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Posts posted by fullhouse03

  1. Pcom has been my best resource for finding out information in our community, so I thought I'd post this here.


    I'm doing this for someone I know, so I don't know any details, but here is the e-mail I got. If you know of anyone, please PM me.


    "Do you know of anyone that will come and haul away disassembled metal shelving units for us. They are in good condition and all but we don’t need them anymore. Some of the nuts and bolts to reassemble are missing. I have to get these hauled off in the next 5 days."


    Thank you all in advance...

  2. the one my daughters friend had actually plugged into our dvr (red/white plugs) and she had a rectangular controller and they played tennis and some other game with the same controller. It seemed to work good and it looked fine to me and they had a blast. My dh is the game fanatic and he said the graphics arent good. I guess Im just not a big gamer to really notice it wasnt 'great'. I was just impressed how easy it hooked up and how similar to me it seemed for such a great price.



    We got one for Christmas too. I agree that the graphics suck, but we have still had lots of fun with it. We got it from Walgreens on Black Friday. I say it was well worth the $20. :D

  3. I saw the best idea for new drivers. Was in Kennesaw and was passed (legally) by a black pick-up. On the back window, in VERY large letters was: "Hows my driving? Call my Dad" and gave a phone number. I think this should be a requirement for all new teenage drivers. If they are doing something stupid, the rest of us have some one to call. Granted it will only work if the parent does something to correct the issue, but its a start. I think I'll do it to my daughter when she gets her license, luckily I have 5 more years before that will happen.


    That is a great idea! I feel bad for my kids, but I'm gonna do it!

  4. It never fails does it! But I am never that lucky to get them to all go take a nap at the same time. Just enjoy the quite time, I would love it right now. I got 4 fighting and one content swinging for now. I would just love the quit time. It is hardly ever quite and never dull here.... Oh and as far as not having everyone watch you while in the bathroom--- oh that would be nice, I haven't been potty by myself in 9 years now and my oldest child is 8, I have been married 9 years-- guess who my first and longest visitor is. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    That's the only time my kids want to talk to me or ask me something! :huh:

  5. If you and your husband have everything worked out and just need the paperwork typed up, filed (including filing fees) and get finalized, then $499 will most likely cover the attorney's time and filing fees.


    If you do not agree on everything or the important issues that you have listed above, then you need to both get separate attorneys to represent each of your interests. Using the same attorney is not a good idea, and furthermore is a conflict of interest for one attorney to do so. And Yes, it will cost more...at least $1,000-$1,500 retainer fee up front minimum. If you have children and there will be a custody dispute, more like $5k up front and you can expect to pay up to $15k easily in attorney fees.


    You can try mediation and get a mediator to try and bring you to an agreement on your issues you don't agree on...you will be required by the court to do so anyway before it will go to trial and it is usually done soon after filing for divorce as part of the first step in the process.


    The best advice I can give you is to GET YOUR OWN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU! I worked for a divorce attorney and I can tell you, you will wish you had gotten your own attorney if you don't. ;)




    Good info, Scarlet. Thank you...scares me though. I know lots of people don't have that kind of money readily available, I certainly don't, so how do attorneys get their money? Do they do payment plans. Do people pay for it with credit cards?

  6. Finances are no reason to stay with someone :wacko:


    I agree completely, but that is the main reason that I am still here...because of our financial situation. Don't misunderstand, I work too and at times have been our sole income, but we have too much debt (house, truck, etc.) to be able to keep up our own separate households.

  7. Uncontested doesn't mean he agrees to a divorce. You have to be in agreement about children, property division, etc.


    That's what I thought. -_- That really sucks.


    Thank you for letting me know.


    don't forget to consult with an accountant about how a divorce can impact your taxes. It is something often overlooked in the process but vitally important.


    Thank you.


    I didn't even think of that.

  8. Has anyone seen the sign in Dallas just after you turn off 61 on Memorial Drive? It reads "$499 for and uncontested divorce."


    Does anyone know if it is really $499, or are there other things that may come up and raise the price? You know, things like custody, division of debt, etc.


    My husband says he won't contest it, but I know we have a LOT we won't agree on.


    Any info, advice, or recommendations would be great because I really don't know anything about this.

  9. That's just the thing...I'm not making anything sitting here. Not one red cent. NOBODY in this office is. 25 employees are FURIOUS right now because of the lies, lies, lies.


    The salary was supposed to be our "base" and then commission on top of that. NOW it's if you don't meet your quota, you don't get your salary.

    is it legal to take away your salary? i understand the commission part, but if you are there and working, shouldn't you still get your salary?


  10. i would say to wait until you find something else, but it doesn't sound like you are getting paid regardless....so RUN as fast as you can and get away from there!!!!!!



  11. that's what i should have told my neighbor when i caught her dog pooping in my yard..."i'm gonna catch your dog and staple his a$$ shut!" that's so funny. i totally feel your pain garnet. i am in the exact same position as you. i have told my neighbor two times and she couldn't care any less. when you find a solution, please let me know. i would like to try it myself. it is irritating when my dogs are all up to date, go to the vet on a regular basis, and they don't even poop in MY FRONT YARD!!! good luck to you.

  12. It isn't defrosting. My freezer keeps freezing up and then my fridge won't cool. My husband has been defrosting it with a hair dryer for over a year now whenever it acts up, but it has gotten to the point now where it only works for a day or two before freezing up again. The worst part is that the fridge is only three years old! No warranty left on it though. Any recommendations for someone that could repair it would be great.

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