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Posts posted by barbaraservello

  1. Personal Info


    Paulding Com member

    35 years old


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    Set as 'Not Set'Dallas GA

    Enter your location Born Mar-19-1973

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    Joined: 14-December 07

    Profile Views: 3*

    Last Seen: Today, 04:19 PM

    Using User CP

    Local Time: Oct 9 2008, 04:23 PM

    91 posts (0.3 per day)


  2. I can't seem to take it anymore these day. I have 3 wonderful girl who i love dearly. But grrrrrrrrrr i can't take it sometimes. I clean my house up and cant turn around and its like i didnt do a thing. Toys everywhere i try so hard not to lose my mind but sometimes i just wish i was on a island by myself. the screaming and fighting :wacko:. today just isnt a good day. I feel like crying my eyes out. because really i dont know why. anyways vent over.

    I hope your day gets better :give_rose:

  3. If you are running away take me with you! My 4 year old smashed out the front door of my salon this morning! I need a drink! :drinks:

    I have a 17 yr old who threw a baseball over the house and smashed my glass patio table. :angry2:

  4. :rofl:

    I am backing you all the way.. LOL


    you go girl......








    ok I had to reread that, I thought it said she does not deserve any mayberries..


    I thought ot uh we really are gonna need the popo now LOL


  5. :lol: :lol:


    Now that's funny!!


    You haven't been on here long enough.........


    Believe me, the day will come when you will want to reach into that screeen and rip someone's head off!!


    That's when you get up. walk away. take a break. and tell yourself it's only virtual. It's not real life.



    WOW repeat that one more time!!

    been there done that!


  6. On our way home from the store tonight I was holding a bag for my 4 year old to puke in. Chunky puke. grapes.


    That is all.




    P.S. Is the flu already goin around?

    I'm thinking it a stomach virus, my daughter was home monday, son home today and the youngest puked last night but was ok this morning. :blink:


  7. OK this is for real. Our pet rooster has dissapered. He is a white Bantam rooster and goes by the name of Rhino, he may be somewhere between Pine Shadows dr. and 92 in Hiram. You see he would get into the bed of my husband's truck which I have had to use this week (mine is broken down) I usualy check to see if he is there. I did not see him in the truck on Tues when I checked. However he may have been there. So if you have seen or heard a strange rooster in the area please let me know. I work in Hiram and if he was in the truck all the way there he may be in the Hiram area. He one of my son's pets.


    did you have any luck finding your rooster?

  8. :o :lol:



    I'm the opposite. I'm a pretty mild person...unless I'm driving. That's when I spout off at the mouth (with my windows rolled up and the back seat child-free ;) ). Today was so frustrating I just sat there in silence for the most part. That's when you know I've had it. :lol:

    :o UH OH!!!

  9. Ok, I know this is going to sound odd, but our garage smells really bad like gasoline, not any other type of gas but gasoline. It started a couple of weeks ago and we had the gas compnay come out just to make sure that it was not natural gas leak (yeah, I know natural gas does not smell, but just wanted to be safe). Anyway, we aired out the garage and seemed to go away for about a week. We also looked all over the garage to try to see where this smell could be coming from, but found nothing. Well, 2 days ago it came back, and now it is very strong. The smell is starting to creap up into the house through the vents, and smelled horrible. We do not park our cars in the garage, only our motorcycles which we have not rode in a while. There are no gas cans in there either.


    Anyway, I just wondering if anyone might have any ideas what it could be or who we could call??


    Thanks in advance.

    do you happen to have a lawn mower or a weed wacker, they too could be leaking gas.


  10. :ninja: you didn't see any other explorers didja? there was this blue one, and the woman was texting and driving. moron!!!

    no she was the only one I saw, I was to busy trying to get around and as far away from her as possible lol. she was literally driving me crazy and making me say things that usually don't come out of my mouth until I'm at work and frustrated lol

  11. Hey...that's the same road I was on. :D

    I was not, however, putting on make-up. IGF's soap made my face so clear I don't even mess with make-up anymore. ^_^ :D

    :D this woman was in a ford explorer with a handicap tag. you can always tell the one doing thier makeup, cause it's still kinda dark out and they have the lighted vanity mirrors.

  12. It's just rain.





    No reason to get to work 40 minutes later than normal over it. <_<



    That is all. :D


    not only was traffic terrible this morning but I was stuck behind some woman who decided that she didn't have enough time to put on her makeup at home so she did it in the car WHILE SHE WAS DRIVING ( which by the way pisses me off ). She was on one side of the lane, then the other side and did I metion slamming on her brakes the whole way down Dallas Hwy because she was paying more attention to putting on her makeup!!! aaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggg. =@

  13. Morning everyone.


    I don't post much but read PCOM often. Here is a chance to help our local shelter win $25,000!


    The Animal Rescue Site is sponsoring a shelter challenge and the animal shelter that has the most clicks will win the money. You can click once per day, every day. All you have to do is go to Animal Rescue Site and click on the button that says

    "Click Here to Give-It's Free" on the next page towards the top youwill see a small banner for the Shelter Challenge and it will say Vote Now. Click on that button and you will see a Search box to search for a shelter. If you type in PAULDING HUMANE SOCIETY it will pull it up. Then all you do is click VOTE.


    I know PCOM is a big family so maybe we can pass the info along to enough people to help them win.

    I have been voting for about a week since I received an email about it. I think it would be great for them to win!!


  14. - 20 is the highest amount of mayberries you can get

    10 is the highest amount of bulets you can get, but by that time you are history for a few days LOL

    guess you have to do something bad to get the bullets.


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