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Posts posted by FLboy

  1. how is it legal?? Maybe I'm missing something, but there are a lot of copyrights on these movies and shows. I pulled one up and it had chinese subtitles which tells me the way they get away with it is the company is run in another country. I know my friends who live in China say Pirated movies are available on every street corner. Very often they are dark or harder to see and lower quality because they are filmed by someone with a high quality camera sitting in a theater. I don't know, I can't stand how much money hollywood makes, but it doesn't seem right to steal their work after millions have been put into it. maybe it's just me.....

    legal or not ,,just sit back and enjoy is what i say...


  2. First of all ...i do not drive slow in the fast lane...if i see someone coming up fast behind me, i move over...second...i do not ride peoples bumpers..i have more sense than that..thirdly....every time some one has come up on my bumper it has been in the inside lane ...all they have to do is go around me in the left hand lane...i don't get some people...and then when they get past you they slow down pull over in front of you and go the same speed ..i think people just like to be in front of the pack


    Exactly, same for me.

    Some peeps are just plain ignorant in the way they drive.



    Just kidding!

    Welcome to the jungle!

    Think you are right about the Jungle...i have been checking out the place for a few days now...some of the members i have observed seem to really get into it...are you guys sure it is safe to post...lol


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