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Everything posted by flyonthewall

  1. It was just darn funny to hear him tell the story!! Hmm, wonder if this could be the same guy?? Poor guy just can't catch a brake! LOL bah-dum-chhhhhhhhh
  2. Suuuuuuuubby!?!?! Are you at it again??? Sorry, y'all...I couldn't resist messing with him. He can relate to this story! Ask him about the "cyclist vs. celica" story sometime!
  3. All I can say is thank goodness I won't be working tomorrow. That's about the only time I can't go without my p.com! **wait...thats twisted..shouldnt it be when I'm at home that I cant live without it????
  4. I'm sorry for your loss, Joe. My families prayers are with you~
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