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Posts posted by dogwood

  1. halo I should have done this earlier and feel so badly for not doing so.  Shawna never should have been attacked as she.  Why her???? why pick on her like that..

    I am surprised that it went as far as it had..


    These people who came on here are on the in...Dogwood, Shawna, et..

    I am not on the "in" as I was not involved other to donate to the Charity, I did not see it as a gift but a donation....they know more than we all do as I assume pubby does too.  All has not been aired as others know...

    This has nothing to do with the split...from p.com


    I do feel that There should be an appology for the way Shawna was attacked...


    Well said! I've been trying to catch up w/ that part..Die Hard, knowing you the little that I did I was shocked at your verbal attack on Shawna. She didn't deserve it...you were waaaay out of line.


    As far as being in the "know" on the donations I was simply contacted about drop off at Above Average and that was the end of my involvement. As far as being in the "know" re:278...yes I'm a part of 278 and spoke to what I knew to be fact.

  2. Why do you feel the need to air all the dirty laundry?

    Do you really think most give a sh#$?


    Shouldn't Pubby and Ellery's dealings and business decisions, be between them?


    I don't understand why you feel you should be the spoksperson. If I were Ellery, I would be pissed that so called "friends" were sharing all this information.



    Ellery is a bit busy...I read it to him on his way out the door, again...He laughed at you. I was involved.


    BTW...I was answering a question.


    What part are you referring to as dirty laundry?

  3. I think its 278


    I corrected it immediately...thanks.



    And how do you tie into this?


    MrFixIt & I were defenders & supporters of pubby for a while. 2 commerce memberships...1 renewed.


    I had some personal dealings w/ him in December when he accused my husband of lying to me. I asked for proof and he couldn't provide the proof because it doesn't exist. Steve & Ellery both searched their pm's & e-mails to prove it to me--not that they needed to. The night Ellery left is when Pubby called our house to ask Steve a disguised question. Ellery called and asked a question...Steve answered it. Ellery called Pubby and asked him about it and Pubby lied.


    I was then approached about allowing the new radio shows to be done from Above Average. There was no question as to my involvement. Later that week the radio show people minus TBAR & Audioslave met at Above Average..this is when the site idea came about. I was more or less voted and asked to be Vice-President of Highwy278 Productions.


    People can post on both sites. But I am really tired of him twisting the truth and the "oh look what they did to me" routine.

  4. The Pizza Hut lunch was nice.



    Pubby, let's just get it over with....


    Highway 278 was not started because you didn't "give" pcom to Ellery.


    Cake4U, Ellery & another member were about to announce they were leaving when everything blew up. Your constant twisting & manipulation ran its course.


    I've said my peace to you but what pains me is the way Ellery has acted very professionally and you constantly make snide comments to keep things stirred up. Either tell the truth or don't say anything at all.


    Ellery was an emoployee that did his job. You never gave him the credit he deserved. To say that Ellery and the others hurt you by leaving and starting another site is crap. Just how long did you think your total lack of appreciation and half-truths would last? You're upset because you didn't know how to run YOUR site when he left.


    What you don't know is the show that was supposed to be on the 19th was going to be the last.


    If people want to continue to buy into your "poor little me" routine...that's fine.


    Just remember one thing....it's been your members that keep making reference to 278 and stirring the pot.

  5. More harm, more strife than good is going to be bred by this sort of gestapo type tactics.


    Things need to be openly addressed.




    This pulling thread, this not answering honest questions, this type of behavior is making things much worse.


    This is the first time I've been angry about any of this.





    And I feel the same exact way.


    I want the TRUTH.  I don't want gastpo tactics and behavior, from the Popo or anyone else for that matter.


    This needs to be handled, and handled quickly.


    This is becoming a cancer that will continue to eat away at P.com.



    I've got to leave the house in a short while --- This is really crazy.

    P.com is not one person -- it's the entire community.  Yep, we are here because a man owns this place, and started this place. And I chose to be a paying member and support P.com, and even defend it as well.


    But right now -- this continued cancerous event(s) is continuing to cause major problems, spread strife, and ill-will. 


    This needs to be addresses publicly because that is how it has all played out -- right here, on the boards.





    You breed more interest, more confusion, more anger by NOT addressing some of these questions and issues than you would if you'd just say your piece -- answer them.  I mean, even if you answer them and close the thread then to prevent more back and forth.



    Lowrider...good luck!



    Soapmom, are you sitting down.....here it comes....






    I completely agree!!!!!!! :o :lol:





    Unfortunately, I fear the answers you receive will still be skewed(sp?).

  6. CYB...I'm so sorry! I had to almost referee a few ladies in the shop a couple weeks ago.


    A similar situation...2 ladies were shopping and another overheard them talking about the war--something that was in the news that day. Lady A joined the conversation by saying her son was over there. The two ladies started doing what you described. After about 2 minutes of this I had heard enough--Lady A was standing behind the 2 waiting to check-out trying so hard not to cry...I looked at her and said "I don't know if it helps but Thank You for your son. I pray for those guys and their families and hope that you have a good support network". The 2 ladies put their stuff down and walked out. Didn't bother me a bit...



    CYB...some people are just ignorant...I pray for husband's safety and for your peace of mind.

  7. Navy Eagle, I just pulled up 6 listings for undeveloped land in Paulding Cty that range from $16,000/ac to $25,000/ac...there was one in East Paulding, a few in Temple, a really good one in South Paulding.


    I'd love to work with you...and BTW...the purchser doesn't pay the commission...I can put it in writing.

  8. It is not "Plush", it is nice.  And much bigger and will be more efficient to help the people of Paulding.  They did not wast money on it, if you happen to see it.  It is made of Steel ( exterior ) instead of Expensive Brick. 


    BTW, they are building schools here, as fast as they possibly can. 


    You are going to have a big high school open this fall, and many others are in the works, for years to come.


    Southern Gal, I'm assuming you attended the super's meeting. Thanks for posting this. I really tried to go but couldn't.


    The building they're in now is a disaster waiting to happen.

  9. I don't think the phrase "Fashion Police" should be empty any more. In fact, I think we need a few inductees. Hire a Colonel from the USMC & give 'em the authority to do the job.


    I'm talking real authority.


    Just walk down the street & get a load of all those people hanging out of their jeans; literally, hanging out. Even the holes in the jeans have flab squeezing to show itself.


    And then there is the horrific thong-above-low-rise.


    Today I saw a guy at IHOP wearing a pair of black slacks, a golf shirt, a belt =and= a pair of suspenders. Wait, it gets worse. He had on a pair of black wing tips & a pair of white socks. Yes, that's right. He had on a pair of white socks. I thought my middle school daughter was going to slap him.


    She is going to be a charter member of the Junior Fashion Police. Most of her friends have already made application for Junior Academy too.


    The Fashion Police will be able to write citations & the offender must appear before a Fashion Court appointed by the First Lady of each State. Martha Stewart, Christopher Lowell & the Cast of Queer Eye will be the Supreme Court of Fashion, meeting on Madison Avenue every other month, of course.


    And those tight-wearing toboggans --- you know, those kid-sized things squeezed onto the adult sized head --- would result in a weekend of the public stocks. Yes, that's right. We're bringing that bit of Americana back.


    Thumb screws for too many piercings. They may actually like that, but hey, it'll make the lawmakers (me) feel better.


    And all those chain thingies hanging around the waist? All that excessive makeup? All that baggy-pant stuff? Yep. I fear the loss of a digit. Multiple infractions would result in a weekend of Forced Preppie Wardrobe.


    We really need a mean Marine for the position of Fashion Police Commandant. Any suggestions?


    Great post! Ash & I just had a good laugh...The thong-above-the-low rise is a major peeve for her.


    Was this man's wife with him? If so..she should be held for contempt of court...no self respecting woman let's their man go out wearing white socks w/ black shoes...and wing-tips, no less.

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