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Posts posted by Deltadawn

  1. I :wub: her.

    I agree ***TAXI*** Please.


    I believe the county commisioners decided on the regulations for taxis in the county, now that we have a few new commisioners perhaps thet can be persuaded to look at these regulations again.

    I believe law enforcement would like to see taxis taking people home safely.


    They are the ones that have to be on scene when there is an accident. LE might even want to have a few beers with dinner on a night out, and appreciate the option of a cab.


    They surely had nothing to do with these regulations that are so exspensive, and stringent, they make it almost impossible for a small company to start up, and serve the county.


    LE. wants the public to be safe from drunk driving.

    Gven the option many people would use them.


    Beyond the public safety issue this policy makes life very difficult for the senior citizens, and disabled in our county, to get to Dr.s appointments,, and pharmacies in a timely manner.


    These regulations do not serve the citizens of our county well, I hope that they can be changed.


    I don't believe in driving after one drink, we would all be safer if we had cabs.


    I don't think the allowing establishments to stay open later makes a bit of difference. if you are going to drink and drive you are going to drink and drive period.


    If you can't get a cab you simply can not get one, and you have to get home some way.

    Maybe we need professional DD's.

    I would pay one in a heart beat.

    I Agree ***TAXI*** Please.

  2. I don't know why the word drunks are being thrown around. Just because someone is out drinking at 1am does not mean they are a drunk. The new hours are great b/c it will give people who work late like until 11pm to have a chance to go grab something to eat and have a glass a wine or beer with dinner without hearing the words "last call" as soon as they get there.

    I agree. And it gives parents time to ge the kids in bed and asleep before they go out, without being rushed.

  3. We all cry the same tears

    tears of fright

    tears of sadness

    tears of loss

    tears of frustration

    ears of disappointment

    tears of loneliness

    Lands are flooded with tears

    We need one another's

    kindness, cooperation, trust and respect

    to survive


    We must talk untill there are no more words

    We must explain

    untill everthing is understood

    We must be honest

    untill nothing is hidden

    We must listen

    untill everything has been said

    We must question

    so that we know why

    We must be fair

    so that everyone's basic needs are met

    If there is no communication

    there will be no bond

    If there is no bond

    there will be no friendship


    By: Susan Polis Schutz

  4. We who inherit the earth

    who cheer the new moon peaking

    through the womb

    who admire the green leaves of summer

    turning to lustrous reds and yellows

    who watch them fall to the ground

    cold; brown and stiff...


    We who give birth to a new life

    who are exhilarated by the sun rising

    who are romanced by the sun setting

    who dream to the floating clouds...


    We who have a passing mark on the future of the world

    must have the same heart

    must have compassion for one another

    must have resect for one another

    must understand that though we have differences

    we all want the same things

    Nothing should divide us


    By:Susan Polis Schutz

  5. Celebrate

    the budding flowers

    the clear blue sky

    the deep green forests

    the perfect moon

    the twinkling stars


    the miracle of a baby

    the optimism of children

    he laughter of adolesecents

    the responsibibility of adults

    the wisdom of our elders


    the love in our hearts

    the spirit in our souls the health of our bodies


    all that binds us together

    as one


    By: Susan Polis Schutz

  6. I am a woman like you are

    I am a moher like you are

    I am a worker like you are

    I am an inamorata like you are

    Yet because you live there

    and i live here

    or because your appearance or lifestyle

    is different from mine

    people tell us we are not alike

    But we can see the differences

    in each other's beliefs because

    our intrinsic ideals are the same

    People tell us we are no alike but

    we know better

    We are all one


    By: Susan Polis Schutz

  7. We need to feel more

    to understand others

    We need to love more

    to be loved back

    We need to cry more

    to cleanse ourselves

    We need to laugh more

    to enjoy ourselves


    We need to be honest and fair

    when interacting with people

    We need o establish a strong ethical basis

    as a way of life

    We need to see more

    than our own fantasies

    We need to hear more

    and listen to he needs of others

    We need to give more

    and own less

    We need to realize he importance of the family

    as a backbone to stabiliy

    We need to look more

    and realize that we are not so different from one another


    We need to create a world where

    we can rust one another

    We need to create a world where

    we can peacefully live

    the life we choose


    By: Susan Polis Schultz

  8. I have Spayed, Bombed numerous times. Nothing has Helped. I took some ants to AARCO Exerminators, He said Spays make them worse. I need to Bait them.$20.00 a tube. I think I need a truck load of the stuff, they have taken over my House, I sleep with Ants & Eat with Ants. They are in My Cars. Barn is Covered in Trillions of them, they have Coloneys so Large Nesting in any and everyhing imiginable. The Pharaoh Ant is the ones He said I have. And I have No HOPE, that I could never abolish them. I am Sick and Depressed wih My ANT problem.

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