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Posts posted by bigmomma

  1. Wow! 66 years! You probaly remember when highway 92 was dirt. Do you remember when 92 was dirt? I have lived in Paulding County for 13 years and I can't belive how much it has grown. What is this new generation going to? Soon, we won't have any trees to help us breathe or paper to write on!!!!


    When I go down to south Ga to visit some reletives, I think when Paulding used to be like that. Now they are even growing!! But, it is not growing as fast as Paulding! Good!! :blink:

  2. This is getting really scary. What happened to little Paulding County that didn't have any type of "large buisnesses"? What happened to the mom-and-pop type of restraunts and buisnesses. Paulding County is getting really scary! :ninja: I mean, it could happen anywhere but I wouldn't expect here! :ninja: I just hope that they find and put this evil person who would do such a terrible crime in jail for life!!

  3. Go to the Thoughts for Food section here on p.com. We have a lot of recipes posted there and you can see who posted them too.



    can somebody give me the link to that. I can't seem to find it. If someone can't give me the link, can they give me direction to get there? I feel really dumb asking that! :wacko:

  4. OsFan, please don't take bigmomma so seriously. she's very protective of me. i'm sorry it turned in this direction.


    Yes, I am VERY protective of rollin'on! :D

    I was VERY upset when she had her accident when she fell!

    Please, don't take me very seroiusly. I am very protective over her.

    She is my bestest buddy! *wink*wink*

  5. I based my previous response from what you wrote.


    1. Dr. wasn't happy.

    2. my entire foot was swollen

    3. my toes looked like vienna sausages

    4. both sides of my ankle were black & blue

    5. i know i'm supposed to keep it elevated as much as possible

    All of these indicate a serious problem with your ankle and foot.


    It's your life.


    Good Luck with your recovery.


    Well, were you there when her doctor was explaining what was wrong with her ankle/foot. Yes, it is her health. Not yours. So, just leave her alone about it. I think you owe rollin'on a apology! :closedeyes:

  6. thank you bigmomma! since you know me personally, i hope OsFan will realize how wrong he was for posting that. i'm not insane! just a little loopy sometimes. but not when it comes to my health. i'm doing what the doc told me.


    You are very much welcome! :)


    You are not loopy! Just funny! :wub:

  7. I don't know you, but you are INSANE to disregard what your doctor told you. If he said to elevate it, then do it. Is the mobility of your leg worth some stupid Trivia contest?

    I do not understand why some even go to a doctor, when they ignore what they tell them what to do to fix the problem.  :unsure:



    No, she is not insane!! :angry2: Haven't you ever heard the saying: Laughter is the best medicine? Well, there you go! :rolleyes:


    OsFan: Since you do not know rollin'on, I don't think that you better be judging her that way! She was trying to thank everyone for wishing her a speedy recovery, and you came on here and acted like a jerk. Were you there at the doctor's office when rollin'on was there? Were you there when he told her the directions on how to and when to prop her leg up? I really don't tihnk so. But, I can't say much, because I was not there.

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