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Deputy Gomer Pyle

Mayberry Sheriff
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Posts posted by Deputy Gomer Pyle

  1. I do what you say and have been doing it successfully for a long time but then sometime in the last few months the image would appear sometimes and sometimes it wouldn't. I don't know of anything I was doing differently.


    Golly ButterflyLion, something must not be right if the video doesn't show. My suggestion is to try copying the video URL again from the browser address bar because you may have missed the last number or letter from the video ID.


    For the link to work properly, make sure it has these components:

    1. www.youtube.com/ and NOT youtu.be/
    2. watch and a question mark ?
    3. v= (as if to say "video is")
    4. the unique alphanumeric video code such as dQw4w9WgXcQ
    5. www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

  2. There was a time when you could just paste the URL onto the post. What happened to that?

    From what I can recollect, I believe that ability started within the last few years. It probably won't be removed in future forum software upgrades, but I continue using the media tags just to be thorough.

  3. Want to share a YouTube video on Paulding.com? Here's how to embed the video in your post.



    1) Copy the YouTube video URL from your browser's address bar. Do not use the truncated link from the "Share" tab that looks like

    The correct format for the video URL is




    2) To embed the video in your post, click on the media.png "Insert media" button. It is above the composition box, all the way on the right.


    3) Paste the YouTube video URL into the text box that pops up and click on the "Insert Media" button.



    The result should look like this





    A recent forum software upgrade made it possible to embed a YouTube video simply by pasting the full video URL without using the media tags. However, this may change again in the future.

  4. thank you Gomer. It wasn't personal. Don't know where you've been hiding, but this has all been discussed ad nauseum in the last few days.

    I haven't been on patrol recently, just responding to calls. I'm not sure why nobody else changed the titles, perhaps I missed a memo. As far as I know, it shouldn't be allowed.

  5. And it's not Paulette's web site.........so why does the title suggest otherwise. Just like my thread wasn't Will's web site. :wacko:


    Tsk, tsk, tsk, the site's favoritism is showing again. Things like this really take away the credibility of anything posted here.



    Exactly! I see only one of the title's was edited. And they wonder why some won't come here. I'd say it's painfully obvious.


    Though you'd like to believe that (and it may be true with some people, heck I don't know) this instance has nothing to do with favoritism. I noticed a URL of a non-commerce member in the title of a thread so I changed the title. I did not have time to go through the entire forum and did not see that there was another thread. I'll go look now.

  6. Now how ridiculous is this?? Looks like Will didn't reserve his name either. LOL




    William Avery registered willavery.com in October 2006. However, this William Avery is a creator of educational children's music. Maybe he thought to register willavery.com to protect his name from a spoof site, perhaps after seeing that a Deborah Avery registered williamavery.com in June 2004.




  7. Yep, gets me to open them everytime, unless I happen to look over and see who the poster is, and I didn't on this one.

    I'm always amused by thebookworm's clever titles. Before I open a thread, I always look to see who started it and what forum it is in. I just had to see what all the replies were for this thread. :)

  8. Thank you for answering the police question. When a topic like this is posted, one of community safety, people sit on it expecting an immediate response. Lesson there is not everyone who posts just sits there waiting for a chance to comment back.


    Sounds like our citizens needs to be ever more diligent where the safety of their loved ones are concerned.


    Safe travels thru Mayberry, you hear?

  9. How do I deal? I send a warning if I can, and if not I shoot. :)


    Depends on the issue at hand.


    sometimes it is best to agree to disagree, Then sometimes it is best to just move on and not bother with trying to have a good debate or conversation.


    someone has to wrong at times.


    I see nothing wrong with having a good debate, but when name calling, and meaness comes out then it is time to walk away.


    Now that right there is one smart lady!

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