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Posts posted by stjohn99

  1. rednekkhikkchikk - I second your comments! Although my husband and I did not grow up in Paulding, we have lived here for 15 years. We both grew up in Marietta when it was considered a small town. Once the growth started there we decided to move to the country.


    We live close to this area and cannot believe that they are even thinking about adding a development of this size (close to 3000 homes). I am all about having some retail growth in this part of the county, but not residential. My son goes to Moses Middle School, which is a fairly new school. They had to put in some trailers the first or second year the school was open. Where are all of these kids going to go to school? All of the schools in this area are extremely overcrowded as it is.


    Also, where is the water coming from? We pull water out of other counties as it is. We don't even have county water on our road. We have been told it is in the "plan", along with paving our road.


    We live on one of the last dirt roads in this area. Our road is rarely maintained unless we call and raise cain. The funny thing is that we live right behind the Commissioner - I would think he would notice how bad the roads are in this area.


    I have been watching these strings regarding these developments and I think it is strange that we have not heard one word from the Commissioner on these threads. Why do you think that is?

  2. One of my favorites is one that we started with our son.


    When he wakes up on Christmas morning he always has some kind of stuffed animal in the bed with him from Santa. We started this when he was about two years old. He is now thirteen and still expects a stuffed animal in his bed on Christmas morning. Of course the tradition will not stop as long as he still lives with us, I don't care how old he is!


    He always thought it was so awesome that Santa not only left him presents under the tree, but actually walked into his bedroom while he was sleeping and left him a stuffed animal.

  3. Thanks everyone for the information! My husband called the registrar's office and we got it straightened out.


    The issue was late last night they were manually putting an "A" or "Absentee" next to the names of the people that voted early or did actual absentee ballots and someone marked the wrong line. She said that this had happened to at least 100 people. I hope they all dispute it, like my husband did, and get to vote. I would hate to think that someone would just walk off and not vote because of this.


    Thanks again for everybody's advice! :D

  4. I voted last week, however my husband did not. He and my son got to Northside Elementary around 6:45 to stand in line.


    When he got up to the table, he handed them his driver's license and gave them his information and they proceeded to tell him that he had already voted as an absentee.


    My husband said "Oh no, I have not already voted. Something must be wrong with your information." They made some phone calls and finally let him vote.


    My concern is whether his vote will be counted. What should we do?

  5. I have lived in the same house for 12 years and have only had one trick or treater. Funny thing is that happened to be the one year I didn't buy candy. Luckily it was a friend's daughter so we started pulling out bags of chips, Little Debbie snacks, cookies, whatever we could find.


    Like surepip, I always buy candy (except for that one year). Funny how we always end up with the stuff we like and then we raid our son's candy also.


    We live on a dark secluded gravel road. I can't imagine why no one wants to come to our house on Halloween night...ha, ha!

  6. I voted for both nights because we will be going to Trick or Treat Village on Saturday and downtown Dallas on Sunday.


    We typically do this every year because Trick or Treat Village is usually on the Saturday before Halloween. Then we go to downtown Dallas Halloween night. This way we get full use of the costumes.


    I, like some of you, believe that actual Trick or Treating should be done on the night of Halloween. No matter what night that falls on. The people that complain about it being a school night confuse me. What do they do if Halloween falls on Monday through Thursday? Still make their kids go to bed at 8:30? Halloween is fun for the kids. It should be a special night for them to stay up late and eat as much candy as they can. It only happens one day a year! :p

  7. It is called Pizza Farm because they converted an old farmhouse into a restaurant. As far as I know it is still open. They have everything from steaks, grilled chicken, chicken fingers, awesome salads (the greek is my personal favorite) and, of course, pizza.


    If you haven't tried it, you need to! It is known for miles around. Kind of like a landmark. But, like somone already said, you need to get there early. Because of the old farmhouse conversion they are limited on space. The wait is worth it!

  8. Coach RW - I did keep my son home all day for this reason, as I am sure a lot of parents did, if they had that option. Fortunately I am lucky enough to have this option. I live in the upper northwest corner of Paulding and work over an hour away. My husband is a stay-at-home dad, so we were able to keep our son at home. I cannot imagine what it would have been like if we had not made that decision.

  9. This is the first time I have posted to this sight. Mostly I just sit back and enjoy reading the posts, however the comments I just read made me angry.


    The children were not put first yesterday. If I remember correctly the goverment offices closed before they announced the schools would close. That is very sad!


    It may not have been bad yesterday morning, however they waited until it got bad to let the kids go. Fortunately I kept my son at home yesterday from middle school so I did not have to deal with the chaos that I knew would happen when they came to their senses. At the time the first bus (for elementary school kids) came by my house, at around 2:00, the winds had picked up quite a bit, debris was flying all around my house, it was raining like crazy and there were tornado warnings all around us. I would have been a nervous wreck waiting for another hour until the middle school kids were picked up and brought home. I really feel sorry for the parents of kids in high school that ride the bus.


    I also feel very sorry for the bus drivers that had to drive in those conditions knowing that they held the childrens lives in their hands. No one should have to be put in that situation.

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