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About Portabella

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Place of Residence
    Other in County

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    Not Telling

About Me

I am new to Paulding county...I grew up around Tryon and my Grandmother raised hogs.


We were poor for most of my childhood but I didn't know any differen't, until one day I went to Atlanter...


After I seen some of 'em big houses down thar, I decided it wuz fer me.


I went to that school down by the Varsity...over on t'other side of the xpressway...some calls it the N. Avenue Trade School...I jus called it Teck.


Now I'm in the Mushroom busziness...resternets will pay a purty penney for some varieties like 'em Japanese ones and those Port-Bellie 'uns.


It seems that folks'll pay a lot fer somethin' that I can grow by keepin it in the dark and feed'n it lots of cow and chikin poop...that I git fer free!


In that way they're a lot like Democrats...

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