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Posts posted by ShayShay

  1. Denise,

    I seen ya'll at the service, Saturday. Your daughter was pushing Ashton up to the office when we seen her I asked her if that was Ashton she said yes. He seemed a little fussy then so, I didn't want to bother ya'll. Just know that I think of you everyday and pray that God gives you the comfort and grace that you need. He has given me so much Grace, I could never repay Him. I too, lost my son, he's buried close to your boys. His grave is the first one when you pull in the driveway. Hope to get to personally meet you some day, until then please know I'm praying for ya'll.

  2. Latha,

    I know exactly how you are feeling right now. I'm so sorry you have to feel this hurt too. Lean on the Lord he will help you. I know you don't think so right now but, He will. Anytime you need to talk or just a shoulder to cry on, please call me. Scotty and Michelle are buried at Peaceful Meadows also. Praying for you and your family. Please call if there is anything I can do.



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