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Posts posted by SOwife

  1. that's where I got confused it says I get eic.. but no child tax credit and I have 2 kids??



    I'm pretty sure that you get no child tax credit because your income is offset throughout the year when you get eic

  2. My boy (recruit) got a fugitive from justice EWI all by himself last night. He was so proud of himself that he did it alone. He was a cool Recruit! Just recently did two tours in Iraq and his last he was a sniper. Good GUY!




    Talking to me at night? I hardly ever get a EWI. Hey were you at an awards dinner in Acworth at the VFW last friday?



    I'm so proud of him (i wasn't there for it though!)


    Wasn't me at the dinner. And I will miss picking on you when you actually arrest someone and have to call me for the warrant! :p

  3. WOW you need help. DAYS??? eeeeeewwwwwwww


    I just caught that! I was excited that he finally finished with the recruit!


    I agree with you wcso!


    Man it has been 6 long years in the dark I am seeking LIGHT!

    Mornings is fun but I have a wife of 13 years I might add and two boys ages 12 and 9 y/o. I was in the Army for 6 years prior to becoming a cop and was in a rapid deployment unit for almost 4 of those years. So I am ready to see my family!



    Have fun during the day and enjoy the time with your family! I'll miss talking to you at night!

  4. I would have a piece of paper that I pull out at the closing that has him agreeing and his bud agreeing not to smoke in the house at all.


    If they don't sign; you don't sign ... Get up and walk from the closing.


    And hold out.


    I say that because I would have a hard time entering in partnership on a 30 year contract with someone whom I had the feelings you expressed above about.





    I'm with Pubby!!!

  5. Yes, they thought he had contracted strep B from me. Good Memory



    Same thing with my 8 month old, they put her on IV antibiotics for a week right after she was born. We had a lot of problems with her tummy for a while after that, I had to cut all milk products for a few months, but she is fine now. We think the antibiotics messed up her tummy like it does when you are an adult and have to be put on strong doses of them. Good luck!

  6. You don't have to alternate breasts during a feeding if he's getting what he needs from one side only. He should be going through a growth spurt at about this age so he may be wanting to nurse more because of that. Does he take a pacifier? Baby's have a need to suck, and he may just be wanting to suck but not actually wanting to eat sometimes.


    what she said- beat me to it. also, stop supplementing unless with formula made for babies. if that dosen't work, try cutting out all cows milk and milk products for a week, see if there is any improvement.

  7. are you switching sides during the feedings? if so, stop, feed him from one side only each feeding. he may not be getting enough hindmilk(the "richer" part of your milk) which will help fill him up, and sometimes babies will be fussy without enough of it too!

  8. When my oldest was 5, i gave her a list of 5 chores, and if she did 4 of the 5 everyday, she got a dollar a week, there was also a list of other weekly chores she could do for an extra quarter. I know it's not much, but it worked great for a while. For some reason, we haven't done it that way for a while. I guess I need ot come up with a new list.

  9. :lol: Is that a gas mask?



    yes ma'am! He also has a play police radio and badge, but you can't really see the badge in the picture.


    And to think we started off wanting to build a snow-princess!

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