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Status Updates posted by Nyx13

  1. Well... there goes my morning news source. When did the Daytona Beach News-Journal's online edition became a paid subscription?

  2. "What lies behind us and what lies before usare tiny matters compared to what lies within us."-Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. There is nothing like therapy... What do you say Betty?

  4. Life is grand! I got to torment my daughter. What more could I ask for on this wonderful Saturday afternoon. :)

  5. Great! I busted my phone. Definitely could've done without that. Grrr.

  6. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. "I wouldn't want to be that person when it's time to go and stand in front of God to answer for all they've done" - the words of the biggest hypocrite I've even known. Yeah... I wouldn't want to be you either. I'll answer for my own mistakes but I'm done paying for someone else's.

  7. So excited about my new dining room set being delivered today! Finally, things are starting to get back to normal and I can devote my energy to making a house feel more like a home.

  8. There is all kinds of energy swirling around this morning. I can't decide if I'm excited, restless, or moody all the way around. Must be that Blue Moon...

  9. And the virus bug found out where we live too. One down, two to go. Gotta love the beginning of the school year.

  10. The actions of a man who doesn't say much about himself speak louder than those of a man boasting how great he is.

  11. At times I wonder about events that shape our lives and people that touch us during our journeys. We always think that there is plenty of time to thank those people for the joy they brought to us. Life is a busy thing...My grandmother in Russia passed away today. I haven't seen her in close to 20 years but I have often thought about summers when we would visit her. Her big smile and generous hugs were always aplenty. She was a simple woman, leading a simple life but even as a child I wa...

  12. It's not the destination that makes it all worth it. It's the journey that you take to that destination.

  13. OMG! Somebody please, teach me to drive!!! Will pay extra if you help me get my license within 2 weeks.

  14. 6 months went by in the blink of an eye. My list is down to 3 unchecked marks.Driven.

  15. My daughter is terrrrrific! [;

  16. Thanks for adding me! :)

  17. I am not mysterious. It is simply an evasion tactic. Half the people are awed by my words and the other half find them ridiculous. In both cases I get the results I want. They leave me alone and I don`t have to explain myself.

  18. It's not important how someone comes into your life... what is important, is why.It's not important why someone touches your life... what is important, is how.

  19. Some answers come to you in the most unexpected ways but you must listen in order for you to hear.

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