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Posts posted by RaceGirl

  1. You can look at the list below to see if this applies to you. The Toshiba announcement is here: http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/bulletin.jsp?ct=SB&soid=2761378&ref=EV Please note that Toshiba's current solution is to put software on your computer (BIOS update for those that are into technical preciseness) that will "immediately disable external power" if the overheating condition exists. This means you are only left with the battery. At that point you contact Toshiba and hope and pray that you have enough battery life left to backup your files to an external device. I would suggest backing up your files prior to installing the update and always making sure you have enough battery life left to backup any new documents should the update discover anytime in the future that the machine is overheating.





    Satellite T135D-S1326, T135D-SP2012L, T135-SP2909R, T135D-SP2012M, T135-SP2013L, T135-SP2013M, T135D-S1322, T135-S1330, T135D-S1328WH, T135D-S1328RD, T135D-S1328, T135D-S1327, T135D-S1325WH, T135D-S1325RD, T135D-S1325, T135D-S1324, T135D-S1320, T135-SP2911R, T135-S1312, T135-S1310WH, T135-S1310RD, T135-S1310, T135-S1309, T135-S1307, T135-S1305WH, T135-S1305RD, T135-S1305, T135-S1300WH, T135-S1300RD, T135-S1300, T135-SP2911C, T135-SP2911A, T135-SP2910R, T135-SP2910C, T135-SP2910A, T135-SP2909C, T135-SP2909A

    Satellite Pro T130-W1302, T130-EZ1301


    Grreeeaaattt! I think Lil RaceGirl's laptop is one these.

  2. I just want to give a shout out to JJ. My husband and I ate there last night for the first time..and OMG! I'm in love. The food was to die for and the service was wonderful. I can't wait to take my son when he gets back from Flordia..He will LOVE the waitress we had last night. She was just the cutest lil thing ever. Anyway...great job JJ and I'm now double happy because I THINK I fall in the delivery area... :yahoo:


    You should bring him on Friday, June 25th. Layla Southern will be performing live that night!

  3. Aiden's parents made it safely to Jamaica where they have gone to scatter his ashes. They figured since that's where they got pregnant with him, that's where he should be. Y'all please continue to pray for their hearts to heal. They are really being strong right now, but I know it's still gonna be a long road for them.

  4. I have just come from Aiden's memorial service. I must say it was a fitting tribute for such a sweet little angel. My niece was an absolute pillar of strength and grace when she spoke of her son. Everyone who spoke has my respect and admiration. I want to say thank you to all who came to honor his short little life. If you were traveling on 278 about 3:15 this afternoon and you saw a mass of green, yellow and black balloons, those were sent up to Aiden. Again, thank you to all who prayed and sent well wishes.

  5. I am so sorry to hear this. Her last update just broke my heart, and I don't even know them. When Aiden's mom spoke of courage and grace, I was thinking that lady sure has plenty of both. My prayers are with the family.


    She sure does. They all do. I admire their strength.

  6. NO, no, no, no!!! I have been keeping up with this sweet baby since I found out about him on Pcom. I can't imagine losing a child and my heart is broken for this family. This is terrible.


    Prayers sent to this family that they may find peace.


    Thanks D - I swear I think I have cried til there are no more tears and then more tears come. The thing is, we all know about Aiden, but he is just one of many many precious babies that are battling this evil disease. It makes you wonder what society is exposing these babies to for this to be "running rampant" amongst our youth. There has to be some sort of common denominator. I just hate for anyone to have to suffer through this loss. I'm angry and sad and confused all at the same time.

  7. It is very sad indeed. Melanie, Jason and Diane are very strong people by nature, but they are all going to need as many prayers as they can get to try to make it through this. On the one hand they are relieved that Aiden is no longer suffering, but then of course they hate to let him go. It is just sooo sooooo sooooo sad.

  8. There are still a couple of ways to get Signed copies of The Christmas Chips before Christmas!


    I will be at Barnes & Noble on Dallas Hwy at the Avenue West Cobb signing books on Saturday Dec. 19th from 2-6pm and on Christmas Eve Dec. 24th from 1-5pm. Come out and meet me and get a Signed book!


    Or you can order directly from my website at www.thechristmaschips.com

    and you can get a Signed copy in time for Christmas as well.


    If you don't know about The Christmas Chips please stop by the website and take a look!


    Thanks to all and Merry Christmas!


    Paul D. Little



    Hey Paul! I think we're going to try to stop by this Saturday before one of our Christmas gatherings. I can't wait to get a copy of the book. Your mother would be soooooooooo proud of you. I know she is smiling down. :angel:

  9. John,


    I recently lost my father too. It's a tough row to hoe. There are no magic words and there is no simple cure all. You will have some good days and some bad days, but you will carry on. I want you to know that while you find yourself running the gamut of emotions, there are people here for you.

    Prayers for your heart to heal quickly are being sent up as we speak.

  10. I am curious what are everyone's favorite old movies too and also: would you ever want to come see your favorite old movies on 'the big screen' at the Dallas Theater? I never know how a particular 'classic film' is going to fare if we offer it...GWTW did great, and we may do that again in 2010 (with the Boys & Girls Club as a fundraiser). But some others have done horrible numbers, so not worth showing with the cost of the copyright fee. Sorry if this is considered a thread hi-jack, just thought I'd ask while you're on the subject, SouthernScarlett! :)



    My favorites are:


    All About Eve

    North by Northwest

    Mary Poppins



    LOVE GWTW! I was thoroughly disappointed with the sequel "Scarlet"

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