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Posts posted by south

  1. Our goberment in cahoots wiff da terrorist has used top secret technnology to produce a huge hurricaine to shut down the fineries in the gulf!!!! :angry:


    It is all a plan to break the American people. :rolleyes:


    I heard that gas was being rationed and would be $10.00 a gallon by midnight. :o

    Who gives a rat as long as the suger holds out I's only care about suuuuugur :p


    The troll is scared terrified I tells you! :blink:

    Military is flying all over they are gonna drop bombs on looters. :wacko:


    It's a conspiracy I tell you! a conspiracy to force us to vote for Obama who will be our savior. ;)


    Or not perhaps it's a conspiracy to get us to vote for Palin, oops sorry I mean whats his name. :ph34r:


    What does a troll care about gas anyway, :glare: I never go anywhere just sit on the desk of p.commers an wreak havoc. :yahoo:

    What do I care about people I ain't a people. :clapping:



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