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Posts posted by VoicesInMyHead

  1. Even though the article doesn't say the child was unattended.


    Even though the article doesn't say that the windows on the car were rolled up.


    Even though the article doesn't say that the car was parked out in the sun.


    And even though we're experiencing near record low high temperatures, she's a piece of sh*t and should be burned at the stake. I'll get the torches. :rolleyes:







    The next time I see someone with a baby in a stroller in 90-degree heat, I'm goan cawl thu law own 'er azz.


    I was going to say pretty much the same thing... only less entertaining.


    Was the kid hurt? Apparently not.


    I mean, why not arrest the parent for getting the kid in the car in the first place and driving? The risks of serious injury or death are MUCH greater (especially if the mother drives like most people drive).


  2. Yup - its why I drive an AMERICAN car. This isn't the 80s anymore - that excuse doesn't hold water.

    Bunk. I have documented this here many times before. I've owned nothing but American vehicles since the mid-90s... Nine total... Chevrolet, Pontiac, Dodge, and Ford. ALL of them were incredibly unreliable, required constant expensive repair on top of normal maintenance, and stranded me dozens of times.


    I have since switched to Japanese-engineered vehicles... One built in Japan, the other built in Ontario, both engineered in Japan.


    They both have been flawless vehicles with zero problems well into their mileage, where the American cars had already been to the shop at least a few times by now.


    Deny it all you want, but the American automobile engineering is centered on gadgets and gimmicks instead of true reliability. Sure, the Bose stereo system in our Corvette sounded GREAT. It kept us entertained everytime we waited for a tow truck to arrive.


    I seriously doubt I will ever buy another American-engineered car in my lifetime. I have wasted too much money, time, and effort on them. They're not worth it.


    And if they completely disappear because of it, good riddance to a crappy product.

  3. Then if it didn't apply, how are the courts ruling it does?

    I don't recall seeing anything in that article that says the court is citing the first amendment as a basis on their decision (but, Jose Cuervo and I have been having deep discussions tonight, so maybe I jus missed it).


    In any case, if the court is citing that as a reason, then I would boldly say that the court is completely wrong in invoking the first amendment.


    Any English-reading half-educated person can understand these five simple words... "Congress shall make no law..."


    I see nothing in this article where Congress has made any law at all. It simply doesn't apply here. And if that means saying that the courts' interpretation through the ages is invalid, then so be it. They're wrong... Simple as that. Yes, I'm one person vs a slew of judges and scholars... But to somehow read anything more into those five words is simply raping that document we know as the Constitution, and anyone who attempts or has attempted to read any other interpretation into that should be ashamed of themselves.


    And with that reply, Mr. Cuervo is telling me it is bedtime.




  4. Actually, the one in Douglas County was said to be "security" but she had already gone through the metal detector & that would have found any problems.

    I didn't see anything about whether or not the court's policies prohibited her garment. If the court policy prohibits it, then I don't beleive the nun should be allowed to wear it. And if the court policies allow it (or don't otherwise prohibit it), then she should be able to wear it.


    So, there is no answer in your poll that really applies... there should be a choice that says "there is not enough information available to draw a conclusion".


    I had the same opinion on the Muslim lady in Douglas County. There, the court policies strictly prohibited her garment. In that particular case, she should not have been allowed to wear it.


    (And, I'll go ahead pre-emptively shoot you down on the silly notion that somehow the 1st amendment has anything to do with this... "Congress shall make no law" does not apply here).

  5. I came up on this accident just moments after it happened. From the passenger's side of the car, it didn't look that bad. But when I noticed the young lady (who looked like she was in medical smocks as if she was a nurse) by the SUV just standing there with her hands on her face in complete shock, I figured from the other angle, it couldn't be good. A larger fellow was walking back from the car and just leaned into the SUV, as if he was having a difficult time dealing with the situation.


    I couldn't make myself look, either, but after I passed it (a good distance enough so that I didn't have to see something I didn't want to see) and looked in the mirror, it sure didn't look survivable.

  6. But, the same Animal Hospital charged me for a C-section, a Gas Anesthesia, an Examination, and $10.50 for some antibiotics. The total bill was $411.24


    I sent my wife back there, this time, thinking that the long drive was worth it because of the fairness they treated us with before, and they socked in $27.00 for an Indwelling Cath, $30.00 for a Prescreen, $27.00 for IV Fluids, $4.00 fopran IV Set, $25.00 for Oxygen, and $55.00 for an Initial Film. None of these 6 charges were ever charged us before. All of the things we were charged for before was the same price as last time. They didn't charge us for things like an IV and none of the other stuff before, even though the little dog got things like the IV in the process of the operation. The total for the same C-section was $597.00


    The new Veterinarian just socked it to us while we had our britches down. We would not have driven that for if we had known they were capable of doing that to us. We might as well have taken pot luck here closer to home. :unsure:

    You can get her spayed for free.

  7. The Blackberry Storm can be tracked by Verizon wireless. You'll probably have to call them and explain to them the situation, but they very well might be able to locate it. At the very least, they can disable it.


    Verizon also has a service called Chaperone that maps where phones are. I don't know if you can add it without someone on the phone OK'ing it, but if you can, that would be a sure-fire way of finding where it is. The sooner you do this the better, as the battery won't last forever without being charged.


    Good luck.



  8. I really don't care where the stress comes from only that someone elses problems or some of the systems problems are negatively affecting my child. In fact I just got off the phone with my son's teacher and I am refusing to send him to school until this is over, the way he is going he is going to get suspended because of the stress from others. Kids should never be exposed to this kind of stress all because of 1 exam, not at the age of 5 when they aren't even taking the test. I am just so

    P O'd that this test has upset my kid so much

    Life's not a cake walk. The only thing he's learning is instead of dealing with the task at hand, someone will rescue him from it. Not a very good lesson, do you think? Who's going to rescue him when he HAS to take it, hmm?

  9. However I now have come to the conclusion about the STRESS the children, parents, school and teachers are put under from this test.

    There would be no stress about this test if the teachers did their jobs properly. The teachers would have the confidence that their students would pass... the students would have the confidence that they would pass.


    Any stress comes solely from the doubt (however small) that they will not pass it.


  10. (In my best June Cleaver impression) :p




    'scuse me young man, I speak IM


    He/she is saying that it could happen during brownouts. It happened in California when Grey Davis was governor and they were having brownouts due to low electrical production.




    Leg 'er down and smack'em yak'em....



  11. I would hope my childs teacher would know if he can spell or use grammar properly.
    I wouldn't be too quick to assume that. Honestly, just look around you in society. Just look here on Paulding.com!


    If the child truly knows the content matter, one more "pass it or lose" test will be nothing for them to conquer.



  12. I really don't think the college professor cares if my 3rd grader doesn't pass the reading test. I don't really think they care what a 3rd or 5th grader did in elementary school. So what's the point? What I do think the college professor would care about is why there are so MANY of these children not passing...what's wrong with the teachers/principals/board of ed/Kathy Cox?

    The professor will care that they never learned how to do some of the most basic things like spell or use grammar properly; things that the CRCT would have found.

  13. No then we go back to the pass so as not to hurt feelings deal.

    The CRCT prevents the "pass so as not to hurt their feelings". The CRCT is a cold, ruthless bi*ch. It doesn't care if the child's feelings are hurt or not. If the child passes, great. If not, it's best for the child despite their hurt feelings.


    However if the student does fail due to the teacher not teaching what is needed then there has to be some accontabilty somewhere.

    Again, the CRCT helps locate these failure teachers who just pass the child along. I agree there needs to be stiff penalties for those who are outed by standardized testing such as the CRCT. You're dealing with unions and politics at that point, though. It'll be a tough challenge.


    I just do not think that the kids should suffer.

    Passing the child with a false notion that they are truly educated will cause them suffering for their entire adult life... a much worse alternative than temporary suffering now, don't you think?

  14. Why be such a smart butt, does that make you feel good. It sure didn't help my feelings

    Didn't mean for it to come across that way. My apologies if it did. Your comment about how did your child pass all these years with A's and then fail the test once was the evidence I was talking about. The point being you might want to reconsider the notion that their grades accurately reflect what they've learned.


    The child entered the test with all indications that everything was ok, when in fact they were slightly deficient in the subject they did not pass. Either they were given the opportunity to learn the matter but didn't, or they were never given the matter in the first place. In either case, to pass the child and continue to give them a false sense that they are fully educated and prepared is cheating the child.

  15. So, because the teacher failed to teach the subject the student failed? Some how that is flawed logic.

    Do you think the student should progress through school being fooled into thinking they know what they should know? There's your flawed logic.


    Then every teacher my child has had has been lenient, she has never made below a B, mostly A's but still failed the reading CRCT last year by a few points, 7th grade for the first time ever.

    And there's the "ah ha!" moment we've been waiting for.

  16. Well, you're wrong there! There are absolutely questions asked in the CRCT that have never been covered in the classroom setting. This is a known fact that teachers will readily share.

    ... and hence why the CRCT is there. To prevent the schools from promoting kids who have not received all of the required knowledge. If there is something on that test that the students never received, the school failed them; the point that I have been trying to make. You can't see the forest for all the trees.


    One last time...


    CRCT is there to ensure a standardized minimum has been met. If the student fails it, one of two things has happened; (1) the student never got the proper education to be able to pass it or, (2) the student does not know the topic. If the student fails it yet has straight A's in class, that is evidence of the school promoting them improperly.


    In either case, the student is not prepared to continue and should (properly) be held back until they know the topic.


    Very, very simple concept.

  17. I think by that statment that you have just proved that it is about the teachers and not the kids. There was a time not long ago that kids were promoted agianst the teachers wishes because they didn't want to hurt the kids feelings. Before that you passed or failed based on how you did all year. I had hoped that by now we had come back to that. Guess not.

    Before you think I have no idea what I am talking about, I have 3 children 28,23, and 9. I have traisped through the school system a long time and to tell you the truth these test are not a good idea.

    My older kids were in school when they droped phonics, I am so glad that the schools returned to that tried and true method. They were in school when Algbra was started in the 6th grade. We didn't start that until 9th grade when I was in school in the eighties. Now they have it in 3rd grade. It seems that right now our kids are in a social experment, and it is going horriably wrong.

    I think it honestly benefits both sides. It outs the teachers and schools who blindly promote kids who don't know the subjects, and it stops the kids who are misled into thinking they are well-educated from going on and becoming even more lost.


    What's so bad about that?


    Honestly, the kids who are so uptight about this are uptight because they obviously have doubts on their abilities to pass this. Had they received a proper education in the first place, they would have no worries going into it... it would be just another test.

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