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Everything posted by ittybtt

  1. What they do, is go up on your roof, tell you that you have "hail" damage, and to submit a damage report to your insurance company. The insurance agent comes out, and does a "real" inspection, and tells you that there's no damage to your roof. This happens about 95% of the time, the guy that called you is banking on that other 5%, where he gets a portion of the roof replacement. Does'nt cost you anything, just a hassle....
  2. Anybody else's water seem a different color this morning? I flushed the toilet upstairs, and it looked like it refilled with milk...Came downstairs to fix a cup of coffee, same thing...just really "white" water coming out of faucet. Microwaved my cup, water appears normal now...And last night the water was muddy colored...
  3. We're hearing it's a "Party gone wrong" now, police won't talk...still searching subdivision on foot with flashlights...nothing on the scanner... Behind Kroger in Hiram
  4. What the heck is going on? Awoken by multiple rapid fire gunshots in the Carrington Chase Subdivision....Pace drive I think...Now Paulding county sheriffs searching woods behind our house, lots of cop cars everywhere....it all happened about a half hour ago...Lots of people in one house screaming and fighting...
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