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Everything posted by swingline

  1. More than likely the helicopter that came was Life Force. If so they would take the Pt too Erlinger hospital in chattanooga. That hospital is a very good hospital and it is a level 1 trauma center. or Grady was on devershion.
  2. I am ready for a ghost hunt. How can we set one up for real. Who here will grab the bull by the horns and set this thing up??????
  3. It dosent say anything, its like the screen is off.. I hate lap-tops LOL. I will try that thank you so much
  4. Do you think you can tell me how to fix my computer. I think i picked up a virus on facebook. I can not make it do anything when i turn it on. Its just a blank screen after loading. If i want to get on the web i have to go into safe mode with networking. Should i just take it to sombody or get a new one. or do you think there is a easy fix????????
  5. They just keep getting better and better,
  6. That kinda stuff freaks me out. keep them coming lol
  7. There was a MVA. The one car could not get out of the road because it would not restart.
  9. I have not seen it only heard about it.. The white house on Bobo road across from the old church. I HEARD that every now and again there have been civial war soldiers seen walking in the woods and around the trench there. No sounds no interacting just men walking and runing around.
  10. Thanks too all who shared ...please keep this going
  11. It is a fire station. And i promise you there is somthing there. What i dont know but i would love to find out.
  12. Euharlee.. and its not realy a house house. LOL. I dont want to say to much i dont want folks to think im crazy..
  13. There is one building i have to work in the county just north of us. There is a set of sisters that like to vist us in the middle of the night. I have never seen them just heard them or one of them moving around in the bay and the kitchen. Little things happen like water being turned on, cabnet doors being opend and then slamed shut. I even heard one ask why i was in her house.
  14. This stuff is great. I love it. Thanks and keep it going
  15. Is there any one who lives here in the county that has any really good ghost stories. Local and true only. I asked a similar question last year and want to see if any new members have any thing to add or if any of you older members have had any thing new happen. It is getting that time of year again. …. So please keep it FUN and TRUE.
  16. wyane smith He was the head of animal control, 911, Marshals, and fire department
  17. What do you think? Paulding county Public Safety Director has steeped down today. There is a new commissioner coming in. In what direction do you see this county going ?????? By the way I am not complaining I am just wanting to know what everyone else thinks
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