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Posts posted by momaliz

  1. Shoot! I'm thinking about taking classes at Mable House myself as I don't want to fall back into my old bad habits! :lol:

    I have lots of lessons I can give you on that subject! :lol:


    mable house huh?

    lessons reasonable?


    took glass blowing lessons a couple of years ago....not cheap at all.

    bit more of an expensive craft for me.

    really enjoyed it though ;)

  2. :lol: Nope....not yet anyways ^_^




    :lol: Awe come on....ya know ya love my "woohoo" posts :lol: Livens the place up a tad B) :lol:



    you gonna keep us guessing all week?

    when you posted "woohoo"

    it startled me......jumped a little :lol: :lol:

  3. the dog isn't mine


    got a cute story to share....


    8 years ago i went to wal-mart in hiram...beautiful dog living in the parking lot

    fed her everytime i went shopping.....finally before a hard freeze in march i brought her home

    and the black cat she refused to leave without


    after a month or so of trying to find the owners of the animals we made them offical

    with the operations they needed and all the love we had


    best dog and cat we could have asked for


  4. hey tights count dude where else do you get to see all a man has to offer lol :lol: :o



    ok i'm married not checking out packages anymore ^_^ :lol: :lol: :lol: that's my story and i'm sticking to it ;)



    guess because i automatically pictured a big strong man when i think of medrescue....

    my simple mind

    instead i meet a beautiful strong woman.....nothing better right B)


    headed out for a day of looking at property....

    take care....enjoy pcom today ;)

  5. LPPT girl you are not old. I mean you still have the spirit of a 25 yr old. I do the same thing though I picture someone and they are completely opposite! but it is all good cause with the computer you like someone for their intel. and humor not for for their looks. I love it I have meet a many of people on here who don't look like ones that I would hang with but because I meet them here first I do and I am glad cause otherwise I would have missed out on some great friends. besides all my friends are pretty and stinkin funny! they are all smart and wonderful in their own way.


    you didn't look like the picture in my head ;)


    i pictured a big strapping man.....not sure why , but instead i meet ya and your such a sweet gal




    hope your feeling better today

  6. Greg- that was so not nice!!!! I just watched the season premier last night!!! :closedeyes:


    It must have something to do with having the name Liz, Liz. They cancel all my favorites, too!!! :lol:


    hey lady how you doin? going out to look at property again today

    rain and wind warnings mean nothing to us :huh:


    well they should listen to us. we know what's good to watch ;)


    "all the liz's of the world unite" :D


    can't wait till wen.... gonna need a break by then for sure

  7. Well, they started me on another IV to flush out my system, and now we're just waiting on the test results. I'm soooooooo ready to get out of here...



    glad to hear your feeling better ;)


    now after reading through this i'm wondering if paulding hospital mixed up the blood results with another patient <_<

    or if yours changed that quickly ? that would be awful for the other person if they were sent home and had no clue.


    wife bring up your joy stick today?

  8. He started sneezing yesterday afternoon and it has since progress to a "bark". Can a cat have a cold? I really don't have the $ for a vet visit but I will take him if I have to. I'm trying not to be overreacting to a cold. He's just never been sick. Thanks for your thoughts.


    the vet is the best bet....as they can't tell you what's going on.


    if the cat isn't drinking try ice water in a dropper....must keep them hydrated

    i'd also separate the sick cat from others if you have more at home.....it not going to be good if they all get sick


    good luck , hope your kitty feels better soon B)

  9. I am presently talking with there management,Bad company could be burnin up the sky again.


    Dallas Theater the place to be and be seen.




    really.....really :D


    i'm calling you tom, i wanna go B)

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