of a Recon Marine, graduating in February of 2011. (even more proud. It's TOUGH!) He then went to Jump school in Ga (WooHoo!!) and
  2. I have a similar DAILY situation with a high schooler who is always behind me after school lets out. He swerves back and forth across the double yellow line, rides in the oncoming lane up a hill towards a curve, and passes me the first chance he gets with no blinker and while dangerously close to packed school bus! This is all happening on Hwy 92 and 120. And yes, I have his tag #. He also has a buddy in another vehicle who does the swerving on 92, but I can't get his tag # because he never goes around me. He pulls into the middle school, probably to pick up a younger sibling!! I wish these pa
  3. I'm not saying I agree with what these Marines did. And I did say I would be devastated if it happened to my son. Therefore, I did put myself in another mother's shoes. I'm just saying it's not my place (or yours) to judge them. We don't know what these guys are going through. Even as a mom, I'll never know what my son is going through. I'm not sure I would want to know. I would hope that I've raised my son not to do something like this. But I wouldn't love him any less if he did. It wasn't right, but how much has been done to our Marines by the enemy that we don't know about? Do you honestly
  4. I didn't take the time to read all the posts, but let me just say this; My son is currently overseas. If he kills someone who was trying to kill him, I don't care what he does to the body!! Yes, I would be devastated if it were the other way around, but I love my son, not the enemy!
  5. I told myself I was going to stay out of this, but I just can't. Facts are coming forward which completely clear the driver of any fault. (I knew this already, knowing this driver personally.) The roadway was clear, (nobody in the middle of the road at that point) and the driver was focused on the kids at the stop he was approaching. So yes, he was going very slowly at this point. The kid involved is constantly running out into the street in front of cars and school buses. Looks like he thought it would be funny to run up and slap the bus as it drove by. The kid hit the bus on the driver's
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