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Posts posted by dulcimerman

  1. I've got a picture from email that I want to use as my profile picture and don't know how to put it on. I know how to put a picture in a topic from the photobucket but not from an email. Can anyone help?

    Quote name dulcimerman date May 11,2008 I do not know but if you find out let me know. I have the camera to do it with, still have not figured it out yet either.

  2. Has anyone been or is a secret shopper? I'm interested in becoming one, but don't want to fall for a scam. If anyone would like to share any information I'd appreciate it.


    Quote name dulcimer man, May11, 1980

    About Three weeks ago I sent in apllication. They replied & said that they would send the money & advise me what to .So far I have not heard any more from them. Iwas leary of it also being a scam, but will wait & see what happens & let you know

  3. We have a new member on p.com . He joined about noon today .He is a great guy and has a lovely wife. He like me is a senior citizen so go easy on him please . So welcome him if you will. Thank you very much. :p :p



    The same goes for weatherboy & his wonderful wife. Still do not know how he ever landed such a beautiful wife HA HA,

    Hope you & all you wonderful mothers have a blessed & happy Mothers Day

  4. Ok, this may work now, I hope.

    I may if It does work sign up a & pay, maybe if I ca get right I maybe can drm up some dulcimer sales & or starty a club ?

    The reason it did not work is I guess the qualification did not go through yet /

    Thank's gain have a great wekend

    Love Tony & Dorothy

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