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Posts posted by idriveittoo

  1. I'm sorry.... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    I just came after a few brews to go to pcom.....I am LMAO!

    This thang got down rite stanky didnt it!?>?


    It's cool....it's all about two different views coming together...searching for a common sense goal....which enriches the lives of countless hundreds who frequent our boards.




    Edited...again.....THIS AVATAr HAS TO go BeCuase it FullY GiveS A MisLeaDi ng View of Hoo Eye Rilly Am....



    Thanks, Subdivider. That guy was creepin' me out. LOL. Who was that anyway??

  2. Psychmom, I need to learn manners?? My manners are just fine, thank you.  And you would deliberatley "Rile up Junior"? Wow, you sound like a wonderful mom, so nuturing and caring and I'm sure your children will be a product of such a loving home.

      And since idriveittoo can't remember what he posts I figured I could help him with his reading comprehension. Since when is blowing an airhorn at 6 pm such a problem? I mean if dogs can bark, why can't someone have fun with an airhorn??  And exactly, a neighborhood is a variety of people. (some with dogs and some with airhorns) Oh, and the guy with the airhorn is an idiot? He might be trying to teach idriveittoo a lesson, we don't know the full story.And don't talk to me about my children, they're being raised in a beautiful neighborhood with neighbors who actually care and are considerate. And you seem to have a problem with paulding growing, maybe you should go find the country again.



    Wow!!!! Why do I even try to explain myself to you?? Like I said above, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE AIR HORN MYSELF. IT'S MY DOGS EARS I'M CONCERNED ABOUT. Do you understand that??????

  3. idriveittoo,  If you think it would be creepy to live in a silent neighborhood, why are you complaining about the noise of an airhorn? One would just think it would add to the ambiance of your "non-creepy" neighborhood. Just a thought.




    I personally could care less about the air horn. However, dogs, with their extra-sensitive hearing probably would tell you different if they could. Did you happen to read the part where I said they run to the back door with their ears lowered and tails between their legs??? I'm concerned that this guy could damage my dogs hearing just because he doesn't want to hear a yip out of them. My point is that he's potentially being cruel to an animal because he's annoyed. Does that seem fair in your perfect little world??? Probably. To heck with anybody but #1, right???????

  4. And now I don't even wake up during a storm. Nothing can wake me up! And I turned out okay. Somewhat.


    I think that if the dog isn't after my kids, or pooping in my yard or roaming the neighborhood off the leash, then I have no problem.


    Dogs bark....get over it or don't have neighbors so close to you. I moved to a subdivision so I have to expect noise. I can hear the kids on the next street over even as late as 8 or 9 at night. It does not bother me. It is a neighorhood.


    My 2 cents....




    You're right. How creepy would it be to live in a silent neighborhood?? It'd feel more like a retirement community or something. LOL.

  5. I thought we should all go back and read the first post. She was basically asking for help on the laws of noise ordinance. For the few that actually helped her with this, thanks!! I hope you found what you needed. How do these threads always end up like this anyway?




    Thanks, jboogie. However, I'm a "he". LOL. I respect the opinions of others and their right to have them. I feel I'm being more than accomodating despite some posters opinions to the contrary. I guess some of them are the type that feel the world owes them something for merely existing. LOL at them. :lol: :lol:

  6. I'd also like to add/ reiterate that I do bring the dogs in at 10:00pm as a courtesy to my neighbors. Always have......even before their exceptionally sensitive baby was in the picture. I just find it particularly anal of this guy to expect the dogs to be totally silent all day long and I feel he's being a jerk about it by blowing his air horn. The fact that he called and called, some times even before 10:00pm, doesn't constitute him trying to be civil about it. It's him being anal and wanting the world to bend over for him, to me. AFTER 10:00pm, I could ALMOST understand.

  7. Cardie, He doesn't always take his dogs in. Why don't you read his first post CAREFULLY, it says his neighbors call him whenever the dogs were out past 10.  Idriveittoo forgot to mention his neighbor has a new baby, what did I tell you, there was more to the story after all. How 'bout that?? Those dogs are out barking, waking up a BABY and idriveittoo is upset because his neighbor is using an airhorn to quiet the dogs. Amazing. simply amazing. Oh, and the airhorn apparently wasn't the neighbors first choice because  idriveittoo said the neighbor would call him about the dogs being out. Now he has resorted to using the airhorn because being civil and calling had no effect. Why am I not suprised??



    And had YOU bothered to read everything, you'd realize that I mentioned the fact that he blows his horn some times as early as 6:00pm and I feel I'm being more than accomodating by bringing them in no later than 10:00pm. I'm not about to keep two big dogs inside my house all day and night because he can't handle a bark here and there. What kind of kids are you guys raising that you need to have the whole world cater to them???? Mine listened to dogs barking, loud stereos passing by, lawn mowers outside, etc. and they are perfectly healthy and happy. Hmmmmmmm.........

  8. Originally, I was gonna ask that very question...if they had a baby....ever had a baby? When I had my first one, the neighbor's dog would bark all the time, wake up the baby, and it became SOOOO annoying that I had no choice but to call in the calvary. Of course, that was in Cobb County, so the problem was handled very quickly. I hate to sound like your neighbor, but it's funny to me how long this thread went on, how much anger is directed at your neighbor, the name calling (jerk this, and jerk that) then finally, at the end, we see your neighbor has a baby......I have to ask...who's the real jerk here?



    The "baby" is now over a year old. And just because they have a baby, I'M the jerk now??? Like I said, if you had bothered to read my last post in it's entirety, that I DO have kids. And YES they were once babies too. And we didn't expect the world to kiss our butts just because of it. AND like I also said, the dogs DON'T bark ALL THE TIME.

  9. Thanks to all you guys/gals who replied. I understand that not everytone has or even likes dogs. Like I said, our dogs are both Labs and it would be cruel to keep them inside all the time just because some jerk decides it's annoying him. I bought the house that I did because it has a huge back yard which we fenced in for them to have tons of room to play in. I WANT my dogs to bark when someone/something comes in our yard. They don't do it otherwise(unless I'm standing in front of them with treats and I'm not handing them over fast enough for the li'l boogers. LOL) I just don't understand why he only has a problem with MY dogs barking. Especially since I AM corteous enough to bring them in at night at all. I think I may have failed to mention that they have a baby now(a little over a year old). The complaints started when she was born. It didn't matter what time of day it was, they whined every time one of them barked. ave two kids of my own and I know how it is when the li'l guys are sleeping, but come on........you can't expect the world to stop turning just because you have a kid now. I don't want to start any kind of war, but I DO have some yard work that needs doing and have been corteous enough in the past to start it after noon on the weekends because of the noise. However, why should I rush myself by starting so late in the day??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... :D :D :D

  10. You guys need to remember that you are suggesting starting a war with a neighbor.  This guy can make the OP's life miserable, plus harm the dogs.


    A better solution would be to try and work it out with the neighbor.  If the dogs don't bark, then there is no air horn.  So, first step, get the dogs to stop barking.


    I'm all for fighting it out if I feel that I am right, but I think in this case, the barking dogs are the root of the problem.



    They're not the problem if they don't bark more than 15 minutes. At least that's what I'm hearing here. Plus, I'd rather they DO bark when someone comes in the yard. That's what they're supposed to do.

  11. I thought it was 10pm also. I would personally shove the air horn up....


    well...I would.




    Trust me.....I've had to seriously restrain myself from doing so. The main things that stop me are 1) the law(LOL) and 2) I can KIND OF understand his not wanting to hear dogs barking.....but he has one himself!!!!!! And, like I said, it's not like they just constantly bark. When they do, it's never for more than a few minutes, if that long.

  12. I believe the noise ordinance begins at 11:00 PM.  I had a similar situation several years ago with a neighbor.  After my neighbor called the sherriff's department about my barking dog, I found out just how long I COULD make noise.  I found the only convenient time to tune up my kid's racing go-karts was between 10:45 and 11:00 PM with the open exhaust pipe directed at his bedroom window.  He eventually decided that the barking dog wasn't so bad. ;)


    Sometimes, when people only know how to be a jerk, you have to get down on their level to communicate with them. B)



    Thanks, james_mills and everyone else. Hmmmmmm.....maybe I need to break out the chain saw and cut up that pile of logs that is laying right next to the corner of his house(still in my yard though) sometime around 10:00pm, huh?? Sounds like a plan to me. This guy really gets me mad with this and I don't want to just let him keep doing it.

  13. I'm just curious if anyone can tell me what kind of laws we have in Paulding in relation to disturbing the peace. Here's my situation: I have two dogs that stay outside for most of the day(both are Labs). We bring them in around 10:00 every night(unlike any of our other neighbors). My problem is with my neighbor on one side of us. If our dogs bark at all after they get home(usually around 6:00pm), they come out on their back porch and blast one of those loud, obnoxious air horns at our dogs to try and quiet them. I understand his not wanting to hear the dogs barking, but it's not like they're doing it for long. Usually only if someone comes in the yard. For a while before the air horn, they would call us every night if the dogs were out past 10:00 and made the slightest noise and ask that we bring them in. They never ask any of the other neighbors whose dogs bark all night to do the same. Are we required to bring them in every night because of some law?? Is the use of the air horn on our dogs considered cruelty as it obviously bothers them?? Each time they come running to the back door with their ears lowered and tails between their legs. I'm about ready to punch the guy the next time he does it. Is it between 10:00pm and 10:00am that is considered disturbing the peace??


    Thanks in advance. :D

  14. I haven't noticed it in the last week or so. The best way I can think to describe it is it smelled like burning spit. I remember as a kid spitting on the muffler of our lawn mower because....well, because I was a kid, I guess. Anyway it reminded me of that smell......just worse. Maybe a little something extra in there too.

  15. Assuming I wanted to go ahead and file a police report as suggested, what number would I call to do so?? I'm assuming it WOULDN'T be 911. Does anybody know??


    Thanks again to all. Every one of you guys has a valid point. I think my son HAS learned his lesson about leaving his belongings at other friend's houses. After all, he's had to WALK all over the neighborhood for the last few months. I'd just like for the other kid to learn that he should be responsible for his own actions. It's not so much about the money as that.

  16. I don't think you are up against any statute of limitations, but I would hope your internal limitations would kick in here.


    I am sure the bike can be repaired for much less than the cost of a new one. Let's take your sentiment about "not bothering the Sheriff's Department with this" a little further. I am also sure that our court system has many things to deal with that most people would consider much better use of their time.


    I'd suggest repairing the bike and "chalking it up" to your son learning a lesson about leaving his bicycle unattended in someone else's yard. :mellow:

    While I completely understand what you mean about letting it be a learning lesson for my son. Do you really think it's a good idea to "teach" the other young boy that it's OK to destroy other peoples property without repercussion??? :blink: :blink: That seems pretty ridiculous to me. I'd like to think that his parents would be reasonable and try to work SOMETHING out. :angry:

  17. I was wondering if anybody can tell me(short of calling the Sherrif's office and bothering them) what to do about a situation I have with a former friend of my son. My son left his bike at another friends house. While THIS friend was away, the former friend came into his yard, took the bike, and basically rendered it useless by dropping it down a drain which bent the fork. He admits doing it. His parents have even admitted that they believe he did it. However, he's trying to say that the friend whose yard the bike was in was involved. I know this to not be true because the friend whose yard it was in wasn't home. His parents say we'll have to take them to court in order to get the bike replaced. My question is this: is there some kind of time limit I have to press charges on the kid?? This happened in January and we tried to contact the parents about it, but they wouldn't return our phone calls. My wife ended up going over there and found out that they basically refuse to pay for it. I don't want to involve the law, but his parents leave me little choice.


    Any help is appreciated. :D

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