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Everything posted by mucho5

  1. Trust me, you're preaching to the choir, EJ78. I get how it works. I just wish other people understood how it works:)
  2. "Life is full of risks. Take reasonable precautions. Life isn't fair in spite of what some want to believe." I took this quote to mean that you were suggesting that some people whose homes were devastated by flooding took a risk by not having flood insurance, that they did not take reasonable precautions, and now they have to deal with the unfairness that their properties flooded. My bad for misunderstanding this part of your statement. Please don't get angry; I guess I got the statement wrong. I think one serious disaster could put most families over the edge. Great point.
  3. The other option is to let those damaged homes be foreclosed on and fall in to complete disrepair. I don't think homes devastated by flooding and abandoned by owners with no flood insurance would help boost the home values in the Paulding county area.
  4. Are you suggesting that the government get involved in mitigating the cost of flood recovery? The GOVERNMENT telling US what kind of insurance we need? That's not gonna go well on this thread.
  5. Used to be that neighbors and communities took care of each other. Now it's so much of "every one for him/herself," "what can I get," "how much can I get for my family and myself?" Me, me, me. There are enough people with enough local resources (equipment, TIME (everyone's talking about how bored he/she is with school out), energy, etc.) to tackle these flooded homes. Of course, this would require communities to organize themselves and SHOW they care about people in their communities who are suffering. Since when did decent people start turning their nose up to human suffering and finding
  6. All right, I'll say it. Are you ready? Here it is--completely based on my mere feelings: If teachers report tomorrow, students will have to report on Friday. It's what folks in the restaurant business refer to as a "soft opening." Of course, if there's still a boil advisory, teachers will get what amounts to two of their lost work days back from the furloughs (Thurs and Fri). I know, I know, we won't get our furlough pay back, but TWO WORKS DAYS would be nice!
  7. Since teachers report tomorrow, teachers won't have the whole week to make up. Hmmmmmm . . .
  8. You drink out of the water fountains at schools!? I see students spit loogies(sp?) in those things every day!
  9. I got my email from principal at SPHS stating that teachers report Thursday. Email stated not sure about school for students on Friday, but will know tomorrow.
  10. Just received email from prinicipal at SPHS stating that teachers report tomorrow, Thursday, from 8-4. No students report, though. Email states not sure about Friday for students, yet.
  11. I just received an email from principal at SPHS stating that teachers report tomorrow, Thursday, from 8-4--no students report, though.
  12. I teach at SPHS and just received an email saying that teachers at SPHS report to school from 8-4 tomorrow, Thursday.
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