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Posts posted by hawks_2

  1. I can understand that however I wouldn't trust anyone w/my spine but a chiropractor. I would put my life in the hands of my chiropractor....I know you have to do what is feasible for you and your budget....just giving my opinion. Good luck!

  2. I grew up there and used to work at Opryland Hotel. It is very much worth being there during the holidays, great restaurants in the hotel like Old Hickory Steakhouse and a New Orleans style restaurant (area) as well...Beauregards??? maybe? There is a coffee shop that serves great beingets too. Also, a revolving cocktail lounge in middle of conservatory that is great! There are some clubs/honkytonks...upscale ones right near the Opryland Hotel as well that are decent. When you go downtown, eat at Demos (right near arena) and go to the Wild Horse Saloon. You really need several days to do things, but you can get a good start on the sights with a couple of days. If you like great catfish, go to Cock of the Walk, not far from Opryland Hotel and very fun to eat there. Visit Gaylord Hotels.com or something like that and it will give you the scoop on Opryland Hotel. Have a great time and oh yeah, Go Predators! ha!

  3. No, IGF, there is PLENTY of oil resources for us, our children, grandchildren and generations to come. The liberal media and tree huggers want you to believe that there is not so you will not drill....it's all a game. Right on Aaron Tippin....I appreciate some star having the guts to record a song about what's right.

  4. I have 3 kids, I have had them in private school for a number of years, have homeschooled and they have now been in public school for 5 years. I prefer public school for the personality of my kids, however you have to choose what is the best scenario for each particular kid. Whatever way you choose, your kid(s) will probably come out just fine. It's kind of like choosing the devil you do know over the devil you don't know kind of thing.

  5. I found out last Thurs. nt, that no dentist in America works on Fri. I was prescribed amoxicyllin and I took 4 Motrin at a time, relieved the pain some. I feel your pain and am so sorry! My root canal rocked because now I am back in the land of the living!

  6. Please do not report anything unless you have a chance to talk to parents first. I had a neighbor call cops on me because she "thought" my children had been left alone because they were all playing outside and one fell down, cried and because no one came to his attention thought they had been "abandoned". Mind you, she didn't come help, she just called police unaware that I was looking out the window and I knew child would come in if he was that hurt, he wasn't, they went back to playing and then po po showed up. I still don't like that woman.....help my kids or talk to me, don't just think you are doing your "neighborly duty" and call the freaking police.

  7. Was at a baby shower the other day and people smoking all around and over the mom to be....I know I reeked of smoke when I left, the poor baby was probably gaggin inside....at least give the kid a chance in the womb...

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