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Everything posted by toypartydiva

  1. I definitely agree with you on the education...I find here in the south ( im not from the south) everyone is much more "polite" on real issues that need to be discussed openly and that the school's health education program that many southerners leave the "sex talk" up to is utterly sad ! These teens need to know way more than whats being taught in the schools and the schools IMO need to revamp their program and have it be more upfront and honestly and not skimmed thru. Many of the teens have no idea how they got pregnant other than they had sex...the dont understand ovulation, how pregnancy
  2. "JUMPING UP & DOWN " AMEN AMEN AMEN ! I am one of 11 children(9 girls 2 boys) and NONE of us brought any babies home under our parents roofs my dad wasnt tolerating it and he made it crystal clear! Some parents threaten and threaten but the kids KNOW that the parents are flakes and are inconsistent and easily pushed over...not here ! You should hear some of the excuses I hear from teen moms that I have been trying to mentor...lazy lazy lazy!
  3. I definitely agree. I have been trying to mentor teen mothers in Paulding Co. and I have to tell you that while I dont think its an excuse many parents have let their children down. The school system doesnt seem to offer many services to aid the girls in finishing school or anything. They just this year started giving the girls homebound teachers during their 6 weeks maternity leave. Also I think that when they get pregnant their parents do A LOT of coddling instead of giving them the facts and forcing them to grow-up and handle their responsibilities since NONE of them want to give the babies
  4. Yes he did at 3:15am with the help of 2 complete strangers in a Enterprise truck...wish I knew who they were so I could really say thanks...Thanks we are so excited about the pregnancy and praying that all goes well.
  5. Thank you all for your help,hubby did make it home with the aid of 2 guys in a Enterprise truck headed to Dallas...hubby didnt ask their names ( thats men for ya) but they led him all the way home safely ...he didnt get here til about 3:15am and I waited up the entire time...if anyone on pcom perhaps was led a guy in a white sedan from that gas station on Florence and 278 I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
  6. Is there a new moms or pregnancy forum on here somewhere. This is my first pregnancy so its quite an experience...to say the least
  7. Thanks so much I really appreciate it ..Im so upset with him because I told him to leave work before dark because I had been watching the news all day with the weather conditions....he still stayed til after 9pm...men cant tell em anything..but thats my hubby and I love him and want him home
  8. 1.Yes I do think he is at florence rd & 278 2. He just decided to park up at the gas station hoping the road will open , I just spoke to him I will have him activate the gps locator on his blackberry so that I can get his precise location 3. Im due in April but hubby and I have no family here so we are solely dependent on each other and rarely spend the night away from each other
  9. Is there anyone that knows when and or if Thornton Rd/HWY 278( near paulding county line) is going to be reopened as my hubby is stranded at a gas station across from the waffle house and bank ( I forget the name of the cross street) . I am totally freaking out as I am prego with twins and need to have him home just to be able to sleep. Is there any alternate routes to get to where we live which is near the Ga-6 /Hwy 120 intersection
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