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Posts posted by Bouquet

  1. My home is quiet except for my kittens running around and pouncing on each other.

    Putting my book down I decided to  come visit old friends but it seems that no one is home! Checking to see who may be here that I have not seen while reading your posts it looks like only guest are online or is this friends that just don't want to be identified?

    You may already know that Phillip, my husband, or Papa as he was called, passed away in 2020. I thought our home was unbearably quiet when our boys passed but  nowadays the silence is a times hard to bare.

    I have missed the chatter that was always happening when I last visited here. So whats up,? Where are you? What have you been doing? Anyone been traveling? Who has welcomed the birth of new children, grandchildren or great grands? Anyone have new recipes to share? Oh come on!! Fill the air with the clicking of the keys and share everything you have been doing. I would love to see the pictures you have made while hunting, fishing, gardening, cooking or getting hugs from little ones!

    Wake up everyone!! Don't just look and run. Tell me something wonderful!!


  2. Your little ones look adorable! 

    September 13 last year I had to help my little companion pass without futher pain. Angelina also had heart failure. I called her Angel. My husband found her at an outdoor market in Breman. 

    My grandson Ashton had passed the previous month from the injuries he received in the car accident that took his brother and uncle the year before. My heart was broken and my arms empty. Angel had been my constant companion since 2009.

  3. I would like to say thank you for all the kind words and flowers sent to our family in honor of Billy. William Jossey Bass is the father of my husband William Phillip Bass.
    You knew Phillip as Papa when we lost our son Phillip Aaron Bass and grandsons Tristen and Ashton (Evans) Bass.


    The strength and kindness all of you shared with our family has not and will not be forgotten.


    With much love, Denise


    aka Bouquet or Nana

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  4. Those of you that would like to visit with family of Deborah Keais, visitation is this evening (Saturday Oct 10, 2009) from 6 pm untill 8 Pm. At the Bellamy Funeral Home located at 3551 Jimmy Lee Smith Pkwy.


    Her services will take place at Bellamy Funeral Home at 2pm, Sunday, Oct. 11, 2009.

  5. I can see you there, Denise. Can you think of something I can make for you? We can make pillows from Ashton's shirts or whatever you want. :wub:

    Hi Hun,

    Yes I do lurk a lot don't I? ^_^ Sorry I have not had much to say or contacted anyone personally, but I think in truth that I am still in shock. Most of the time I am signed on to p.com and reading. There are times I can be seen reading a thread, but quickly move to another.


    I was told about your offer and I mentioned it to Phillip. He is excited about the idea of the pillows. I have to admit, I was more excited about the chance to see you again. You are so kind and the pillows you made Ashton were used often.


    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. Just give me a hollar when you are able to do it. Hugs to you and your mom... hope she is doing well.


    Take care and God bless,

    :wub: Denise

  6. My darling Ashton,


    I miss you my darling angel. When I said that I would love you forever, I did not know that you were going to leave me the next morning. So honey, no matter how long it takes, know that I will always love you and we will be together again.


    Many times my voice has had to speak for you this past year. Now, I am going to try and convey what you would have in your heart for all those that loved you.


    Love, Nana



    For our dear friends and family...




    You can shed tears that he is gone

    Or you can smile because he has lived


    You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back

    Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left


    Your heart can be empty because you can't see him

    Or you can be full of the love that you shared


    You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday

    Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday


    You can remember him and only that he is gone

    Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on


    You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back

    Or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.


    written 1981

    David Harkins 1959 -

    Silloth, Cumbria, UK

  7. Phillip and I wanted all of you that were with us this evening to know that we were so honored that you came. Too be wrapped in so much love is truly awesome and humbling.


    Ashton looked like a young sleeping prince just needing a kiss to wake up. Oh, ... if that were all it would have taken. The line to give him the kiss would have lasted for hours.


    Many handed us donations in honor of Ashton to help with the funeral expences or to use on what we felt most needed. Thank you so much.


    Dawn's daughter, Elizabeth, painted a beautiful picture of Ashton and I, using one of Donna's photos to go by. It is beautiful and will be treasured forever.


    Kelly brought me a beautiful white blouse to wear with my outfit for the funeral. Thank you so much!


    Jackie and Jennifer brought us a snack bag that Phillip has already begun to lighten the load.


    Scarlett, I wanted to get a nice warm soak tonight but I don't think I will be up long enough to do it. Thank you for all of the gifts. Bruce, I hope I did not upset you when I grabbed you for a hug. You and Scarlett have done so much for us this past year and I will not be forgotten for a very long time.


    My sister Pat helped put the photos up so that we could share them and Phillip's sister Robin has been helping us from the first moment she heard that Ashton had died.


    This list could go on and on but I would not even then remember every blessing we received today.

    And for the past year.


    Let me warn you guys, Ashton dropped a pepple into a pond and the ripples have now touched you. What will you be doing with your wrinkle?


    Good night all, I am correcting more than I am typing... that is really bad!

    :give_rose: Denise

  8. Bless your heart.


    I love this song. The simplicity of the message is so special. When you feel your world is ripped apart, we are still being held within God's loving arms.


    As hard as the sharp pain of loss can be, can you imagine the horror it would be without his love? Without the love of family and friends holding you up?


    Thank you so much for thinking of us. We are total in awe of our community and the love you and the others have extended to us.


    Take care and God bless,

    :air_kiss: Denise

  9. This note was first post on LL's Thread About Ashton. I am placing it here also for those that receive updates from this Thread.

    God bless,

    :wub: Denise


    Dear friends and family,


    As usual, your prayers and love for our family has been so over-whelming and at the same time comforting. I have sat here looking at the screen trying to put into words what my heart is saying. So please bare with me as I try.


    The Nana in me screams "Thieffffffffffffffff!!!!." My heart cries, "Noooo, please God, not yet, I am not ready." As I selfishly cry in self pity for the loss of our sweet lil man, God whispers to me that Ashton is happy, he is at home. I have no doubt of this. My boys were probably the ones making all the noise that sounded like thunder today. (It was a sound I grew familiar with when they raced through the house.) I know the skies let go their tears of joy. And still, God had us in his arms.


    Please join us in celebration of the life each of us shared with Ashton. Although he was young, our lives have been so blessed in his love. It has been a pleasure to share his journey with you. I hope God blesses each and every soul that he has in some way touched. We want to thank you for each prayer and thought you have had for his health. I can give you no words to soothe your aching hearts. I know you also feel the shock that has rocked our home today.


    Ashton finished his journey today. But we are still here slowly making our way through ours. Your words give us comfort that our message to love you little ones more has been heard. There are so many people that Ashton loved so very much. Children and adults. Our daughter Tamsen is reeling in shock at the loss of her youngest. Ashton thrilled at hearing her voice. No matter his love for his Nana and Papa, there was no one like his Momma.


    My prayer tonight is that you too feel the love of your loved ones surround you like a warm, comforting breeze. Breathe it in and don't forget to tell them that you love them. Don't forget to hug your little ones and tell them how special they are. And give them and extra squeeze for me?


    God bless,



    Denise, Phillip and Tamsen

  10. Dear friends and family,


    As usual, your prayers and love for our family has been so over-whelming and at the same time comforting. I have sat here looking at the screen trying to put into words what my heart is saying. So please bare with me as I try.


    The Nana in me screams "Thieffffffffffffffff!!!!." My heart cries, "Noooo, please God, not yet, I am not ready." As I selfishly cry in self pity for the loss of our sweet lil man, God whispers to me that Ashton is happy, he is at home. I have no doubt of this. My boys were probably the ones making all the noise that sounded like thunder today. (It was a sound I grew familiar with when they raced through the house.) I know the skies let go their tears of joy. And still, God had us in his arms.


    Please join us in celebration of the life each of us shared with Ashton. Although he was young, our lives have been so blessed in his love. It has been a pleasure to share his journey with you. I hope God blesses each and every soul that he has in some way touched. We want to thank you for each prayer and thought you have had for his health. I can give you no words to soothe your aching hearts. I know you also feel the shock that has rocked our home today.


    Ashton finished his journey today. But we are still here slowly making our way through ours. Your words give us comfort that our message to love your little ones more has been heard. There are so many people that Ashton loved so very much. Children and adults. Our daughter Tamsen is reeling in shock at the loss of her youngest. Ashton thrilled at hearing her voice. No matter his love for his Nana and Papa, there was no one like his Momma.


    My prayer tonight is that you too feel the love of your loved ones surround you like a warm, comforting breeze. Breathe it in and don't forget to tell them that you love them. Don't forget to hug your little ones and tell them how special they are. And give them and extra squeeze for me?


    God bless,

    :wub: Denise


    Denise, Phillip and Tamsen

  11. I will watch for Ashton at school tomorrow (and you and Papa). I will be there for my grandson's program!!!


    Don't be hiding from us!! I look forward to seeing you! Ashton will look the best he can and I don't have fancy clothes but I am trying for a nice look too.


    We have already been asked for photos of Ashton during graduation. I hope I get some good ones. Or maybe some of these folks that can really shoot some beautiful photos will be there. I am so proud of Ashton and the progress he has made this year.


    Hopefully tomorrow we will learn who his bus driver is going to be and which school he will be going to this summer. LOL, I think I am more excited than he is!


    See ya there!

    :wub: Denise

  12. How is Ashton doing? I would love to hear an update.
    He is doing really well. Right now he is with Papa getting some chocolate milk! It has been about a month since we gave him some. I wish you could see this smile!

    :wub: ~D~

    I would love to here something also.

    Regardless I'm still praying for him.

    Thank you so much for the prayers. I hope God never tires of hearing us!

    :give_rose: ~D~

    Glad to hear a update. Glad things are doing well. You are in my prayers. May God Bless you.
    Again, thanks for the prayers. There is no doubt in our minds that prayer has greatly helped in our lil man's progress!


    I Love that song
    Me too! My heart is still singing it.

    Thank you so much for your visit. It really made our day special!

    :friends: ~D~

    Do you guys need anything? Let me know! Thanks for the update.


    Lol, I know that Ashton would love a massage from you again. Although he gets one everytime he gets a bath, he is always ready for another. I have no idea where he gets that from. :blush:

    Although I haven't been on the computer a lot lately, my ol man still asks if I have heard from you. We hope things are doing well for you and yours. Just hollar or come by anytime. We would love to hear more from you.

    :friends: ~D~



    Retired teacher... I haven't forgotten you or how busy you can be with your Mom. When you have the time, let me know. We will have the door open for you when ever you can make it!! :wub:


    Thanks for the notes everyone. They mean a lot to us and we don't feel so cut off from the rest of the community.

    Take care and God bless,

    :wub: Denise


  13. Dear friends and family,


    Our family is doing well and still being blessed with Ashton's sunny smiles and laughter. LOL, he is fussing right now because I am not at his side. But I wanted to let all of you know that he is happy and healthy.


    We have come to understand some of the issues that Ashton faces are common among special children. That does not stop us from praying that God will bring him through these times without the pain.


    Phillip and I want to thank all of the teachers, therapists, his nurse, bus driver and assistant, the room moms and volunteers that have worked with Ashton this year. We know that all of the staff at Russom and his fellow students have also enriched his life. He will graduate with his class this Thursday. We are so proud of his accomplishments.


    On this date a year ago we were still at Scottish Rite. We have all come a long way with your love, prayers and support. You have held our hands, dried our tears and held us when words just weren't enough. I thank God everyday for all of you that have touch our lives.


    A song of praise is running through my head and I am sure you will know it by the verse below.

    God bless you all and goodnight

    :wub: Denise


    When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation

    And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!

    Then I shall bow with humble adoration,

    And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!

  14. Hello all. My name is Denise and I am a Procrastinator.


    Lets take housework. For me, it is easy to keep a home looking good if it starts that way. But... living with another procrastinator can kill you! If the job is left unfinished, I become over whelmed and have trouble doing any chore.


    My cure?? I have to make a list. One of my biggest stumbleing blocks are other things that need to be done . Like starting a chore in the kitchen and you find something that needs to be taken to another room like dish rags that need to be washed. Well two dish rags is not a full load and you go round up more things to wash. From the washing machine to the dryer to the closet and so on and so on. The kitchen is forgotten.


    Sitting down with a soothing drink (tv turned off!) I make my list and then place them in the most needed to be done at the top. List made? Start working first project. While doing it and you find something else to be done, write it on the bottom of the list. Only one chore allowed at a time!


    My list is on going. That is why my home is never pristeen!! :p :pardon:

    :wub: Denise


    edited to add... When I worked I used file folders and a file cabinet. You can make a file for everything on your desk as you are going through all of it. The time you save once it is done you can use to make even more sales! Sales by product or sales by customer's name that contains list of what they like and what they have purchased.!!

    Happy Sales!


  15. Ashley, we miss you and your beautiful angels as well. There is still a cute white bear here that got left behind on your last visit. He is safe and watching the door for his little mommie. :D


    Thanks for remembering us in your prayers. It is always wonderful to know that Ashton hasn't been forgotten. We rarely hear from anyone any more, but we know they are still praying.


    You take care and God bless,

    :wub: Denise

  16. Dear friends and family,


    I know I haven't been posting much lately but a couple of events have had my head and heart overwhelmed.


    Recently we went to see Ashton's rehab doc's and it has been suggested that we consider allowing Ashton to have a Bacofen Pump. We are told that it would be much more effective in relaxing muscles that are hindering his movement improvements. It would also help to reduce the pain caused by the stiffness. This would also reduce the side effects caused by taking the Bacofen through his GI tube.


    Another treatment has also been suggested for us to review and that is a Phenol or Alcohol Nerve Block. It can be used in place of using Boxtoc injections. I have read and reread the information of both of the procedures but my mind just cannot stand the thought of either.


    The past week, I stood trying to calm Ashton while he received 22 kilograms of Botox into his legs and right arm. There looked to be close to a dozen syringes with needles around two inches long. The medicine is place by going beside the muscles at an angle, instead of through them. It only took one look at the medicine and needles too scare me to death knowing that our little man was about to get all of these shots.


    Placing my face and hands on Ashton's face, it was all I could do to not burst into tears with him. He was so brave and strong. He cried out only at the worst of the shots. Papa was sitting quietly away from us. He seemed not to be affected by all the trama, but I know he was. This is his lil man.


    If any of you have had someone that underwent either of these procedures, would you please tell me what you think of them?


    The last procedure that we are to consider is for Ashton's back. His spine is now 51* off. It is felt that shortly they will need to place a rod down his back to help straighten his spine. They have not yet given us information to read but I am going to check Web Md to learn what I can.


    It has been one of my life's greatest blessings to have Ashton survive and continue to improve. God knew that I would need someone to pour my love on. But it tears me apart to know that my having him to love and care for also means that I have to make such painful decisions for him. I pray that I am listening as God guides me.


    Take care and God bless,

    :wub: Denise

  17. I don't think you understand yet. YOU are helping us.

    Thank you, and God bless you.


    Thank you so much. To hear that is so humbling.

    Take care and God bless,

    :wub: Denise

  18. Denise you are such an inspirarion to so many of us. Thank you.


    Speaking of cameras, don't you have some pictures ready to develop? I should have known you'd never call me to pick them up.



    Scared of a little help? Some of us need encouragement and ideas, so we can be needed.

    I guess I get a lot of that from my Dad. He used to make up "care packages" for us, so he had an excuse to visit. If you missed his visit, you came home to a surprise package on your porch. He was such a wonderful man.


    Not all of us are as creative as LL, so please understand we do want to help, and need to, we just have to figure out what we can do.


    Thanks again for your updates and pictures, they are wonderful.

    Your words are so sweet. I have to admit, that I took care of the photos. It shows how lousey I am at taking pictures. LOL Now that the weather is looking better, I look forward to getting out with Ashton more and having some fun.


    Scared of a little help? You folks have never done little things! And yes, I guess I am a little scared. When you have never been in our position before, it is terrifing at times. It has been embarassing that I could not help others as well. From the time I was a child, I have done things to help others. The first big thing I remember doing was collecting money for a family that had three children that was burned in a fire that took their home. I think I was about 10 at the time. As a teenager we toured radio stations and sang for church groups. What I loved most as a teen was when I got to work as a Jr Volunteer at our local hospital. I have had such a blessed life. Not always a happy life but I was happiest when helping someone else.


    Something someone could do is come keep me company as I pull weeds. LOL, I get started then take a break and that leads to something else. It is hard for me to keep on task.


    If not for the weeds in our yard, it would be bare except for the memory garden. The yard has been taken over by ants. Driving up to the ramp to get Ashton has hardened the soil and ruined the yard. Got any secrets on how to cure this?


    When you see that I am not online that much, drop me a call. It usually means I am dealing with something that is overwhelming me.


    I know that you have not been in the best of health lately and I wish I had not been so lazy. I know how important it is to know that others are thinking of you and sending prayers your way. You have been in my prayers.


    Love ya!

    :wub: Denise


    Denise, I'll get away and come give you camera lessons. Just say the word!


    LOL hun, I am waiting on you. Just give me a hollar and if I don't have any appointments, it is a good day for you to come over. I look forward to seeing you again!

    :wub: Denise

  19. Dear Tabby... it really sucks to be so far away from the little one when you know they don't feel well.


    Many years ago, my son had many upper respitory issues. Once he developed Scarlentina (sp). He had rash with fever. The rash was on the bottom of his feet and his palms as well as the stomach.


    With temp of 102* the best thing is to remove childs cloths and use warm wash cloth. It will help cool them. My favorite thing to do was to sit them in the bathtub with a popsicle. Calmed them quickly and the treat went a long way to calm my nerves too.


    Let us know how he is doing!

    :wub: Denise

  20. Thank you all for such support and love. You have helped us to get through such a hard year and we are so thankful to call you friends.


    Tabby... thank you, the story really does say a lot.


    ET, you know our door is always open for you and your adorable children. I love the photo of Ashton at the wedding also. It makes me smile. LOL, Ashton loves to be held and snuggled. He would not leave my arms if he did not have too. I am sure he would love to see you and allow you to hold him. We look forward to seeing you.


    Lisabug... Ashton would love a toy like that! I am trying to get him to hold things now but he is being a little lazy. Why should he hold it when I have two good hands?

    I have been going through the memories of many happy times. My boys may have traveled on, but they will live forever in my heart.


    retiredteacher... I am learning how to use the camera that you gave us, thank you again so much! I hope soon that things work out and you will be able to come visit again. Give your mom a hug for us too. You are missed.


    NY Gal, mythreecrazyboys, Olive Oyl... Your good thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. Right now I feel pretty much like a limp washcloth. All wrung out. Knowin that you have been as close as a phone call has been so comforting. Thank you for all you have done. Hope to see all of you soon.


    SCARLET INDULGENCE SKINCARE PLUS... you have been right beside us with your support from the very beginning and you were the first to help us with Ashton's skin care. Believe me, none of it has been forgotten.

    We now have Ashton on Miralax one to two times as day. It has been working great for him. One of his favorite "tricks" now is to raise his arm when he sees me to let me know he needs attention. Just as soon as I walked through the door the arm went up. Setting my bag down, I found that he was wet...and very quiet. As I began to remove his wet pants, well, this time he had a stinky surprise for me. He had begun laughing as soon as I had lifted his behind. EWWwwwwwwww the mess! And what a wonderful blessing. He is beginning to communicate!

    Thank you and Bruce for all that you have done for us.


    Jenn... not a day goes by that we don't think of you. Thank you for thinking of us. Give the family our love. Till we see you again, remember we love you!


    Rev... You mean so much to us. You were one of our first Angels. The garden is looking great and often when I am sitting on the bench in the sunshine, I think of you and hope that you are healthy and happy. Used any man tools lately? lol


    Thank you all so very much for your kind thoughts, words and prayers.

    May God bless you all,

    :wub: :wub: :wub:

    Denise, Phillip and Ashton





  21. Oh my goodness, I think my heart is going to burst! Thank you all for you kindness, prayers and notes.


    Instead of grieving, I would like all of you to celebrate the lives of Phillip Aaron and Tristen. God called them home. Of course, I know they were just borrowed, but I loved having them here. I have been most fortunate to have been spoiled by the love showered on me by them. So I can understand why God would have missed them so much. I miss my boys now just as much as I did the first day.


    I hope that in the past year that I have helped some of you deal with your pain as much as you have mine. Most of all, I hope that those of you with children have stopped and given them more love and attention. Even if you love them beyond distraction, you can always give another hug and kiss. So many of you have expressed your love of your children, I love to hear the stories.


    There is no way that I could begin to name all of the people that helped Ashton at the accident or all that prayed and supported us. You brought food to us and our families at the funeral home and hospital, gave us cards for gas and food at the hospital, we also received cash to help with anything we needed, you delivered cards that the children made for us, prayed through the horrible night when we were told we were going to lose Ashton too. You welcomed us home again when Ashton was finally released from the hospital. You have visited us and shared your love. You have been the Church.


    There was food brought to us for Thanksgiving and Christmas, gifts and diapers for Ashton. You cleaned our home, cut our hair and came running to our home to be with me when I thought I could not go on. You built a memory garden for us in soil that was as hard as a brick. You brought prayers to us. You built a ramp so that we could get Ashton in and out of our home.


    You have taught him in school and made him happy. You brought your children to meet Ashton were he was not able to communicate at all. Now he smiles with joy when they come through the door. You have held him when he was upset enough that he spit up on you. You just cleaned your blouses and came back to claim your spot with him. Your voices and arms calmed him.


    The list could go on and on. All blessings that we never expected to receive. Suddenly I find myself at loss for words as my heart swells again and my thankful tears fall.


    Again, thank you all for all that you have done.

    Take care and God bless,

    :wub: Denise, Phillip and Ashton

  22. Well the best prices I have found for us...is the Triangle here in Rockmart ( IGA) they have the best price without coupons for us for now.


    IGA stores were ordering their supplies from Super Valu. Super Valu was were I used to work in the inventory dept. I know for a fact that they donated a lot of food. They are now located in Anniston Alabama I believe. If you would like to contact them, give me a pm.


    :wub: Denise


  23. So I guess this means for me IT CAN NOT BE DONE right???Even though I have been told it can happen--- ;)




    I am not an experienced coupon clipper of this level but many years back I worked in a grocery store as a cashier. There were some people that would purchase by the case and use multiple coupons.


    The best place to start is a store or stores that you shop at most and talk with the owner or manager. Explain what you need and why. Let them know when you would like to get them. If possible, contact them a month in advance so that there stock levels are not depleted.


    Good luck! You are doing something great for others, I am sure you will find a way to accomplish your goals.


    Take care and God bless,


    **** edited to add: also post on bulletins and here (if approved?) in advance what coupons you will need. If you need the same products all the time, the more hands clipping, the better!

    :wub: Denise

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