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Posts posted by dulcimerman

  1. I first stated that it is illegal and she could/should call SO ;) I also did not see in the post where someone stated that the parents are letting or teaching the children to break the law ;) In our neighborhood its mostly parents/adults breaking this law.

    I guess as far as my 'big deal' comment I should have said I really think the laws should change bc with certain guidlines it could be safe and not much different then the skateboards/bicycles/powerwheels in the road and as far as the noise I dont think it is a big deal.



    I first stated that it is illegal and she could/should call SO ;) I also did not see in the post where someone stated that the parents are letting or teaching the children to break the law ;) In our neighborhood its mostly parents/adults breaking this law.

    I guess as far as my 'big deal' comment I should have said I really think the laws should change bc with certain guidlines it could be safe and not much different then the skateboards/bicycles/powerwheels in the road and as far as the noise I dont think it is a big deal.



    Have you heard of roofing nails ?

  2. The reason I ask this question is, my oldest DD has been asking me for a year now (on and off) if I will sign, so that she can get hers pierced! I'm not sure if it's a good thing! Not to mention she is ONLY 16!!!!! To me she is still a baby :D and doesn't need to feel as tho' she NEEDS the extra attention! (Or that KIND of attention for that matter) JMO (Although she tells me that's NOT why she wants to get hers pierced!!) So I'm thinkin' THEN WHY!!??!! All kinds of thoughts are going through my brain!!!! Why would a SIXTEEN year old WANT to get a belly button piercing!?!! (Why would ANYONE want to for that matter!!! :wacko: ) JMO




    Why do people get their belly buttons pierced? It seems to me it would only draw bad attention! JMO



    What's your thoughts on this subject? All opinions are welcome!!





    DISCLAIMER I know that the FINAL decision is mine, if she has it done or not! Just wanted to see what others thoughts and opnions are on this subject! :)






  3. Could you mention the date please? Will see how it fits into my wife's craft show calendar.


    Neve mind, saw other post.


    Dallas Senior Center Craft Fair

    *CC APPROVED* Fair on Friday Nov 21, 2008 from 9am --5pm


    You can contact the following person on the Senior Center Craft show On november 21' 2008 she can give you complete instructions & details


    PLEASE CALL BOBBIE SPANN at 404 983 5846



    Thank You All










  4. Did everyone have a good day in Dallas today? I haven't seen anything on here about it.

    It was a great day in town for Dallas Days. Everyone enjoyed the performers , the bands & the music plus the wonderful food. We did great, we were right in front of the Dallas Theater On Main St. & not hidden in the weeds so no one could see us except the bees .The folks who ran the affair provided traffic control, plenty of good parking , not in the mud & signs everywhere telling the patrons of the affair & signs were posted many days in advance so everyone knew of the affair & dates.

    Everyone was wonderful & we met so many nice folks & we look foward to nxt year.

    Just a note the Senior Center in Dallas is having a craft fair in November, everybody should attend, as soon as we have the dates we will post them for you.

  5. We were in Townsend, Tn. this weekend and I ordered a hamburger plate with baked beans. When the lady brought my food, she gave me a fork. I asked her where was my spoon. She asked me why I needed a spoon. I told her so I could eat my beans with it. She said she never heard of anyone eating beans with a spoon. I thought everyone did. If you use a spoon you get the soup too. The only thing I use a fork for is with green beans. How do you eat your soup beans, pork n beans and baked beans? With a fork or a spoon? Maybe I am the only person that eats beans with a spoon.


    100_0299.jpg :lol: :lol: :lol:



    Large spoon of course. Hope you did not leave a tip or just a small one ?.

  6. I know we have alot of crafters out here. I am trying to get a craft fair going . It will be off Dallas acworth hwy (92) 10x10 space $25.00. There would be alot of traffic for great sales.The date of the fair is Sat. Oct. 4th I think it would be a great thing for everyone. We have some great vendors coming but we still need more.



    Thankyou, Maggie Callahan & I plan to be there for the craft fair, I will contact her so we can send you the $25.00 fee. She may6 have sent you the money if not Where can we send the check ?.


    Please respond to my E mail annthonyr@bellsouth.net

    Thanks Anthony Raspanti

  7. Dulcimerman is also interested depending on the date , just let us know when will try to make it Great Idea

    * there is a crafters fair in town of Dallas on October 8th. So if you have it on the 4th I would be interested, Please advise when ,where & where to send the money ?

  8. There is no tactful way to ask this, but do you still owe that doctor any money? If so, that might be the reason they are wanting to charge for the records.


    I have heard of doctors charging the patient when they request records be sent to another doctor but it was only once or twice. And the patient still owed the first doctor.


    Fill out a request at the new doctor's office, have *them* fax it (the request) to the other doctor's office and I would think there would be no charge.

    No we do not owe the doctor money, he is paid in full. we have spent thousands w/this dr's office after going to them for five years . Dr, Sachs left this med office & went w/ Wellstar & we want to stay w/him. So the practice he was with is where our med records are & we want them to go to Dr,Sachs.who has opened a new office in Dallas. The office he was w/ was in Atlanta at Piedmont Hosp Bldg.

  9. yes, a doctor's office can charge any reasonable price for copying your medical records. Generally, but not always, they will *send* them to another doctor's office if you request it through the other doctor's office. If you request them sent to you, they are free to charge for them.


    $35.00 sounds reasonable. We were charging about $30 when I worked in the medical field almost 20 years ago.


    If you don't want to pay it, just request the records be send DIRECTLY to your new doctor.

    That uis what I did then they called for the money $35.00 No Way

  10. Hello Dulcimerman I have been looking for some posts from you, I am glad you are back on here . Hope you get your records with no cost to you. We got ours with no charge I think after the new doctor ask for them. At least we signed a paper with the new doctor requesting them. How is the good wife doing? Are you still making Dulcimers? hope you have a good evening. Weatherboy.

    Hey, weatherman, no wife fell broke her back ,rib & wrist real bad, had to medivac her to Grady. She was in there for five days just got her home. Have to take her to orthopaedic surgeon in Dallas. No way do I want to return to Grady. She may have to pins & a plate put in.

    Anyway Grady did fax medical records to local doctor. But trying to get another doctor in Atlanta to send med records to another Dr. in Dallas. They want $35.00 to do it . you would think after going to them for four years & spending many thous of dollars they would not chg.

    Thanks everyone for your input Appreciate your help. Dulcimerman

  11. As others have stated, there is still labor hours & fees included that someone has to cover

    They called me & had the records ready to fax or mail but said I need to send them $35.00 first.

    I also had Grady fax med records to local doctor, they did not charge anything

  12. I dont know about that, but there your records and you can request a copy of them. I dont know if they charge you for it. Then you can take them to the new drs office.

    Their offices are in Atlanta & we want to switch to a doctoer in Dallas Thank's

  13. I live in Eagle Pointe off of Old Cartersville. A guy just came to my door and said he was an insurance adjuster and was investigating a claim by one of my neighbors about some hail damage. I didn't think about it at first, but he asked me if I always parked my car in the driveway. This would be a good question to ask if he was actually investigating a claim on hail damage, so I thought nothing of it. But then I remembered this story and I started wondering, so I watched him from the window after he left. He went down the street and turned around, but never stopped at any of the other neighbors' houses. Then when he got back around to my house, he stopped across the street for a minute, then drove away again. Now it has me worried. He was well dressed in a polo shirt and dress pants, and was driving a blueish-green SUV. If anyone has any info about a scam involving this kind of approach, or if anyone else in this nieghborhood talked to this guy, please let me know. Thanks


    You should not ever open the door to strangers, EVER

  14. Has anyone else noticed the four jets flying over Pauling this morning? We are having more passenger plane traffic also I have noticed Before they seemed to all come from Birmingham to Atlanta now I see some going south to north don't know where thet are coming from.Then we have the small planes that comes every morning and flyes around and around over our house. I hate to see it when the paulding airport opens.

    I live off Hyw 61 near Womack truck body & we see all kinds of military planes, helicopters flying over they test fly them Plus we get planes going from & to Hartsville airport.

  15. Bad accident happened right in front of me while sitting at the red light just now on 278...


    At the intersection that leads to the Tractor Supply place.


    Prayers to all involved, it looked really bad... :(


    That is a bad intersection,like all on 278 , of course look at all the speeding drivers, talking on cell phones, tail gateing, running red lights, etc They are crazy. Everyone in a hurry & for what ?

    We could save millions of dollars & not put up speed limit signs as no one follows the law anyway, so why bother posting speed limits & putting up signs no one even follows. ?.

  16. dulcimerman 2222 you just posted your first post on paulding. com. What is the 2222 for why not just dulcimerman? Hope you and your good wife are having a great mothers day. Post us again sometime now that have gaught on to how this works. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:


    Do not know why I did that & used 2222.


    Have a great week

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