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About joey1

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member

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  1. Hello to Everyone at PCOM, I simply wanted to share my opinion on the Upcoming Senate Runoff this Tuesday. I just like everyone else in our county have heard all the phone call messages and got all the mail regarding this Senate Race and honestly have became sick of hearing about it just like most everyone else I talk to. I have still payed attention simply because I believe this is an important election for our county. As a business owner for over 12 years I have gone through alot of great times and alot of very tough times. The economy simply has not been good for small bu
  2. Seems to me there is a mistake in the commission chairman results. The county website says more like 56% to 45%.
  3. You tell them Amanda, Seems to me there should have been notices put up at the site for a public hearing. Instead our "Employees" must have decided they wanted to get this passed so no notices. Well election time is just around the corner, Who wants a job working for the People of this County ? I think this will bring the home values in this neighborhood down by at least 20 percent or more, we already lost almost 40 percent due to a struggling economy. I think since we citizens of this county own the property then we should all start raising pigs to ma
  4. Bunch of "Good Buddies" Running our county Commission. Maybe they will make good decisions together. Couple of the votes really close under 100 votes, wonder who will be the first to ask for a recount and are there any absentee ballots remaining to count?
  5. Sometimes old water pipes can cause this if they are copper or galvanized, also if the county has done any work on the main waterline then it could be where the line got dirty. If this is the case then it could take a couple of weeks to clear up.
  6. Dang Jlh10101, First being an ex cop you ought to know the seat belt laws, bet I was in a truck wasnt I ? Jlh10101 I didnt know you were jealous, guess it comes from living on the south side of the county with a 16 year old daughter who runs up $600 phone bills to her absentee boyfriend doesnt it ???
  7. Nobody wants to see your AS????? Put it away please !!!!
  8. Robert Duvall !!!! Can you believe it???? Right here in Paulding County, although I dont think he is here yet , he will be. I have a business lot straight across the road from the dragstrip, we could all gather on my trailer one day and see if we could catch a glimpse !!!! LOL
  9. Yep, and one of my all time favorite actors is gonna be in it !!!!
  10. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ms. Anita and the entire Grogan family. The Frey Family Joey, Amanda, Brittany and Matt
  11. Lets pretend,Suppose I own a huge industry that has 10,000 workers and I want relocate. I would be looking for several things in making a decision about where to relocate. First I will want to be close to an interstate because it will make for better access for both shipments and employees, second I will want to be close to an airport so I can ship airfreight and save some on ground transporting. Both these things will save me millions in charges related to fuel as well as other costs. Now since you are so smart try convincing that Paulding is where I wanna be. Lets see what you would do if yo
  12. Surely everyone knows we are currently in a country wide recession right ? There are empty houses and empty lots all over the US right now. It has nothing to do with Paulding BOC people, the economy is crap. This county is going to grow whether we like it or not ( I wish it was still like it was 20 years ago ). The only thing our BOC can do is try to control the quality of subdivisions which is where PRD comes in. Trust me I am not saying I support or dont support the current or future BOC. I am simply saying the economy in the whole country is crap. Everything is not always the BOC's fault
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