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Posts posted by hawks_2

  1. I forget the name of movie, but had Alec Baldwin in it and these people were stranded in woods and this huge bear attacked one of the guys in their party....so now, the thought of bears absolutely freaks me out!!!

  2. I LOVE Dr. Denmark! She saved me w/my 3rd child, who was not gaining weight even tho I was nursing him. She calmed my fears and never made me feel stupid. She is an amazing woman! Thank God He sends people like that in your life when you need em. My son is 9 and has not needed a Dr. since she last saw him at 6 mos. Follow her advice, her book = healthy children.

  3. You asked for home remedies, have you tried any of them? For the 50th time or so as mentioned all through this thread, garlic oil, olive oil WORKS! Warm it up and try it...It's cheap, you prob. have around house and for goodness sakes..IT works! Also, rubbin the eustachian tube like LPPT works, it helps unclog it which is why your ear has gotten so bad. Hope you are better soon.

  4. DGITW, wait til you have one in high school....then let us know what you think. Prom is awesome! My son, being a jr. went in his truck this year, next year he can do a limo. But all the other costs were well worth it, it's high school, lighten up and have fun, the years fly by and they only come around once.

  5. No right or wrong decision here, figure out what's best for your child. My kids have always played high school sports all yr. long, kept their grades up and for the most part stayed out of trouble. We bought them reliable, safe, used vehicles so they could leave immediately when their events were over and our time was freed up considerably from having to go back and forth to school all the time. As long as they stayed trustworthy, they had a great life, if/when they defied that trust, their freedoms were taken away. They realized they had a great life. They always were in sports and when you are in high school sports you do not have time to work. We didn't mind, wanted them to enjoy their high school years, they would be working the rest of their lives.

  6. Woohoo Soapmom!!! By the way, I LOVE that book by Dr. Mendolsen, I still read it alot and recommend it any chance I get. That book alone has saved me thousands of dollars in unneeded over the counter drugs and countless hours in a Drs. waiting room.


    GeeTee...Honestly,find another Dr. I LOVED my pediatrician, but when he didn't have the guts to tell me to vaccinate or find someone else and sent his assistant in to tell me, that was just proof positive that I needed to look elsewhere. I have and I am so much happier!!! I'm an adult and a mother and NO one can do my job better than me regardless of how many letters are behind their name....I wish you courage and the best of luck.

  7. to SoapMom and LPPT and some of the others who have responded: Thank you, thank you. It is great to hear people researching on their own and using their God given rights and responsibilities as American citizens and parents. None of my 3 have had vac. and they are some of the 3 healthiest kids I know and I absolutely love the fact that I as a parent have the right to choose what is best for my kids w/o fear from any agency or anybody. My kids have never been denied school, camps, trips anything because these people know they do NOT have a leg to stand on refusing my kids anything because of the risks assoc. w/all these shots. I have left Drs. and dentists who refused to give my kids well treatment visits and 6 mos. cleaning b/c we don't vaccinate. No worries, I walk out the door and into another one who has no problem....it's called choices....you have them....use them!

  8. I know how you feel about the dentist.....hate it, hate it, hate it! It's not that I've ever been in a lot of pain there or they are not nice, etc. It's those FREAKIN noises...the drill, the spitter thingy, the fact that you are standing on your head with people probing in your mouth and you feel so helpless....ugh! I'm glad you found a dentist you like....that should help matters for ya. I think I'm going to invent a noiseless drill thingy....

  9. Maybe not in this thread (because this thread prob will only attract natural remedy users) but I have found the sickest people are the ones who are constantly at the Dr. and constantly on some sort of antibiotic. You just want to shake people sometime and say....THERE IS A BETTER WAY!!! I love garlic oil, garlic is so healing....even going back to biblical times. So good to hear that there are others of you out there who have found a "better way" of living... :rolleyes:

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