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I'm Floored

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Posts posted by I'm Floored

  1. I just came from the Kroger where I was told about this. The guy that told me this said he saw smoke and ran to see what it was. Mind you this is just hear say. There was some sad news told to me about this. So please don't joke about something like this. I hope what I was told was wrong, but since I have been on here .I am sad to say I must not be. If anyone finds out more on these 3 people please let us all know.


    can you PM me what you heard?

  2. Nice...3 officers probably hurt bad and all that can be said is jokes and snide remarks.


    I am genuinely concerned for my ex. While he and I had to divorce for personal reasons, I would never wish anything bad for him. After having loved someone that way I loved him, those feelings don't go away.


    And I have the utmost respect for law enforcement of all kinds. When you live someone who is an officer, you see every side of it.


    No jokes or snide comments here. Just sincere concern for his continued safety.

  3. well, it wasn't him. He says the one guy is in pretty bad shape though..


    Did he tell you any names? My ex-husband flies one of the choppers as well. I've tried to call one of his friends at the GSP, but I can't get through to him yet. Can you PM me if you know? I don't know how to check PMs, but I'll figure it out!



  4. Myrna Loy


    You scored 19% grit, 19% wit, 28% flair, and 47% class!


    You are class itself, the calm, confident "perfect woman." Men turn and look at you admiringly as you walk down the street, and even your rivals have a grudging respect for you. You always know the right thing to say, do and, of course, wear. You can take charge of a situation when things get out of hand, and you're a great help to your partner even if they don't immediately see or know it. You are one classy dame. Your screen partners include William Powell and Cary Grant, you little simmerpot, you.


    That was neat! And after the day I've had, it was fun to be someone else for just a minute!!!

  5. Thanks for the pics!


    My mom watches birds all the time, and she has passed the love on to my 6 year old son. He has his own bird watching books, and has so much knowledge about them - it's incredible. My husband and I laugh at him all the time.


    A few years ago, we came across some stuffed birds (like "stuffed animals", not real birds that were stuffed!) in a quaint shop at Lake Hiawassee. My son (then 3) immediately picked them up, and could tell what kinds of birds they were by their sound (if you squeeze the birds, they play a recording of the actual bird call!) Before we left, he had drawn a crowd of people watching him identifying the birds!


    Anyway, we bought our first bird that day (the Yellow Bellied Sapsucker.) Now my son has about 30 (and they're not "cheep"!) He asks for them at every birthday & gift-giving holiday.


    Anyway, I showed him these pics, and he enjoyed them so much. He wants to know where you live, and if we can come to your house to visit! :D

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