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Everything posted by Charlottefairchild

  1. People who have lost a loved one can answer that question with their experiences. Hunger is a gift. Starvation is the problem. People who are hungry aren't starving, because hunger disappears when people are starving. Hunger is not the problem and never was, but starvation has always been the problem, and gluttony. The Buddy System, Best Buds, Bud Sys for short. I am speaking about this at Emory University at the Medical School in a large auditorium on Saturday. http://www.imvc.org
  2. There is a new Meet-up called Buddy System. It was started to prevent crime by a nonprofit named Fear Thou Not in Paulding County. http://www.meetup.com/Safety-Awareness is the site address. Some people go shopping alone, to the movies alone, to dinner alone and shopping. Many people like being alone, but does it prevent crime? Can using the Buddy System prevent crime? Law enforcement uses the Buddy System. Boys and Girls Scouts use the Buddy System. Divers, kayaking, ice fishing, and ALL the military branches use the Buddy System. So why don't we? I thought I would have a party
  3. The website is http://www.IMVC.org and it stands for International Medical Volunteer Conference which started the Global Health and Humanitarian Summit.
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