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Posts posted by TwoKidCircus

  1. Excuse me, the county lawyers have the facts, the Morrison's lawyers have the facts, I personally and none of you have read all the evidence.

    And why you have to insult me instead of discussing this in a civil way is beyond me.

    You have who it will hurt backwards by the way.


    LPPT, it would behoove you, then, to stop commenting on this like you DO know all the facts. Solo is not insulting you. If you don't want to be called out, stop posting about this lawsuit when you don't know all the facts. Simple as that.

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  2. Having someone who has Federal Liens against them for failure to pay on owed taxes as our representative does not exude confidence.


    Shouldn't Bill Carruth be held to the same standard, then?


    She can just claim executive privilege. <_<


    There is no such thing on the state level.

  3. Is Paulette Braddock really a conservative as she contends?

    Is Paulette Braddock really a good steward of our tax dollars?

    Can Paulette Braddock really take care of the people’s business with the many problems that she faces in her private life?

    I believe that most citizens are aware of the prior arrest records and run in with the law so I am not going to discuss that here in this post.

    What concerns me the most is a recent court cases where it was pointed out in the debate that she has been held in contempt of court for not paying lawyers fee’s that she was ordered to pay July 2011.

    A review of Mrs. Braddock most recent campaign disclosure reveals she obtained a loan in the amount of $49,600 dollars for her campaign last election that has not been repaid and the total indebtedness from the prior campaign is $59,000 as of March 31, 2012


    Is this what Mrs. Braddock alludes to in the most recent mailer she sent out where she states …….

    “I spent the past year and a half working hard to make sure that conservative values are represented at the Capitol”

    I am of the opinion that a conservative would pay the bills ordered by the courts before borrowing money to run a campaign for public office.


    Is she conservative enough? Yes. She has gotten an "A" from the Georgia Chamber for two years. I don't see how anyone can't say she doesn't vote conservatively in the legislature.


    As for her personal debt, this economy has ruined many a businesses. I have many, many friends that have went under. It does not make them less of a person.


    Is this what Mrs. Braddock alludes to in the most recent mailer she sent out where she states …….

    “I spent the past year and a half working hard to make sure that conservative values are represented at the Capitol”

    I am of the opinion that a conservative would pay the bills ordered by the courts before borrowing money to run a campaign for public office.


    Same thing can be said for Carruth.

  5. I haven't been posting here all that long and was not in Paulding during your Senate race so I say this with choosing no side. You hate Heath. We get that. You are not doing yourself any favors by constantly attacking him. I think it might do you some good to step back and take a deep breath.


    Yes, he did claim that he is a professional engineer as specifically indicated under Georgia law.


    Under Official Code of Georgia section 43-15-2 (11), "[a] person shall be construed to practice or offer to practice professional engineering...who by verbal claim, sign, advertisement, letterhead, card, or in any other way represents or holds himself out as a professional engineer or engineer or as able or qualified to perform engineering services or who does perform any [such] services."


    Under Official Code of Georgia section 43-15-7 (a), "[it] shall be unlawful for any person other than a professional engineer to practice or offer to practice professional engineering in this state."


    Under Official Code of Georgia section 43-15-18 (a), a certificate of registration issued through the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers shall authorize the practice of professional engineering.


    Mr. Heath clearly held himself out as an engineer on his official senate biography by claiming to be employed by a business called Design Specialists located in Bremen, Georgia, and operated out of the same address where Mr. Heath lives. If you Google "Design Specialists in Bremen, GA", you will see multiple references to this business as providing engineering services, including services to the poultry and cattle industries. It is also listed in yellowusapages.com as a business offering heavy construction engineering services for, among other things, cattle.

  6. You are disagreeing that it is a good thing that we have forums for candidates? I am glad that the candidates are running solely for you and not the rest of the citizens that either do not know how to reach the candidates or do not have time, due to busy family schedules, to attend the small and hidden debates that happen. Even with these forums I would guess that 97% of the constituents will not even have seen the names of the majority of the people on the ballots.


    I do not like to argue on these posts, I prefer to give quality input, but sometimes these posts are very narrow minded.


    TwoKidCircus, that last comment was not aimed at you as a person, but solely at the wording of that last comment.


    I am saying that it is not the begin-all or end-all that a candidate comes on a public message board. I prefer face to face meetings over message boards or facebook anyway. It is up to each individual voter to decide which candidate would serve them best. I just don't think message boards should be a filter.

  7. The question quoted she was replying to was asking her why she was running and what her goals were. That is what she answered. I do acknowledge that the other question was asked and not addressed in this post. But it was posted in the middle of when she was replying to posts so her answer may come in time I would guess as she may not have seen it in the middle of her other posts.


    I am just thankful to have a forum such as this to see the views of candidates running for once. Not all of us are able to attend the VERY FEW debates that may or may not happen. This keeps the votes from going to the person with deepest pockets and the most signs.


    I disagree. I have made it a point to speak directly to each candidate. I don't care if they come on a public message board or not.

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  8. Edited to do some 'splainin': The reason I think Carruth would do more for Paulding is because of the established relationships he has at the capitol. Not that I think he is any more intelligent or is willing to work harder for the betterment of ALL of us than JK Rodgers would be.


    I think Carruth would have much less influence in the Senate than Heath. Heath is a sitting committee chairman. Carruth would be an incoming freshman. He would have LESS influence. Seniority matters there.

  9. Viness is hiring all his buddies from Cass from when he was there. Just look around EPHS and you will see.


    The AD at North is doing the same thing but pulling coaches from Kennesaw Mountain.

  10. ah, but King Jerry has the Facilty Group, Holland & Knight, and his cadre' of RBMDs to finance him. We have NOT heard the last of King Jerry.


    His warchest will be loaded with money.


    And you know the old adage.......follow the money.


    The Powers that Be carved out this new district so one on their annointed ones could have a go at it, and mark my words, he will have a well financed go at it.


    We can only hope the voters will pay attention to whom they are voting for. :ninja:


    Paulding has no one in the powers at be anymore. I think you will find he doesn't raise as much money as you think. Big Money like incumbents and he is not one.

  11. He was just appointed by Lt. Governor Casey Cagle to the Immigration Enforcement Review Board. It will have the power to investigate complaints against local and state government officials or employees alleged to be failing to enforce immigration policies and to order remedial actions or fines up to $5000.


    With all of the committees he is sitting on will he have time to be Mayor?:ninja:


    He has always struck me as having higher aspirations. Not to say that is bad. I find him a little refreshing for a politican, actually.

  12. He sponsored the bill last year that created the tax credit scholarship. This is not a new law. This is an extension of his original bill.


    If you are talking about HB 325 as sponsored by Earl Erhart, it just passed the house and has not yet passed the senate nor has it been signed into law. It couldn't be in operation for a year and no one would have standing to challenge it because, well, it doesn't really exist.


    So what exactly has been in operation for a year?



  13. This has already been in operation for a year. If it was going to be challenged as unconstitutional, someone would have already filed suit.....


    So this is how they are doing the vouchers. Huh. Thanks for the tip TwokidCircus. I didn't know.


    If it is passed, it will be in operation this year (the language lets credits accrue beginning Jan. 1, 2011) and it will be at least a year before the SCOTUS rules it unconstitutional. That would be $100 million in state money for Church schools in little more than six months. (July 1, 2011 for all of 2011 and January 10 2012 nets the second $50 million).


    Both Rep. Maxwell and Rep. Braddock voted for passage of HB 325 which passed. Mar/16/2011 - House Vote #182Yea(110)Nay(56)NV(10)Exc(4)




    PS: What bothers me is it would appear that some parents could avoid paying some or all state income taxes for something like 16-18 years (starting in Kindergarten and, if they paid less than $2,500 in state income taxes it could carry over for up to five years.) In a sense, they are rendering unto the Church, what is Ceasar's which confuses things which is kind of rendering what is the Church's unto Ceasar.

  14. This is an extention of a bill Earl Erhart sponsored last year for tax credits. He introduced another bill, HB 325, that did pass yesterday. House leadership went with Earl's version instead of the Austin version.




    Reading legislation and figuring out what it means is not always the easiest thing to do.


    One of the posters suggested that Ms. Braddock has not been doing much and another said her 'birther's bill' sponsorship was just there for practice. So, I decided to look up what she is sponsoring and there are several.


    I'll not go into the others now other than to say one is for staggered terms for those appointed to the election board and another commending a local group and there was one that she signed onto that does something with the tier one county issue; although I'll have to read it a couple of times to really understand how it might help Paulding. What I do know is that other than the local legislation, none of the other bills I've looked at are going anywhere this year.


    One, however, peaked my curiosity because of my sitting on the board of the Paulding Business Association; which dedicates itself to providing scholarships to deserving youth.


    It is House Bill 369 and it says its title is an act:

    To amend Titles 20 and 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating, respectively,

    2 to education and revenue and taxation, so as to revise provisions relating to student

    3 scholarship organizations; to revise definitions; to revise requirements on student scholarship

    4 organizations; to provide for penalties; to revise and change certain provisions regarding the

    5 qualified education income tax credit; to provide for related matters; to provide for

    6 applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


    Now the title only tells you that it is dealing with student scholarships and organizations that administer tham and taxes and tax penalties which doesn't say how. I've read a fair amount of legislation and as they say, the devil is in the detail ... or at least how the law is supposed to work is in the detail. And there is a lot of detail and legalese in this act including references to state law and the like.


    I'm including the entire bill here as enrolled as a second reader because I may misunderstand it. Here it is:


    <embed src="http://www.paulding.com/pdfs/wildonepaulettehb169.pdf" width="800" height="900">


    Again, what is being proposed is not exactly crystal clear to me but here's kind of what I think it says.


    It appears to set up special scholarship programs that allow individuals and companies to earmark funds for scholarships and allows them a dollar for dollar tax credit for donations to these special scholarship programs that can total 75 percent of the entire state tax bill due the state by an individual or corporation.

    (see lines 135 through 139 of the bill) including taxes due for the sale of booze or the fees due for the sale of insurance.


    The proposed law does say that while you can 'earmark' the funds - direct them to the support of a particular student or individual, you can't do so if that student is a dependent of the taxpayer. Of course a taxpayer may take this deduction for the 19 or 20 year old student which could be worth $20-30,000 off their taxes as a credit and forego the $5000 or so deduction off gross earnings claiming the youth as a dependent would offer. And if the taxpayer didn't pay but $20,000 in state taxes; why they could bank five grand of that (the 25 percent they couldn't deduct), for credit anytime in the coming five years.


    This seemingly puts the state in the role of paying for a childs' education from money that otherwise would be due for state taxes and that could prove an exceedingly popular program except ... it is limited to $50 million a year and while the program is presumably available on a first come, first serve basis, we all know that when that batch of mail comes in the door, someone would be choosing who is first in line.


    Oh, and this program is not just for college students; there are provisions that say (line 188-190)(2) The amount of any scholarship received by an eligible student or eligible pre-kindergarten student shall be excluded from taxable net income for Georgia income tax purposes.


    The proposed law does not bar payments from these scholarship programs to private kindergarten, elementary or high schools based on religious affiliation.


    Notably, Ms. Braddock is also sponsoring a law that would address that as well but that ... because it is a separate law, is a separate matter.


    I'm not very comfortable with this on first reading.



  15. Madea: The anonymous Dustin is not anonymous... its David aUSTIN. He's a Democrat who ran as a Republican to get elected as Commissioner in Paulding Co.,and he and his "good old boy" network are working WITH Will. They hate Paulette because she is not their "yes man". This has been true for years now. She knows THEIR secrets, folks and they know she does. Hang on to your hats...I have heard all the mud they are slinging at her and have read the "official" reports. This is just another bunch of desperation. WHY IS IT OPEN SEASON ON CONSERVATIVE, REPUBLICAN WOMEN ALL OVER THE NATION RIGHT NOW? This is pathetic. Last I heard, she IS going to address these issues, but not sure of the forum.


    This is one thing in this thread that is true. I do know that the "establishment" is not supporting Paulette - they wanted Steve Golden.

  16. The 400 toll actually took in enough money to pay for its construction in two years. GA DOT has been milking the profits and making minimum payments on the bond. This is a much bigger tax than Sonny wants anyone to know about.



    ....and Roy Barnes diverted money from 400 tolls to pay for land acquisition for Atlantic Station. This isnt just a Republican problem.

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