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Everything posted by angeleyes102781

  1. I'm looking to get my hair cut sometime today but would like to know of some good places to go get my hair cut around the Dallas/Hiram/Douglasville area. Anyone got any suggestions of good places to go? Oh yeah and that also does brow waxing?
  2. I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere that might be hiring. I desperately need a job much like the rest of the world but I thought I'd ask and see if anyone knew of anything. Also does anyone know of any relatively inexpensive rental houses..needs to be at least 3 bedrooms 2 baths..either in the Hiram/Dallas area, Douglasville area, Rome/Cartersville area.
  3. Where in the world can I obtain a name change form that I may then file in the proper court of law to have my name changed? I've been divorced about 3 years now and it was never put in my divorce decree to have my maiden name restored. I let it go cause the divorce itself was such a hassle but have found that now I would really like to have "my name" back..lol That being said..where do I go to get said form or how can I obtain said form? Thanks in advance!
  4. i knew where it was at as i went there today but i noticed in some places it appeared as though there had been a fire..like a brush fire and i didn't know if anyone knew if there had been one in the last say 4 years or so...
  5. I had a question regarding the "lilly pad lake" off Belmont Rd. in New Georgia..Belmont is right across from the Marathon gas station. Was there a fire there at some time say within the last 3-4 years? I appreciate any information regarding this! Thanks!
  6. just a thought and I mean no offense to anyone but lets think about this from a differnt perspective..here we are as a collective whole talking about this individual who we do not know, we know nothing about, we do not know their parents, or their abilitites or the circumstances surrounding why they did not pass this test. lets ask ourselves if we as parents would like a bunch of people walking around talking about our kids inability to pass a test..I know I personally wouldn't appreciate it one bit. Yes I'm aware that this is a public message board but shouldn't we have respect and courtese
  7. Okay..dumb question..I'm new to this whole school thing as this is my child's first year in school and it's been a while since i've been in school and i don't recall everything. What time does elementary school actually start? as in what time to the kidos need to be there if they are a car rider and on the same token what time do they get out of school (kindergarten)if they are a car rider. Next question..i looked up on the paulding county website about transportation ie the bus..and when i put in our address it says there's no stop close to us but we are eligible for transportation..what th
  8. so should i try and get him to sign over rights?
  9. honestly i don't think him coming back and wanting rights is an issue..he's already stated that he hates kids..doesn't want any..doesn't want this one..would rather me just get rid of it..wants off the hook.. and today stated that i was to never call him ever again..that he was going with his ex gf and that was that..he doesn't want it..and doesn't want any responsibility to it...and if i get him to sign away his rights then i won't get nothing from him and i feel like he should be made to be responsible even if only by child support..he's not being fair to this baby..
  10. the guy was my boyfriend and we were supposed to be getting married..i cover my part..on both of them..i'm not the irresponsible one..
  11. okay so i'm a single mom of one about to be 2..this baby's father is a loser and has decided that he would rather be with another girl that apparently he was seeing behind my back. well i am wondering what my rights are as far as child support and getting him to pay up and be responsible for this child..he's well stated that he hates kids and doesn't want any..but i feel that he needs to man up and take responsibility rather than acting like a immature child..
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