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Posts posted by blossombud

  1. Okay, so I bought an LG Tromm less than a year ago. Its a front load washer and from the start I loved it. Well, I have followed MFG instructions to always leave the door open as to not have the sour smell. Now, everything smells sour, I have tried opening the valve on the bottom to see if I could drain any stagnant water out of the bottom but there wasnt much. I use the washer every day and cannont figure out how to get my clothes to smell clean again. That is one of the major reasons I got a front loader because everyone told me how much cleaner their clothes smelled. If anyone has any ideas please help me. I have used vinegar in the was as well and still.......SOUR. Thanks in advance!

    the seal where the door closes,if you don't take a towel and dry it all the way around, you have to pull the seal open and dry down inside it, it is a hassel to have to do it everytime you finish doing laundry, but if you don't it sours. I have had my about three years now and I hate it, because they make the crappy seals the way they do. they need to come up with a seal that doesn't hold water. also between the seal and the metal, take a cloth and go around it. it helps with the sour smell. it does no good to call the comapny because they won't do anything about it. when you wipe the seal really good, your cloth will have black yukie stuff which happens to be mildew. good luck

  2. is there anyone whom could give Callie, my big fat black cat a good home, I love her very much but I have three blue-heelers and 1 Australian shepherd that gives her living ________ and torment him to death. he is an outside cat and can't come up in the yard for the dogs, and I can't break the dogs from tormenting him. he is fixed, and such a loving cat. if you can take him, please let me know.



  3. I heard that one of the "full" vehicles had 65 kids on it this morning - info from the bus barn as they were asking for another driver to relieve the full bus. There are many shapes and sizes in bus world - I know the two that I am familiar with that my kids ride would be full at 60.

    hey, I agree with you, and maybe some day changes will be made, that is why we transport our child to and from school. I use to think that a child got onto a school bus with their little school clothes on all nice and neat and had a great ride to school,

  4. I don't know what the state says is normal, but normal to me is no more than 2-3 high school kids in a seat and nobody sitting or standing in the aisle.



    I agree, our neighborhood already uses a common point, even the elementary school kids.


    these buses are 72 and 90 passenger buses and if I remember correct they can carry 20 percent over, i am sure there is a bus driver on here that can tell us for sure. i agree that three high school kids, or three middle school kids in on seat is to many considering the size of kids, some are as big as a grown man, or woman, but i believe there is no law stating they can't stand up and ride a bus, they should not be allowed to sit on the floor, but standing if fine so therefore a ninety passenger could carry 90 plus 20 percent quiet a lot of kids on one bus. do i think its good, no I don't because I have been there and done that,

    he manufactor's recommended seating capacity is maximum capacity plus 20 per cent. Which means that a 72 passenger school bus can transport 72 children plus and additional 20 per cent passengers.

    Georgia uses this recommendation as policy (not law) for the buses.

    considering the seat is 39 inches wide, measure your childs butt and times it by three, bet it will be more than 39 inches

  5. The bus came into our neighborhood, picked up all 10 or so kids (HS & MS) and put them on a bus that was already so packed that the aisles were standing room only and there must have been kids sitting on the floor, too. I opened my front door & made eye contact with the driver, she knew what I was thinking. I don't know if it was because I was standing there staring or what but she then radioed someone. About ten minutes later another bus came and some kids swapped to a middle school or high school bus. There were about 60 kids standing in the street in front of my house.


    When they were done, the high school bus had a normal amount of kids on it, but the MS bus looked almost like the buses I have seen in pictures from third world countries. There's an unreal amount of kids on that bus! Wow!


    That was about 15 minutes ago. I said a little prayer for all of them. God bless the bus drivers & I hope the powers that be get this situation straightened out soon.


    what is considerd a normal amount of kids on a bus, is this state standard or what


  6. I suppose if you were a Builder and had a few subdivisions under construction you may own quiet a few houses.. But most people don't even own a house. There is a good chance their mortgage company own more of it than they do. There is also a good chance that they may be home renters instead of home owners.


    But, there are some people who have several houses, while they don't need a mortgage to afford any of them. And, some of them don't even know how many houses they own. That's hard to believe, giving the state of our economy. Families are being foreclosed upon, by the millions, and losing their houses, while others have 4 to 7 houses.


    Some people marry into a house, and some marry into several houses. But, most of us work more than one job, all our working lives, and are never able to own our own house. If we manage to buy one, the mortgage company has it figured out in their favor. A lot of us works for the mortgage company more than they do for themselves.


    People who own several houses are not concerned about whether you own your house or not. These people are only concerned about themselves.


    Some of them don't even know how many houses they own, because they are to selfish to think about houses.


    I own three, the one I live in and two more, I owe no mortage on any of the three the only one that I am indebted to is Paulding Co. when property taxes are due and the ins. company where they are insured.

    Believe me no one help me pay for them, no one paid not one payment for me. We knew when we bought them that it was our responsibiliy to make the payments, and we knew if something happened while trying to pay for them that we would lose them because we knew no one would step in and make the payments for us. we didn't expect our neighbors, our pastor, family nor the goverment to make the payments for us, because we knew none of the above would do it for us. I am truly sorry for those that have lost a home/house, but they knew when they signed the contract that things can happen, it is not always gravy, nor the cake and the icing too. if they didn't understand the contract that is what attorneys are for, I have had several of them. I have one set aside just for property deals. you have to use common sense and look just a little bit ahead, and don't leap before you look. look at the whole picture and not at just what is in your face. I do realize that today I own these homes, but I do realize that sickness could be the reason for letting them go. and If that should happen I will gladly let them go, It is through hard work, spending money wisely and the Grace of God that I have them.

    so therefore, I am again truly sorry for anyone that has lost a home for whatever reason but life is not always roses. and I don't think the government should pay for their homes nor the neighbors or anyone else should pay for their homes.

    If i knew way back then when I was buying my land and the houses what I know now, I probably would not buy not one house, i would have taken vacations every month and had a life of riley. If you rent, you pay your rent, and if something breaks it is the landlords job is to fix it and pay the taxes and the insurance.

    if you rent you have the same thing as I do you have a place to call home and a roof over your head and hopefully a table to put your feet under. When I leave this world I am not going to take any thing with me, I will go as I come, naked and without nothing.

    try to make the best out of life and don't worry, be happy. Life is to short to waste is worring.



  7. Yes, you can cut them up and freeze them for later use. We do it all the time. So do the grocery stores.

    cut them up in strips and lay them on a cookie sheet and place in the freezer until frozen, pull them out and place them in you zip lock bag and wah la, when you need them you can take out as many as you need because they don't stick together this way

    happy freezing

  8. Several, several months.


    If anyone has a picture or a first-hand description I would love to hear it :blink:

    are you serious? I will put my camera in my pocket and If I should see her again i will tell her to hold for a minute and try to get you a pic.

    this lady as not fat but she wasn't skinny.

  9. beware, there is a lady going around giving a sob story: she came to my house around four months ago asking how to contact the preacher at the church up the street from where I live, said her husband was in the hospital in rome, and that she did not have gas to go and see him, I told her that she would not be able to contact him that his baby was in the hospital, and she told me she lived above cartersville, but she was in dallas looking for money for gas, and yes I did find that strange, but I gave her twenty dollars and told her to buy her gas and as high as gas was it wasn't going to get her a lot. and just this past sunday night just as service was getting ready to end at church the door opens and this same lady came in and sat down by me, I was sitting on the back pew of the church and she sat by me and ask did I think she could talk to deacon or the pastor, and I told her sure, just as soon that the service was over, she proceeded to tell me that she had been to douglasville to pick up her daughters medicine and that she didn't have gas to get back home on. I ask her what was she doing going to douglasville to get medicine when she lived above cartersville, she looked really stunned and said I live up off of 61, I then ask her how was her husband doing since he had been in the hospital at rome, she really looked shocked, and I said you know he was in the hospital when you stopped at my house and said you didn't have gas to get to rome to see him and i gave you twenty dollars, she never answered my question, but she said I think I go out and see if the gas can in my car has any gas in it, and when church was over she had left, either she had gas in the can or she didn't need it to begin with, not sure of neither.

    just thought you might want to know

  10. I may be mistaken, but I always thought the drivers did a trial run one week prior to the start of the school year to determine the best and most efficient routes to travel


    as far as I know, there will be no trial runs this year due the the cost of fuel

  11. I was wondering if anyone could tell me about how much my ticket is going to cost me. I was on my way to FL yesterday and following a bunch of cars we were going 90 in a 70. I realize I should not have been going that fast, so I really don't need any lectures, but I was hoping some of you may be able to give me an estimate on how much my ticket will cost. I can't find out for 10 days. It was in chisp county (90 miles from Florida) if that helps at all. Do you think it will be in the 100's,200's, 300's, etc.

    i was on my way to b'ham and they had radar set up on overhead bridge, I didn't see them, but they saw me and stopped me running ninety, the officer ask me, he said you know why I stopped you, I said no sir, he said you were speeding, I said sir: speed limit is 70mph, i just saw a sign just back behind me, he said that is right it is 70, you were clocked at 90, I said noway, I was in hubby's big four-wheel drive truck, I ask him if he thought the big wheels and all could be a factor, he got to looking at the truck, tires and said could be, he said I am not going to cite you, but just try to stay with the flow of traffic, i said thank you sir, I have been trying to stay with the flow of traffic, but they keep running off leaving me, but I did not get a ticket, nice officer let me go. hats off to the officer. i counted my many blessing.

  12. Don't get too mad at the mother-in-law. She's been used to making all the decisions for her son and family and she probably feels that she is giving you the direction you need from her experience. At this stage in our lives we just want to be helpful and you shouldn't take it too personally. Actually, the fact that she feels comfortable enough with you to state her forceful opinion probably means she thinks of you as a daughter. Just thank her for her opinion and then go on and do what you feel is best.




    Amen, Amen, it is just a mil thing and dil thing, don't sweat it, let mil talk, and talk and then you do as you want to, that is just a mil thingy,

    ask any dil they will tell you, don't take it to heart i am sure she thinks of you as her very own daughter.


  13. So I got bit by a tick last week when I was shooting an outdoor music festival (I know this because I felt a pinch on my elbow, and saw the tick fall off! :o) It never implanted, but it did definitely bite me. I didn't think anything of it.


    Well, now I have a blister bulls-eye looking spot where it bit me. I searched online and this can be an early indication of lyme disease. The earlier you catch it, the better, so I want to go and have some bloodwork done.


    Does anyone have a good recommendation for a general-practice/family doctor in the Northeast Pauding area? (We are up near Cedarcrest Road/Cobb Parkway area)


    We just moved here in March and haven't picked out new doctors or dentists yet. Recommendations would be much appreciated!


    The we care, dr davis/smith I believe is her name, the nurse p. is also good. located in Hiram in front of the 278 movie T.


  14. I think it is a weak excuse! :angry2: The guy complained when the boss asked if anyone needed to go vote, the boss said "Every year you complain, but you never register to vote, so your not going anywhere." It was done lightheartedly, but my son and others said "Why don't you register so you can vote?"


    I know my son will tell him tomorrow that the courts do not only get your name from voter registration. Doubt it will move him to become an involved citizen though! :nea:

    my opinion on that is: if you don't vote enjoy what you get, don't sit around and complain


  15. I just wish I could remember all the questions....I voted no for one of them, but if you paid me money right now (it seemed like a good idea at the time....) - I couldn't tell you which one it was though....and it has been driving me crazy.....


    I think it was the third one from the bottom....but I'm not even sure of that....



    could it have been the question of people with gun permits be allowed to carry guns on campus?


  16. Someone my son works with said he will not register to vote because he does not want Jury Duty? Wouldn’t our driver’s license also push that information to the courts?? In my opinion that is a lame excuse not to vote!!! But then it made me wonder how many others held that same fear of being called to Jury Duty? It is a civic duty that no one wants, but maybe that is why young people do not register?



    they still call you even if you are not registered, so they need to go ahead and register.


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