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About angeloftheair

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  • Birthday 11/08/1952
  1. angeloftheair

    Toxic Mold Journey

    Most horrible nightmare we ever could have imagined. We will not give up.
  2. Yes, it's all about money and greed. You know I remember back when insurance companies were there to to help you when something bad happened. Now it's about making money for their stockholders..doesn't matter that people are injured for life, lose their posessions, health.. And the experts with a vested interest in saying mycotoxins can't make us sick. You know I challenge any of them to research trichothecene (Roridin A, in our case)..see how deadly it is and how many people it has killed... And it comes from mold/fungi. tho invisible it was a stealth. I wonder how many of those w
  3. • There are over 100,000 species of molds. • About three dozen cause health problems in humans. • We have known for a long time about the health effects of molds. History of Molds • Molds are mentioned in Leviticus in the Bible (Chapter 14) • Molds were used by the Spartans in their war against Athens in 430 B.C. • There were 65 mold epidemics worldwide between 1591 and 1889 • 1920’s: Fatal kidney disease caused by mold in Denmark and the Balkans • 1930’s: Stachybotrycosis:30% of horses in Russia from eating moldy hay • 1944: Alimentary Toxic Aleukia epidemic in Russia from eating moldy bread;
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