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Everything posted by clp721

  1. I saw the small post and the downed sign. But, there is also a new 45mph sign just before you get to that intersection, that was not therre before. I drive this way daily and am very cautious of the changing speeds. The Hiram police are very active catching speeders in this area and I don't want to be one of them...lol.. Is there a state/county website where it can be verified?
  2. Has anyone else noticed the speed limit seems to have changed on HWY 278 heading East at Home Depot Drive to Cleburne Prkwy? There used to be a sign changing it from 45 to 55 right there. Now that sign is gone.. There is not another 55 sign until you pass the Race Trac.
  3. Wish I had read this yesterday morning... I was delayed by 30 minutes due to the one at Hiram-Sudie & 92.. Traffic on 92 was backed up past the park. I thought it was an horrific accident. Thank God it wasn't...If I was a criminal that would have been a good time to pull something when all the cops are busy checking license & tags. Just saying....
  4. This accident was my co-workers wife. She is very badly injured (fractured skull, pelvis, ribs..etc)but expected to recover. She is now conscious and alert. Please continue to pray for their family as it will a long road to recovery. Thanks to all for your prayers and concern.
  5. I don't know if this pertains or not. But, my co-worker lives in this area and his wife was in a accident this morning and life flighted to Kennestone. She in in ICU with brain "bruising" and cracked ribs.
  6. Sometimes, the front panel comes off too. That's how mine was.
  7. A few years ago lint underneath my dryer caught fire. I found it because my hallway smoke detector kept going off. I thought the battery was getting low and thats why it went off. So I'd fan it to make it stop, then changed the batteries. When it kept going off we started searching and found the smoke/flames under the dryer in the laundry closet. We were right there near it and could not see or smell the smoke. Lesson learned. Have a smoke dector and trust your smoke detector!
  8. My Daughter (former EPHS Color Guard) and her husband (former EPHS Band Geek too) went and enjoyed it quite a bit.
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