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Posts posted by Subby

  1. I am not understanding my teenagers math homework at stinkin all.


    I have NEVER EVER used math like this crude in my day to day life grrrrrr :angry2:


    I feel your pain......I show them the EASY way to figure it out, then struggle to show them how to let the teacher know they did it "their way'...;)

  2. This is one of my favorite things to make!!! I split mine in half from side to side, then season with garlic salt, and either bay seasoning or celery salt....then I grill it on the grill. I baste the fool out of it with my own concoction of BBQ sauce. And man....it's one of my favorite dishes!

  3. I should have gone back to working on old photos for people but I had a great time today sitting at a table outside of Bandido's and talking with some of P.com's greatest people.


    I haven't laughed so hard in a long time as Oscar, TBAR and I worked on how we could take part in the Live Nativity event on the square on Friday Dec. 12.


    What a great time and a great day to hang out outside. I hope we can do this again nest week.


    Bring your TV tables, chairs, and some food and join in if it is not raining.


    P.S. I listened to Subby's piano CD of Christmas music on line ---- it is great. I plan to have this playing in the studio during the holidays.


    Thanks Nick. Always a pleasure seeing you! :) I was gonna talk to you about band pics....but time didn't allow, not to mention all those blabbering pcommers!!! :lol:


    I kid, I jest!! It made my day more than I could have ever thought it was going to be. Thanks to all of yall. You're all GOOD FOLKS!!! :D


  4. Punch you? No way. Discussion & debate are the cornerstone of how our society & gov't works.


    Just watch out for Pubby. If he offers you "water" be very, very careful. Last time he gave his fish some fresh "water," he poisoned the littler feller with bleach.


    Jist razzin ya! Pubby is intimidating enough, so don't worry about that! :lol:

  5. Subby! You da man!


    I wouldn't say "legendary" as much as I would say "just a normal, everyday, down-to-earth" person. Except I have lunch with Pubby, LPPT & Oscar a bit too much.


    'Twas great meeting you today. We did have a good time --- sitting out there telling anyone who would listen about our "Protest" against the injustices of the City of Dallas.


    Laughed a lot.




    Laughed some more.


    Then Pubby went off on one of his liberal rants into the Realm of the Yetti ....


    We need to do this again.


    What say ye, Subby? And Nic Cole? And JH? And the rest of the Not Normal Society?


    It was a hoot, to say the least. It was a total pleasure to chew the fat with you....I'm still grateful that you didn't punch me in the nose after all of our verbal wrestling matches online. (even though I know it had it coming :p) just attests to the fact that you are a fine man, indeed. :D We'll do it again sometime. I'll have to go back up there again pretty soon anyway to get one of Pubby's cohorts to show me how to work my commerce thingy. All new territory for me, ya know!

  6. I drove up to Dallas to get my commerce membership going (Yaaaayy!!!) and they were still out to lunch. So I see nicholas the photorapher sitting outside at Bandido's with this other guy. They asked me to join them, so I got me a coke and sat with them...it was a beautiful to do that! Anyhoo.......after talking to this other guy with Nick, it took about 15 mins before I realized I was talking to the infamous TBAR!!!. Man, I was trippin! Then, soon after, Pubster, and LPPT came along and joined us. It was a hoot. I even met Mason Roundtree! It was like a celebrity luncheon. Very cool!!!!


    and......I'm going COMMERCE!!!!!!! While I was in Pubby's office I got to more appointment calls right next to each other, then on my way home, I run into this guy who recognized me and hired us for a private party!! Woo Hooo...it don't get much better than that~

  7. I have never been to a luncheon....hope I can get there. I do not know many..just ask for Paulding.Com's group?


    It's not very big, and given how many people are coming, I'm sure you'll find us! :)

  8. Yes i told him not sure if he was paying attention or not we've been having plumbing issues so that has been a top priority this week. I will remind him again tonight and have him get back to you.


    Sounds good...and I'll see YOU on Friday at lunch!

  9. Anybody else coming???? trying to get a headcount so we can make sure there are enough people there to make the experience wonderful.....


    Did you get my schedule to your boss man??


  10. I'm more than happy to help in any way I can!


    BTW -- did that "new" copy of Windows work for you, that was still in the shrinkwrap?


    Yeah, I used it on an older machine I built for my brother. I took out the network card and installed a dial up modem, and loaded him up. Good to go!! Thanks!


    Any ball park number on what it costs to get a website built?


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