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Posts posted by AtlantaBry

  1. What is truly amazing to me is that you people sit around on your butts and complain and when have you put anyone up to run against Glenn? Why didn't one of you run against him since you are "holier than thou"? In all the years he served, I can only recall one time that he had opposition. So where is your drive? Where is your ambilition? Where is your initiative? Where is your caring about the citizens of Paulding County?


    So....what does that tell you? Maybe there are skeletons in some closets that would come out should they decide to run for public office themselves? :lol: Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Blah, Blah, Blah,


    Stop drinking the coolaid and get a grip on reality. He is a doucebag and yes, I do think I'm better than him. Get over it.

    • Like 1


    As far as mysteries go I think that series with the numbers is pretty good. I think it's by James Patterson. 1st to Die, 2nd Chance, the 3 Horseman, 4th of July, etc... They had a TV show for a while based on it called The Womens Murder Club or something like that. I didn't connect the two so by the time I discovered the show it was canceled.



    True, that James Patterson series is excellent. Once you read one, you are hooked.

  3. Mysteries


    Biographys- anything that is intriguing..sad, uplifting, encouraging. I like them all :)



    Anything by Stuart Woods. He is an Author w/ Georgia ties and I have been reading his books one right after the other. Ohe of his older books "Chiefs" is really good and based in Georgia. Also he has a line of Stone Barrington novels which are among the best around.

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