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Posts posted by bzymomma

  1. Unfortunately I did not get the number. He was adopted out sometime around the end of July or beginning of August of 2001. He is a Chow/Collie Mix and his name is Sam. We had adopted him from the Paulding County shelter and I think he was a "foster dog" at the time.


    It would really be great if we could at least just know that he was okay. Of course, if the owners weren't happy with him we would take him back in a minute. I doubt that would be the case though because he is such a great dog!


    I really appreciate you taking the time to do this for me.

  2. I know this is a strange request but I am wondering if anyone knows if the shelter keeps records of animals adopted out and could pass along a message to the new owner.


    A couple of years ago, I got divorced. In the process, ex mom let the dog out and he ran away. Luckily, he was found by animal control but I could not take him with me to where I moved and the ex would not keep him.


    The kids and I still miss the dog very much and think of him every day. We would just like to find out if there is a way that we could find out who his new owners were so that we could make sure that he is okay.


    He is the greatest dog ever and it really broke our hearts not to be able to keep him.

  3. Maybe we could all get together and start one. I know that there are alot of professional counselors in the area but sometimes I think that it helps alot more to be able to talk it out with peers that are going through the same thing.


    If anyone else would be interested in maybe starting a group, let me know.

  4. Thanks for the link to the website. I did find some information there.


    This whole thing has been so crazy. We have tried mediation twice which was frankly a waste of time and money as he didn't really want to mediate.


    It has been evident to everyone that his new wife seems to be the driving force behind it. I am not sure how the judge will look at that.


    It is just really sad because my ex and I can be somewhat civil until she comes in the picture. I really don't know what her issue is. I have never denied visitation and on the few occasions that our son was sick or something else happened have always let my ex have an extra weekend to make up the time. I don't call my ex at home or work unless I need something immediately for our child. We generally communicate by email. She is just bound and determined that she wants control here.


    I just wish that we could all find a way to get along here because the one that it is most unfair to is the one that is most important.


    To Ferg, I know that you mentioned that you are not able to see your little girl(who is a doll by the way). I am sorry to hear that and hope that you keep fighting to show her that you do want to be there. It just makes me so mad when I see parents that are so selfish and think that it is their ex that they are punishing by not allowing them to have a relationship with the other parent.


    I am still looking for court advice so any tips at all would be appreciated.

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