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Posts posted by momof2

  1. Come in and try our new summer cupcake ORANGE CREAMSICLE! It will melt in your month it is so good!



    I can vouch for this...the Orange Creamsicle cupcake is Decadent Blissfulness. The ones I purchased did not stay in the house for long!(15 minutes tops) :yahoo:

  2. Stopped by on Thursday--OMG!! I can't come in your place ever again!! I have no will power!! The peanut butter cake bars w/icing and the brownies were absolutely fantastic!! The eclair was a little slice of carb heaven!! Not to mention the friendly folks serving me --- Great Job!!! Spreading the word to family and friends--hope to never need the local grocer's bakery again!! Bumble Bee Bakery ROCKS!!

  3. My oldest son was the same way--pulled him from honors in 10th because he was just plain LAZY- Let him fail a class and then forced him to attend summer school to make up the credit!-But he picked up the ball in his Junior year, graduated in top 10% of his class and know is doing great in college--Just got a B in Statistics!! WOOOHOO!!

    My youngest son is total opposite--drives him nuts if he doesn't get A's--I have to try to reverse some of the pressure he puts on himself (Well, not too much because I'm counting on him to take care of me someday!! LOL--Just kidding)!! I think they are all so different, probably not just a guy thing.

  4. Your son is smart,sat's will carry him further than a prom. :good:




    I was going to let this one slide--but --


    You can do both--My DS is in the top 10% of his class--this is not an either/or situation--SAT's are given at different times--



  5. I stressed to several of my friends who have sought help from their doctors, that they are NOT crazy, but their situations are spinning out of their control and that is making them feel this way. I told my GYN back in November that I was really in a bind and now I am on HRT. I know its controversial, but now I don't want to kill people! LOLOL!

    And my family loves me again!

  6. If you don't want to do a meat-corn casserole is a quick really cheap thing--


    1 Box Jiffy Corn Muffin mix

    1 stick butter

    1 can whole kernel corn (drained)

    1 can cream corn

    1 sour cream (8 oz.)


    Melt butter. Mix all ingredients together and bake at 325 for about 30 minutes or until golden brown on top. I know there are variations out there on this, but this is my version. It does better in a smaller casserole dish, it tends to dry out if the dish is too large and the mixture spreads out too thin.

  7. I have also had good experiences with this clinic. The first time they found out that in addition to horrible bronchitis( that my doctor had told me was Upper Respiratory -no chest x-ray) that I had pneumonia(verified by radiologist)!!! Took my oldest in and he had strep! Both times we received great care. I still use my own (new)doctors, but for after hours or when my own doctor can't see me, they're great. (PS__have found new doctor that will listen to me when I say, "I really feel like it's it my chest")

  8. My 19 year old has it right now--he had it a lot as a child so we had tonsils out. Now he has with a monster headache, 101.5 temp, and horrible achy feeling, but not a bad sore throat--it's also in his chest. Thank goodness for Physician's Immediate! We thought he had the flu, but it was strep. This is the second time he has had it as an older teen and it really knocks him for a loop!! The doctor explained that the bacteria can go anywhere in the respiratory system, not just throat.





    PS--I HATE STREP!!LOL!!(like anyone likes it)

  9. Zep has a laminate cleaner--I buy it at the Big Orange Home Store in Hiram--I lightly mist it on the floor and mop it up. I understand your irritation.

    We have the laminates and have several spots that have "puckered up" where our dog has had accidents. If I knew now what I knew then, I would have bit the bullet and went with hardwoods.

  10. Only Martin's can make gravy, biscuits and country fried steak like my Dad used to! I hold them personally responsible for my cholesterol count!LOL!

    It is truly southern breakfast at its best (Cracker Barrell is second!) I laugh at myself because I go through the drive-thru and order a large steak, egg, cheese biscuit with a side order of sausage grave and a Diet Coke!! Is that not ridiculous!!

  11. We currently own 2 Focuses(plural spelling?? LOL) and so far they are holding up well. We have had one for almost 2 years and have had no major issues. Comfort? not really, but our purpose was for a safe, gas efficient 4 cylinder. Bought both newly used (22,000 on each).

  12. Can't believe I am opening this can of worms--But, do women really "steal" men? Are men really poor, helpless, defenseless creatures who are unable to control their natural urges? Do they really not have a CHOICE? Please, I am so over the whole idea. He made his choice. It was his choice to make, and he was not a helpless pawn in some battle between 2 women!!


    Oh well, just my rant. But I like Angelina, DH prefers Jen--lol--I really think it's about the California girl look vs. the Smoldering Classic Beauty.

  13. OMG! We love Phat Phil's--so reasonable, no traffic, no wait! My picky teenagers LUVVVV!!! it!! Try the fried pickles!! And the gyro!! And the chicken alfredo!! and the ribs!! And the bread pudding!! LOL!! WE LOVE PHAT PHIL"S!!!!

  14. I have enjoyed my Pergo, but the Armstrong in my Kitchen has held up very well also. I have a little four legged monster and have a few places that have "bubbled" up from her "accidents" (j/k--i know it's my fault!) But if you get water/liquids up quickly, it's okay. I would probably do hardwood next time for the money.

  15. My best friend and I just got back from there! WOW! The cashiers kept asking if we were ready to check out and we kept yelling--"NO! This is great!! We're not leaving!!LOL!! (Pretty sad that this is our idea of a good time!!) I LOVED NOT UNLOADING MY CART AT THE REGISTER!!!! Sorry, for shouting, but that is a wonderful treat!! Bakery & Deli --awesome--what a big change from my usual!

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