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Posts posted by StrawberryPie

  1. There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo!

    The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad!

    Most lipstick contains fish scales!

    It's against the law to pawn your dentures in Las Vegas!

    Thomas Edison, lightbulb inventor, was afraid of the dark


  2. Did you know that someone who has to write everything down has a mental condition called hypographia? They have to continuously write something. Sometimes they re-write lists over and over again, even though each one says the same thing.

    SOmething else to add to my list of mental illnesses and hypochondria lol

  3. Definatley Angelina! Jen is alright,but she is boring to me.The girl next door.Same thing everyday.She never changes her look and really too nice. I would love to see if she can actually get angry. I know that sounds mean I just cant see it lol. Angelina on the other hand can be any look.Mean,sweet,angry,Sincere,loving,fun,funny,in love, competitive,Feminine,masculine,excited,sad,wild,Black/brown/blonde/red-hair even wigs(Still looks good). Short or long. I just look at Jenn and I see sadness,even when she smiles. I feel bad for her and I think that is why a lot of people like her.I understand what happened was not cool,but its over.Everyone apologize and move on and make a life.Thats what they did but she seems to just try to hard to be seen,without changing. I hope that she changes and good things happen in her life.

  4. Tomorrow is day one. I'm on my last one now. I need some ideas. I started a diet on Monday I have 30 pounds to get rid of. Someone told me if I quit I will gain weight. Is this true? Help please!

    Other than cold turkey Ive heard that Wellbutrin is the safest.Chantix has been on those LAwyer commercials talking about strokes or death? I know they had rushed it on the market. I had to quit a few times.Its hard. My dad passed from throat cancer when I was 19 and after what I seen and heard I do not want to put my family or friends through that or myself for that matter. I chewed a lot of gum too. I have been quit 15 months now. The patch was weird I had strange dreams and nightmares-they seemed so vivid. I dont know if your spiritual or not but pray too-I promise it will help:)


  5. It's too early to start the insomniac thread, so i'll do this one...


    How's everyone doing eh?

    I thought it was going to be the insomnia one lol. Im in la la land laughing at same being evil taping up a package for her parents with a whole roll of very sticky tape. Its so fun to mess with the inlaws

  6. Oh lord I have so many lol.... Airplanes,snakes,driving-always worried someone will hit me or something.

    Fast food of any kind scared that I will get really sick from it,like someone put something in it or didnt cook it at the right temperature.I dont eat really anyones cooking except mine usually-If I do I take it apart and make sure its cooked all the way and whoever cooks it I watch like a hawk. Im afraid to eat anything that is not made in AMerica. That I will stop breathing in my sleep because of the sleep apnea-have been having some problems with it. Dont like cops,especially driving behind me,if one does they 99.9% of the time pull me over. Im scared of the top of cans when you open them the sharp part because I have had stitches 2 times because of them once on my toe and once on my finger. That is all I can think of but I probably have a few more lol-not funny but Im dealing with them.

  7. THe alone time-We definatley need it-she works from home doing ebay/amazon/Auction-is going to school next week for real estate. SO she is always here and me to so I have to give her space and me space too. I do most of the cooking,cleaning and organizing-cant stand a dirty house.


    The doing things with your spouse that they enjoy even though your bored or uninterested in it.Like QED likes to watch that Tornado watchers show,play football on the Ps2 thingy,and home improvement shows like design to sell. I will do it just to make her happy. I myself like to watch things like desperate housewives,that new show on scifi with the scary mansion that is a gameshow-I forgot the name lol,and the Doctors .I love learning things and scary things.


    QUality time together-We go camping in our pop up.Parents got us membership since there fulltime so we can go anywhere if we have the money over the united states and even Canada,mexico and I think Hawaii. We play guitar hero together.Try and take small walks. You could have picnics.


    A special thing too writing notes and putting them in his lunch for work.Something sweet or sexual to make him think of you while he is at work. :)

  8. I am sorry but I didn't even think to make this topic a little more neutral...Instead of men in the beginning sentence I should have put spouse.. I apologize.. Going to change it now.. Thank you for answering...


    LOL no big deal b. I know what you are talking about.This is actually the longest relationship and most serious. I just want to help.Plus really its the same basics,except for the things Im not talking about-which we arent doing anyways-were in couples premarital counseling cant do anything until the classes are over and we are"married" which has been 5 0r 6 months so far and were only halfway through! It really isnt to different in most aspects. Im alot happier then I have ever been though.


    Besides the obvious; I would have to say by laughter. We pick on each other like kids, and usually I end saying something stupid which makes him laugh. Rough-housing including the kids and lots of tickling. :wub:


    I love it when we are together amist chaotic family holidays, b/c we just have to look at each other ... even though we have to contain our laughter inside, we know what each other is thinking.


    YOu so need to go see 4 CHristmases!! You guys will love it with all the chaotic family and inside jokes this would be perfect for yall.

  9. What do you do to show your man you love them? Other than sexual. I am trying to do a general study so I need all the info I can get... Keep it clean please..


    There is a great book called (We read it in premarital counseling)The 5 love languages by Gary Chapman-ANyone who is in a relationship should buy and keep it! It explains the different ways people feel love their love language. It also explains a lot of things and you will be amazed at the little things that you overlook or dont even think about. Example: My love language is quality time-which is uninterrupted time together where you both talk and listen and just do something you both enjoy whereas QED would be this is an example Acts of service-Like cooking her dinner,doing laundry-or so I thought that was hers until I read this book. I was shocked it was something else. Its a great book,although I do not like to read much mostly because its hard for me to sit still long enough I read it in like 2 days if that long. It was sooooo good!!

    Please get it it. It will help anyone even people who think they are hopless and are thinking of getting a divorce or have other problems.This guy is a genius. Good Luck:)

  10. I'm sorry for your rough time. (And Cheffy, you too.) Sometimes as we get older family seems to drift further apart. We shift and things become different. That is what we are going through right now. It seems like there is one person in a family who is the glue.. the one that is the connection with everyone... when that person passes everyone losses contact unless someone else steps up to the task.


    Hang in there and make sure to make each day the best it can be. God bless.


    My granny on my mom's side was the glue now noone talks as far as I know. On my Dad's its like since he passed when I was 19 I have lost contact with everyone.Its bad I had to google my cousin to look her up and tell her how sorry I was and ask her if she needed anything. She was easy to find being she and her husband are a Real Estate team. I just hope she writes back.

  11. Well, I had a great Christmas with (QEB) Sam,her family on Christmas Eve with Gift exchange and Dinner Christmas Day.Sam and I going to my mom's for Gift exchange and Lunch there.I was sick as a dog,but kept on going. I also went by my dad's grave and brought him a tiny porcelain CHristmas tree. I didnt have enough to get my granny anything yet. Then on Christmas day I find out my Uncle Passed away. I have been calling over to my Dad's side to find out what happened and when service was no answer. I get one today. She said that he had been sick for a week and all his organs shut down.ALso,that he was cremated and that the memorial was today. Noone called me when he was sick or anything.I know its stressful and maybe they did forget but really it sux! I really cared about him a lot. I never saw him sick or dead-so I cant get it in my head that he is. Its so weird. Everyone as far as I know has been buried in my family,so this is really different and difficult. I dont know how to feel or what to think. I mean I have been trying to be closer to everyone.I know this is going to be really hard on my Aunt every year and my 1st and 2nd cousins. I dont know. I guess its part of life-but I wish that family would really try harder to stay closer. :(

  12. LOL I thought it was funny too bad he missed-show's how good the Secret Service are. I hope they hire good one's for Obama.He really will need them the way these crazy people act.

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