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Everything posted by tiredofit

  1. The man is about as far from a hero as you can be. He believed in the torture and and murder of his political enemies. If the things he believed in were so successful why do people in Cuba still risk everything to come to The United States? He understood that marxist revolution never really ends. In order to stay in power an oppressive system must always create then destroy its enemies because Marxism is an enemy of free thought and expression. It can never survive without that type of control. He was a murdering lunatic with no real regard for the people he claimed to fight for!!!
  2. The reason for Charter schools IS so parents can have choices. Right now there are kids who do well in school with supportive parents but could do even better if they were allowed to go to a school that gave them a more rigerous,disciplined and fullfilling educational experience. Many of those kids are held back intellectually because they are stuck in their public school that is afraid to have failing students and therefore keeps everyone down so as not to hurt the feelings of kids who just cant cut it. Those kids are not allowed to reach their full potential because we as a society
  3. Okay, the construction was payed for by a SPLOST that was forced down our throat. They then passed a tax increase which they said they would not if we passed the SPLOST. If they had not done either of those and had just been responsible with the money they had at the time, we as the tax payers MAY have been more accomidating about a tax increase at this desperate time but they have burned those bridges. Why should we pay for their irresponsibility? We shouldnt. The kids shouldnt be allowed to park without a permit. What ever happened to just plain old punishment. Is a boot really necessary
  4. Must we go here again. We can start with the unnecessary contstruction. We can talk about failure to require builders to pay up. We can talk about one of the higher ups asking about purchasing more land for future schools just a few months back. Thank goodness Mr. Skelton stepped in and said no but that is a prime example of govenrment thinking. Lets spend while we have it not save it, not lets be responsible with it. Now teachers and students must suffer. Perhaps our Prinicapls and higher ups should take pay cuts to ensure that the class rooms have more money. I dont see that happening.
  5. That is why we have these problems. They counted on money they did not yet have. They werent responsible with the money they did have. It does not matter that they were expecting more or that they have always gotten more. The fact is, they spent money before they got it. It is irresponsible and they need to go. I don't care about excuses. They betrayed the public trust and now they need to pay. It is not my fault that they acted in the manner in which they did. It is their fault. Government must be under control. This is a prime example of government out of control.
  6. Reckless spending in times of prosperity lead to this. The BOC should have stopped the building. The BOE should have spent its dollars more wisely. Government never does anything right yet each year people believe that the government has all the right answers. The truth is, government never has the right answers. The only good politicians always says no. If we had not had the bond forced down our throats after first voting it down then had the BOE pass a new tax increase on top of it, the people of this county may have been willing to accept a tax increase in these desperate times. Now the
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