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Everything posted by mason1233

  1. brandon elsberry happens to be my ex and this has me worried sick. i live in paulding and will do anything i can to help find him please contact me at mclements1995@yahoo.com. i really want to help. thank you.
  2. No i mean the video i just showed you up at the top was not mine. i just want to se if i can get rights to the song so that i may use it. i have yet to use any copyrighted material.... do you think it would be okay if i just learned the song on piano and then just played it and record it and then put that up or do the same rules apply?
  3. Hey guys, my friend and i are trying to this thing on youtube and were advertising our website. well we want to do videos and stuff like that but the music on the video i just made was me playing the piano along with a little computer programing involved. You see the next video we want to make we want an actual song that comes from the movie the titanic. but you can't get famous on youtube if you use copyrighted material. i mean you can but they don't like you to and if you do it too much they'll delete your account. see what i want to know is how would i ask permission to get and use this so
  4. Hey guys, I have a little bit of a problem. see there is this extremely old upright piano at a diner that i eat at almost every weekend. i play that piano all the time because the owner and everyone there is amazing and friendly and because we all know each other and it's basically the same people every weekend. ha! anyways, I was just wondering if there was a certain way you had to tune that kind of piano and if so how? I know you have to do each individual key and string. I also have a friend who has a tuning wrench but do you have to listen for a certain sound? or do you just make sure the
  5. Hello everyone, I am need of someone or anyone to please show me how to video edit. I have windows movie maker xp... I want it to look similar to the video at the bottom of the page. Is this possible with the program i have? If not would anyone be willing to help me with it or give me the name of the program that i need? If you would like to do it then i will try and meet your price. keep in mind though, i am only fourteen so i'm not rich... I will be on here for a few more hours checking in and out and please respond as soon as possible. thank you all and have a blessed day. P.S. When
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